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844 210 2554 main number
844 651 5876 ADO Aetna Dental Offer

Angel Crisostomo:
agentsales username: ACrisostomo
temp password: 123456
email: [email protected]
Jira username: Angel.Crisostomo

Dental savings plans?

*Dental savings plans is a yearly membership, wich offers Discount dental plans easy and affordable alternative to dental insurance.

Plan members have access to a big network of dentists which together offer discounts on their services.
Is a Marketplace with plans of Discounts for dental procedue, wich with one pay you can use it hassel free for a year .

active listening

are discounts offered as different plans wich you can pay them as a membership.

Vermont , the only state we do not offer service, no network, no negotiations there

California, have restrictions (Promotions and discounts are not available), just work with Aetna y idental.
plans avaliable,
1. Aetna vital Savings by Aetna dental and prespription dfiscount.
2. Aetna vital Savings
3. iDental Plan

Meriland does not pay the 25$ procesing Fee

All states , adding Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii

Florida: Solstice Plus Plan One, this is the one with every six month, free cleaning and free xray and check up with a 10$ fee

Washington state, 2 networks, 3 plans
Signa (prefered network access by signa , signa plus savings)
Careington (Careington care 500) from the flanker site.

Types of providers (Dentist):
7 providers, 6 are specialist, 1 gen. Dentist.

*General. Dentist: evaluations, treatments, basic procedures and maybe some major ones. (filling,crouns (cap),
*Endodontist: treat the tooth nerve (pulp), infection in the bone by nerve infections (Root canals).
*Oral Maxillofacil Surgery: Treat hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth and Jaws. Extraction.
*Pediatric Dentistry: take care of childs
*Prosthodontist: deal with anythings that is fake on the mouth, restorations, implants, crown, replacement teeth.
*Orthodontist: especialiced for Invisalign, braces, malposition of theet or jaw.
*Periodontist: especialize on deseases of the gums, gingivintis etc .

Headquarters & Customer Care Center:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

DP check: Means the dentist was called and educated about the Dental Plan
Provider Care: the ones who performe the DPChecks and deal with providers/dentist situations

Fee Schedules: a list of ADA codes, descriptions and prices
ADA: America Dental Asociation
ADA code: start with D and have 4 letter (D0120) , is the ID for every procedure.
Prices: here you can see all you can save

Diferent Fee Schedules:
Set (have an "A" as actual, on the plastic page): this plan does not vary depending of the zip code, region or dentist, all will charge the same. For General dentistry.
are good for restorative
Whatever prices you see on the fee schedule are the prices that will be charge.

("VD" varies by Dentits), depending of the zip code, region, or dentins.

SEE FEE SCHEDULE: Prices on the fee schedule will vary by dentist, zip code and dentist

UCR: usual and Customary Rate ( Dentist regular fee)

Treatment Plan: List with all the procedures given by the dentits, the patient was recomended to do, with the prices.

Tooth Chart: We have Molars, Bicuspid Molar(pre molares), Cuspid(colmillos), Incisor(frente),

Posterior (in the back: molar,), interior (front tooth, Bicuspid)

Prophilaxis: cleaning

If someone ask for insurace: creatre the lead, pitch for sale, if they still want insurace, transfer because we dont sale it.

*******************Flanker sites
External (sister brands) sites who sales Dental plans

1. Dedicated to california

2. its dedicated to millenials, doesnt mention dental plan, because we have to adress it as the page name.
we are able to let customer know LMDB is owned by DP.

3. we dont receive that much calls, the page just mention 2 plans
4, only Aetna, plans and insurrance, we receive lots of calls.
5. sitio en Espanol
6. Plans from iDental
7. Plans from Careington, here they have different plans at different prices. They have cheaper prices. They are very sensitive about mention other company or dental plans.
Care POS: 20-50%, a difference from normal plans, uin the page the plan desnt offers vision on the site.
500 series: is available in washington, similar to the dentalPOS
500 series Plus: comes with telemedice similar to DPHealthNow.

*******************Genrl. Dentist:

Cround: 2 types, ceramic, porcelain

Types of Fillings:
The prices are going to be related of how deep the cavity is too.
If they dont have ADA code, we have to locate where is located, in the Front (anterior) or the Back (Posterior)

*Gold: sturdy and no corrosive, last up to 15 years, cost 10X more, take a few visit to fit proper

*Sylver Amalgam: strong and durable like gold but cheaper, is prone to spand and it can crack you tooth.

