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Animals' Vision Deteriorates With Age
You're out for a walk and you notice a bird in need of help. You stop and watch as it struggles to fly. After several minutes, you realize this won't be easy and you continue on your way. But a few hours later, you're still thinking about the bird and you decide to stop again. It takes you several tries before the bird is able to take off, but it flies away just as you decide to give up. You look down at your phone in despair, knowing you could have helped, but also feeling guilty of wasting such a beautiful day.
This scenario is all too common when it comes to animals and nature. Thanks to technology, we're able to help, and that's what inspired Carrie Rose to start a blog dedicated to animal rescue and rehabilitation. In particular, she focuses on saving birds' lives, and how technology can play a role. She also started a business, A Sparrow's Eye, that provides smart eyewear to animal lovers who want to keep track of their feathered friends while hiking, biking, or just exploring the great outdoors.
When we're not spending time outdoors, we're often glued to our phones, tablets, or laptops. These devices allow us to do things like email, browse the internet, and play games, among many others. But while we have great technology that helps us save animals' lives, we don't carry around equipment to help them see, especially since most animals are unable to tell us when they're in pain or need of help.
Luckily, there's a solution. As a photographer, Carrie Rose was frustrated by the fact that she couldn't easily identify birds by sight. So she started looking into how else she could help, and she stumbled upon the solution while researching smart eyewear.
What is smart eyewear?
Smart eyewear is wearable technology designed to help animals. It works in conjunction with a smartphone or tablet to display relevant information about the environment around the animal. For example, when a passerby is close enough to the bird so that its visual range interferes with the camera lens, the app will notify the owner via push notifications.
The information is relayed to a small screen on the inside of each lens, and it's designed to look like an actual eyeball. This makes the device more palatable to pets and wildlife since it looks like an actual eyeball that can sense movement and possibly even understand voice command. (Yes, you read that right.)
Because the device is designed to look like an eyeball, it's also known as eyeball wear.
Why do animals need help seeing? Just like humans, animals' vision deteriorates as they get older. However, there are a few differences. First, animals' eyes are not designed to focus in the way we do, which can result in blurry or distorted vision. This usually happens when we start relying on technology in our daily lives which can play a role in the deterioration of our own vision. Just like humans, animals need good quality light in order to see clearly. Unfortunately, in the case of animals, this can be hard to come by since the majority of them are unable to tell us when they're in need of good lighting or even when the sun has went down.
This is why the majority of the smart eyewear devices are aimed at outdoors activities. By incorporating solar illumination into the design, the device is able to provide helpful information to animals even in low light conditions.
How else can animals benefit from smart eyewear? In addition to helping with visual impairment, smart eyewear can also enhance an animal's existing senses. It's a combination of technology and nature, and it has the potential to help animals live a comfortable and happy life. For example, a hiker may find that they can utilize the device's thermal imaging to quickly detect approaching wildlife, such as a tiger or mountain lion. This ability to see heat can help the animal maintain their composure and not panic when confronted by a predator. It may also allow them to hunt more effectively since they have the ability to detect the animal's vital signs (such as heart rate and temperature) through their clothing or gear.
Similarly, a pet parent may want to keep track of their animal's location and activity levels via a connected app. They can also set up automated responses to help provide food and water when their pet's tank or bowl is near or low on liquid.
Which animals can benefit from smart eyewear? While there are many situations where animals could benefit from smart eyewear, it's important to note that not all species are able to use the technology. This is primarily due to the fact that some animals have an easier time telling us when they're in need of help than others do. (For example, dogs have an easier time vocalizing when they're experiencing pain than other animals do.)
However, this should not stop you from adopting or purchasing smart eyewear for an animal. As we mentioned above, not all pets or wildlife will be able to use the technology efficiently, but that doesn't mean that it's not beneficial to try. Just make sure that the animal you choose to see with smart eyewear has tried it out before and is willing to use it. Otherwise, it could be dangerous to rely on this device without proper instruction (and we all know how dangerous this can be).
What's the price range of smart eyewear? The price range of smart eyewear is relatively high, starting at around $500 and going up from there. However, this is still much more affordable than rescuing and rehoming animals, which can cost thousands of dollars. Moreover, the benefits of smart eyewear are significant, which is why it continues to gain in popularity each year.
It's also important to keep in mind that some animals are more expensive to care for than others. For example, chimpanzees are extremely expensive since they need a large amount of space and human attention. This makes them difficult to take care of since it's hard to find someone or some organization that specializes in this area. However, even the most expensive species, such as pandas, are still cheaper than buying a new pair of glasses every year.
Where can I buy smart eyewear? You can buy smart eyewear from any major retailer or online store that specializes in selling pet products. Make sure to buy from a reputable source and always read reviews before making a purchase. This way, you'll be sure to get the best quality product for your money's worth. Buying from an unauthorized source could lead to you receiving a lemon which could potentially cause you and your animal more harm than good.

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