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Weight Loss Balloon Pill
A weight loss balloon pill is one of the non-invasive procedures that can help you lose weight. It works by taking up space in the stomach and decreasing the level of hormone ghrelin. While it is safe and does not require surgery, there are many things to keep in mind before you try it.
Obalon is a non-invasive weight loss procedure

Obalon is a non-invasive procedure that can help you lose weight. Patients may experience abdominal cramping, nausea, and diarrhea, but these are short-term and usually treatable. Following the procedure, patients can resume their normal activities. The treatment can also help you learn about new food choices and help you feel full longer.

Patients must follow a diet and exercise plan recommended by their physicians after receiving Obalon. This diet and exercise program can help them keep the weight off after the treatment. Those who lose weight with Obalon also live longer than patients who don't. This procedure is also completely reversible. The balloons remain in place for six months, after which they are removed through an endoscopic procedure.

Obalon involves a balloon system that is placed in the stomach. These balloons are small and FDA approved, and they fill about 70% of the stomach's space. Patients are encouraged to eat smaller meals after getting the balloons. Patients will experience gradual weight loss. Eventually, the balloons will be removed by an endoscopic procedure under light sedation.
It works by taking up space in your stomach

Weight loss balloon pills work by taking up space in the stomach, which helps you lose weight. They are inserted using a thin flexible tube, called an endoscope, which travels from the mouth down the esophagus and then into the stomach. The balloon then takes up the space in the stomach, causing you to feel full faster and eat less.

In order to use this treatment, patients must have a consultation with their doctor. Their doctor will assess their current health and medical history and may order blood tests and other tests. They will also need to follow a medically supervised diet and exercise program. Patients may also need to work with a nutritionist for support and guidance.
It affects the production of ghrelin

In a recent study, researchers found that the weight loss balloon pill affected the production of ghrelin in human volunteers. Although the exact mechanism of this effect is not fully understood, they found that the balloons may affect the fundus, an area in the stomach where ghrelin is produced. To test this hypothesis, researchers randomized participants to either a sham balloon treatment or an intragastric balloon treatment. Blood samples for ghrelin were taken during a fasting state and after a meal at the start of the study and at 13, 26 and 52 weeks after the balloon procedure. In addition, they took biopsy samples of the fundus at endoscopy to determine the amount of ghrelin cells present.

The researchers found that the balloon decreased the amount of ghrelin cells in the stomach at the end of week 26. The number of ghrelin cells decreased from 141.6 cells/surface area to 116.3 cells/surface area. However, the reduction was not correlated with the position of the balloon on a plain X-ray.
It can lead to intolerance

While the weight loss balloon pill has been a huge success, it can lead to intolerance in some people. This condition happens when a person's body has a problem digesting a specific type of food. People who are sensitive to certain types of food experience gastrointestinal discomfort or even an allergic reaction. In some cases, this sensitivity is so severe that it requires epinephrine, an adrenaline injection, to treat the symptoms.
It has side effects

One of the possible side effects of weight loss balloon pills is upset stomach. Fortunately, this is rare. It occurs in fewer than one out of every 10,000 people. Symptoms of upset stomach include indigestion and gastric discomfort. The best way to minimize stomach upset is to chew your food well and drink plenty of water.

Most people can eat most of their normal meals within two to three weeks after receiving this procedure. However, it is important to avoid heavy meals for the first few weeks. It is also important to chew your food thoroughly and eat four to five small meals per day. Some foods may stick to the balloon, which can cause heartburn or belching. In order to avoid this, make sure you drink water after each meal. As your stomach becomes accustomed to the balloon, you'll be able to tolerate more food. It is also important to maintain a diet rich in nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables.
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