*Resin Base Compo'site: tooth-colored composite, can match your teeth, not as durable as metal just 5 year, more expensive thann amalgam but less than gold.

*Ceramic: made of porcelain, durable and pleasing looking,

*Glass Ionomers: last less than 5 y, normally good for kids

Root canal:
1.kill of the nerve
2.core build up
3. cround
prices are going to be different depending on which type of teeth is going to be .
Anterior, Bycuspid, Molar,

Braces, metal aligments
Invisalign, plastic trasnparent
Treating any alignment of the mouth.
If you start a process with one dentist, and then you want top continue the process with another, that second one will start the process again.

WIP: Work in progress by another provider. Dental plans/insurance will not cover any work that is already in progress.

*******************Oral Surgeon Maxillofacil
*Removing desased and impact teeth (Extraccion).
*Do anesthesia
*Dental implants
*Facial trauma
*Help facil pain

*******************Pediatric Dentist
General Dentist but for kids from born to 16 YO.
Gen. Dentists often act as a Pediatrics one, under the "Family Doctor" Umbrella

Deep Cleening: Periodontal scaling and root planing. The price depend how many teeth per quadrant .

They are called as the Architect and also the fake Dentits.

Is a removable replacement of a missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
Complete: when all the teeth are missing. They can be Immediate(made of the rwemoved tooth) or convencional ().
Partial (Bridge): When some natural teeth remains. Is a less expensive alternative to implants.

Surgical component in the bone of the jaw, to support a dental prosthetic.
have 3 steps:
1.placement of the implnat
2.healing process
3.placement of the prosthesis

Category of services:
Usuals ADA codes:
D0 : diagnostic. X.Ray, evaluations
*D0120 periodic oral evaluation
*D0150 comprehensive oral evaluation
*D0210 intraoral - complete radiographic (xRays) different types
D1 : Preventions. treatments, sealant, mainteiners
*D1110 prophylaxis - adult cleaning
*D1120 prophylaxis - child cleaning
*D1351 sealant - per tooth
D2 : Resto'rative.
Minor restorations, crounds, fillings,
*D2330 to D2335: resin based composite anterior (one to four/more surfaces)
*D2391 to D2394: resin based composite posterior (one to four/more surfaces)
*D2740 crown - porcelain/ceramic
*D2750 crown - porcelain w/metal
*D2950 core buildup, including any pins
*D7240 removal of impacted tooth -GenDent. if above complex or impacted.
D3 : Endodontics.
root canal(Endodontic THerapy),
*D3310 ET, anterior tooth.
*D3320 ET, bicuspid tooth
*D3330 ET, molar
*D2950: Core build-up
*D2740: crown porcelain/ceramic substrate
*D2750: crown porcelain fused with high noble metal
D4 : Periodontics. root planing, maintenence, gingivitis
*D4341 periodontal scaling and root planing 4+ teeth per quadrant (Deep Cleening)
*D4342 periodontal scaling and root planing 1-3 teeth per quadrant (Deep Cleening)
*D4910 periodontal maintenance (every 3 month)
*D4910: Periodontal Maintenance
*D6010: Surgical placement of implant body endosteal implant
*D6058: Abutment supported porcelain/ceramic crown
*D6050: Surgical placement of implant body trans steal implant
*D6020: Abutment support endosteal implant
*D4210 gingivectomy or gingivoplasty
D5 : Prosthodontics. prostetics, dentures, bridges, implants
*D5110 complete denture -maxi llary
*D5120 complete denture - mandibular
*D5130 immediate denture - maxillary
*D5140 immediate denture - mandibular
*D6 : Implants. surgical, supported,
*D6205 indirect resin based composite
*D6210 cast high noble metal
*D6245 porcelain/ceramic
*D6242 porcelain fused to noble meta
*D6010 surgical placement of implant body: endosteal implant
*D6058 abutment suported porcelain crown
D7 : Oral and maxilofacial. extractions, removals,
*D7220 removal of impacted tooth - soft tissue
*D7140: Simple extraction
*D7241 removal of impacted tooth - completely bony, with unusual surgical complications
*D7220 to D7241: removal of impacted tooth with/without complications.
D8 : Orthodontics. Braces, invisaline(consult with the provider normally 20% to 25%)
*D8090 comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adult dentition
*D8080 comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adolescent dentition
D9 : Genreal Services. anesthesia, laughing gas, addition benefits, Oclusal Guard, Night Guard.
*D9220-9221 General Anestesia
*D9230 Nitrous Oxide

Elevator Speech:
capture an interested caller attention. you can give a brief bit of information to have conversation started.

Auxilary Benefits:

Emergency activation: base on the plan, some can be activated right away, others up to 3 days.

Renewal Option:
Most plans are from 12-15 month.

ARS: automatic Renuwal Service.
30 Bussiness days prior to the experation day. Members can chance to Manual renew or to DNR(Do Not Renew) via the AtYourService team.

Lab Fees: Any prostetic procedure wich require a LAB. Prostetics, Crowns, dentures, etc,. They can cost as much as the procedure itself.
They are discounted by the plan, only if the material is not upgraded.

A swich: is when a person purchase a plan a later they want to change it, depending on the plan they will pay something or not. (Member care takes care of it).

PPO: prefer provider organization: traditional insurace.
HMO: Health Maintance Organization .
traditional insurace.

LIA: licencse insurance agent:
if someone call and want an insure, we transfer to them, but first pich the Plan in case they are interested.
Create a lead
Prequalify the caller (verify the customers needs, and pitch the diferences)
List the PPO we offer
if they still want an insurance, verify if they want one of the 4 Ins.Plan we sold. Let them know its wrong number.


I understand, *NAME*. Let me ask you, what are some of the dental procedures you need to get done? Because with insurance plans there are waiting periods of up to 6 to 12 months for most procedures. With our savings plans it is quick activation so you can get started using the benefits as early as tomorrow! Also, unlike insurance, there are no pre-existing conditions, So let me go over the savings benefits of our plans and then we will get you started with your savings today (pitch savings plan benefits)

How to verify the person on the system :
Member ID - 802, 803, 804
Email Address
Phone number
First and Last Name

Insurance Plans we sell:
The company offer insurances but we dont assist them.Trnasfer to LIA.
Delta Dental Insurace

4 insurance informations:
Preventative services are covered at 100% from day 1.
Insurance polices have maximus,
May have waiting periods,
Have deductibles

Disclaimers: We Must the disclaimers prior to procesing the sale.

PA CODE: dentist office code and identifies a PMP dentist.the agent of the pmp team They can get comissions with it, and gives discounts to the prospec.

If someone ask for insurace: creatre the lead, pitch for sale, if they still want insurace, transfer because we dont sale it.

on a PMP call
Who is your dentist?
Did your dentist give you a PACODE?
Did your dentist recommend a plan?
What is your dentist zip code?

Invoice / Bill of sale:
We can send them on request but we need to advise, Our programs can not be use for tax redutions.

Plastic Cards:
Now we use cardboard card, we send them if the client request them.
Plans that can receive cardboard hard cards (Upon request)
CignaPlus savings
Aetna Dental Access
PNA By Cigna
Careington 500
Aetna vital savings
Aetna Vital Savings Plus Solstice
Patriot Plan
Dental Save
DP Smarthealth
Uni- Care 100
:DP Healthnow
:DP Complete Care
Careington POS Plus

3 plans that are not dentals,
VSP Vision Care: Vision
Coast to Coast : vision
DP Health Now: Telemedicine, request refill, examinations, etc.

DENTAL PLAN Characteristics:
· No annual limits
· Fast activations
· No tiresome paperwork hassles
· No health restrictions
· Discounts on dental specialties
· Affordable membership fees.
· Available directly to individuals, families, businesses and groups

PPO WE SELL: Renaissance, Humana, Delta Dental Insurance, Aetna.

*******************Aetna Plans:

1.Aetna Dental Access:
Dental Only
takes 2 bussines day (BD on the plastic page) to become active.
The only plan that can be emergency activated.
("VD" varies by Dentits), depending of the zip code, region, or dentins.
On specialties procedures, (SFS See Fee Schedule, on the plastic page) consult exact prices. if it have a % it means the dentist will give that % amount th the procedure.
ADACNF(ADA Codes Not Found):
if this is the case, Aetna will give a 10-25% discount but they have to confirm with the dentist.
Implast are discounts
Whitenings, yes
Invisalign, not avaliable, its an exclution
Veenirs, consult witht he dentist
If it have a tooth icon, means its a dental only plan.
MediCare patients, be carefull selling an Aetna plan with prescription benefits , because it is going to interfiere, its going to show it have 2 plans.
in this case is good to ask: Do you currently have prescription benefits?

Aetna comes with Lab Fees discounts.
These plans operates under the same PPO schedule even tho they are not PPO plans, means we cover the same things than the insurace cover but with less hassel.
On a family matter, childs are supported up to 18- 25 if they are full time students.

2. Aetna Vital Dental Savings:
in this plan anybody in the same household can use it.
if there is no ada code lsited on the fee schedule, ca be discounted 10-25% of the normal doctor fee.
Dental an vision

3. Aetna Vital Dental Saving Plus: dental, vision, Hearing benefit.
having an discounts on presciption can interfiere on the insurance discounts. So if the insurace have a presciption service with the insurance we do not recomented to use the AVDSPlus. All Household can access.
Dental ,vision, perscription and hearing

Aetna EyeMed: Included in the Vital Sanvings Plans, by Aetna and Powered by EyeMed.
Have access to retailes: JCPenny Optical, Vision Source, Pearle Vision Centers, Sears Optical, Target Optical, Visionworks, etc.

4. DP completes Care:
Comes with Dental ,vision, perscription , hearing and Telemedicine.

CVS: is a pharmacy is not an issurance in some states, operaterates via cigna, burt in some states it work form Aetna.

*******************Cigna Plans:

in difference with Aetna,
CIgna does discount Invisalign. yes
Work the same way as Aetna.
Family matters, same, full-time students up to 25 YO.
Prices vary due to ZIP, region, and dentist.
anything without a fee schedule with be discounted 25%.
Lab fees includes

Cigna Prefered Network Access: is a dental only plan

Alliance HealthCard Savings card: Savings card

CVS Health iSave: CVS is only available just for renewals no new enrollments.
One of the best feature of this plan is CVS MinuteClinic, is a walk in clinic, were you can go with no hassel.

Cigna Plus Savings:
aditional Benefits administrated via de Signa healthy reward program
Vision Savings
Hearing Savings

*******************Avia Plans:
is one of the oldest network 1993

20-25% discount out of the regualr price.
Cosmetic or other procedure not listed are 20% OFF the provider normal fee.
Avia is one of the best plans for Invisalign, 20-25% off.
Doesnt have Lab Fees discounts.
Active in 2 BD .
Can be emergency activated.
Only avaliable on 20 states.
Have a set fee schedule

*******************iDental Plans:
By united comcordia
Since 1982

saves average 10-50% on most dental services.
Lab fees are included.
If its not listed in the fee schedule , they wont have discount
Anyone in the household can use the plan
its avaliable on california

*******************Careington Plans:

Especialty procedure will be discounted 20% out of the regural price
Set fee Schedule
Save an average of 20-60% on most dental services.
no lab fees
whole household
discount on veneers
discoung anesthesia

3 Careington Plans

500 series Careington
CarePOS Careington
DP Smart Health

too permisive

*******************Solstice Plans:

Plan One only in Florida
saves from 10-50% on most dental procedure.
Set fee Schedule
Specialties procedures 25% of the regural price
has an exclution, no implants avaliable, no discounts.
Both of soltice plan comes with prescription benefits, administrated by CareMark / CVS,

2 Solstice Plans

Solstice Plus Plan One:
every six month, free cleaning and free xray and check up
Osha(Organization Securitry Health Administrator) Fee /Officer visit , 10$ fee per patience.
Only on florida

Solstice Plus Plan Complete:
Created on 2022
does not offer the free stuff at the six month.
NY, NJ, Tennesse, Georgia

*******************Patriot Plans:

10-50% most dental procedures

2 Plans

Patriot Plan:
Set fee Schedule
Specialties procedures is a SFS
Free exam and xray once per year, if they have a cleaning on the same visit.Cleaning used to cost 58$ now is 65$
Not listed services have a 25% discount.
Invisalign are 25% off
Especialities are 25 %

Patriot Plan Plus
Aditional Benefit: Prescription. Vision, hearing, chiropractice.
Especialities are 20 %

*******************Dominion National Plans:

Dental only Plan.
only available on 6 states.
The only plan activate at an especific date, the first of the month.
Give 1 free cleaning a check up per year .
Includes full-time student up to 26 YO
LAb fee not includes
OSHE fee is 15$
Special treatment,
Invisalign not discounted
Specialty procedure are 25%.

*******************DEnteMAx lans:

10-40% most dental procedures
Fee Varies by dentist....
not listed on the Fee schedule wont be discounted
Anyone on the Household are included
Lab fee are included
Specialty procedure - SFS
Veeners and Invisalign- yes
Implants - yes
Withening - no

*******************Dentegra lans:

Save between 15-50%
Dental only
Fee Varies by dentist....
Specialty procedure - SFS
Anyone on the Household are included
not listed on the Fee schedule wont be discounted
Emergency activated

*******************Humana Plans:

it does not sale very often, unless the dentist recomended,because we dont have access to see the fee schedule.
dentals saving 20-40%

Humana Dental Saving:
dental only plan

Humana Dental Saving Plus:
aditional saving: pharmacy, vision, hearing


Unicare 100:
Least expensive at all, cost 79.90$
only for preventative work, not that much procedures.
there is an ad saying 7$ a month,
Give you 15% on especialty procedures

Unicare 200:
More extensive Fee schedule
cost 124$
Give you 20% on especialty procedures


DP Health Now
stand alone

DP complete Care
Dental network: Aetna Dental Access

DP Smart Health
Careington POS

Telemedicine ID card:
Teladoc: 24/7 access to a certified doctor over the phone, video or app.
Doctor online: avaliable doctors online.
Health Advocacy:
Medical Bill Saver:

SingleCare: Free prescription service any person can access
Anyone can receive it (Members and interested) and its for live, no need to be a member

How did you Hear about Us
Direct mail
Friend or family
Dentist / dental staff
Healthcare provider or profesional
Insurance broker
Suze Orman
Doesnt remember

The PPC Lead: Pay Per Click
Used when a a customer look for keywords for dental plans or dental insurance.
Mail-print Flyer/Coupon: We send the print to good prime customer profiles, we have to pay them attention, create interest on them.
Banner Online: Ads online show up on search pages
TV Commercial:
Social Media: Facebook, etc
Insurace Broker: A 3rd party, Licensed Insurance agents who elect to sell our plans.
If they are calling about broker info as commisions, we need to transfer to the brokers line.
DP Group: If someone is purchasing a plan for a large group of people(more than 5) , we need to transfer to the group team. They may be monthy or annual.
We do not make any changes to any of them, their company need to ask for the change.

PMP Lead: is a lead recomended by the dentist.
We need to ask the lead about the PACode and ask if the dentist recomended any plan.

Ambassador Program-Friend and Family referral: Make sure to search for the rewar Code so the Member receive 15% and Free aditional Month.

SingleCare: its a pharmacy discount card.
Is a free prescription card sent to all members. up to 80% on prescriptions.

Caren : white american, skinny, old, smokers

Sandra Fisher:jack of all trades , working for 10 Y w the company
2 boys
1 dog pitbull, brown nose
oxtail, rice and peas
racketball,. and swimming

jose; rice and beans ans salad, no much meat, motorcicle, 2 kids, hapilly single, 1 chiguagua, 38YO, used to play baseball

Danny alexander nazar,: 1 YO to the state, new york, 3 daughter, 51 YO, single, chinesse food, pork fried rice, duck sause. american football, broke knee,

Manny: luis manuel, 27, rice and beans, beisball, hamburgers.

scarlet: 19, lasagna, cook deserts, single, blonde, love pink

mayelin: maya, 26, psicologist, no kids, 4 nieces, spending time family, drive, pasta, junkie food , yaroa.

Luis: 32, 2 kinds, no petas, mangu fried chesse and onion, avocado, racing, paiting, play guitar

Angel: simple person,

felix: go fast, chicharron

Sammy: mnaried, 3 childrens, martial art, play pianno and drum, whould like to visit jamaica

[1:38 PM] Linette Rodriguez

*Providers: are the type of dentists reconognized by the ADA.

*ADA: American Dental Association

*The Provider Marketing Program:
is a free marketing program provided by
This program is designed to help your each, reactivate and retain patients. We send our enrolled practices free marketing material, with the ir unique PA Code, for them to provide to their un-insured and underinsuredpatients.

*DP Check:
is a verification process the provider teams, PMP amd Provider Care, complete with all dental offices who are in network with our dental saving plans. During the inbound or outbound call, the teams will attempt to confirm the plans we shows listed are verified with the office staff. This is completed to ensure a smooth process for our members during their visit with the dental office.

*ADA Code: unique code that identifies each dental procedure.

*Treatment plan: recommended treatment by the dentist. Contains the ADA codes, tooth number and conditions

*Fee Schedule : listof ADA codes along with the pricing

*UCR: usual and customary fee ( Dentist regular fee)

Waiting period

Root Canal
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Regards; Team

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