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Choosing a Social Media Marketing Platform
The world of best smm panel is vast, and it can be hard to know where to begin. Whether you're a complete newbie or simply need some tips and tricks to make the most of your existing resources, this blog post will help you map out a clear strategy for your next social media marketing campaign.
Why Social Media Marketing?'s Important In 2012, digital marketing will overtake traditional marketing in terms of budget, though we're still going to see plenty of B2C marketing and advertising across all platforms. According to HubSpot Blogs' research, 66% of consumers have used some sort of social media to research products or services, while 48% have used it to chat with companies about products.
Businesses need to be aware of these platforms and how to properly utilize them to reach customers. Social media marketing is a smart choice for businesses of all sizes because it allows you to target the right audience and allow customers to engage with you, your company, and your product through a variety of channels.
Social Media Marketing Platforms While you don't necessarily need one special platform to do social media marketing, it's a good idea to choose one that allows you to build and grow your audience, engage with your fans, and track the results of your marketing efforts. Here are a few to consider.
Facebook: With over 1.89 billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2018 and growing, Facebook is the granddaddy of social media platforms. It's also a great place for businesses to build a brand and connect with potential customers. Twitter: With over 348 million monthly active users as of September 30, 2018 and growing, Twitter is the choice of savvy marketers who want to stay ahead of the curve. Instagram: While Pinterest is the most popular social media platform among teens, Instagram is the preferred choice for influencers and brands who want to connect with millions of potential customers. LinkedIn: For job seekers, LinkedIn is the go-to place to build a profile, connect with other professionals, and find positions that match your skills. YouTube: If you're looking to build a brand, YouTube is the place to do it. Over 3.9 billion monthly active users and growing, YouTube provides a wealth of content for consumers, from company pitches to tutorials, to celebrity interviews and more. Snapchat: While somewhat similar to Instagram in that videos can be shared with other users, Snapchat allows for a more private exchange of creative content, through which businesses can develop more meaningful connections with their customers. Periscope: Similar to Twitter in that content can be shared through live broadcasts, but with the added element of being able to watch and participate in real-time chats with other users. Podcasts: If you've got something important to say, consider giving it a permanent home on the internet through a podcast. Marketers can use podcasts to speak with industry experts about marketing, strategy, and behavior change. You can learn a lot from listening to podcasts. How to Choose the Right Social Media Marketing Platform There are a number of platforms out there, and it can be hard to know which one is the best fit for your needs. Below, we'll discuss some of the things you should consider before choosing a social media marketing platform.
Features One of the most important things to consider when choosing a social media platform is the features it offers. Not all platforms are made equal, and you want to make sure you find one that has all the features you need to succeed. Below we've compiled a list of some of the important features to look out for.
API access: Does the platform provide application programming interfaces (API) so that third-party developers can build applications and tools using its data? Analytics: Does the platform track and report your performance, including the number of engagement and social actions (likes, shares, etc.)? Customization: Can you fully customize your profile, blog page, and advertisements? Integration: Does the platform integrate with other platforms and applications (e.g., email marketing, advertising platforms, etc.)? Localization: Can you translate your content into other languages? Community: Does the platform offer a vibrant community of users who are willing to engage with you, your content, and your brand? Security: Does the platform store personal information and data securely? Search: Can you easily search for content, people, and places? Segmentation: Is there intelligent segmentation based on your interests, behaviors, and demographics? Reporting: Does the platform offer a clear way to track performance and optimize results? Dashboard: Is there a central place to see all of your metrics, results, and performance? Ease of Use Another important thing to consider when choosing a social media platform is how easy it is to use. Every day, we're bombarded with messaging, advertisements, and content that's designed to be quick and easy to use. For this reason, make sure you choose a platform that's easy to use — this means you should look for a platform that either
Is completely free: There are a variety of free platforms out there, such as Twitter and YouTube. However, you should avoid these platforms if your goal is to grow a solid audience. Is very difficult to use: If you're looking for a complex platform that offers a lot of features, make sure you choose one that's not too difficult to use — even Apple users say that the latest release, iPad Pro, is a little difficult to use due to its many bells and whistles. Does not have a prominent ad unit: It's easy to get distracted by all the flashy, colorful ads on various social platforms. However, if you're looking for a clean and uncluttered experience, make sure you choose a platform that does not have these flashy ads — they may slow down your experience rather than enhance it. Reputation Another important factor to consider when choosing a social media platform is its reputation. Check out reviews of the platform you're considering using—this will give you a good idea of how others feel about the service. If you're looking for a platform with a good reputation, make sure you choose it.
Also, look for user generated reviews rather than the company's review. This way, you get a better sense of how the platform is actually used by real users.
The Pros and Cons of Each Platform With so many options out there, it can be hard to know which one is the best fit for your needs. In the table below, we've compiled a list of the pros and cons of each platform.
As you can see, each platform has its perks, but also has a few flaws. With that in mind, lets discuss the pros and cons of each one so that when you're making your decision, the most important factors to consider will be in front of you.
The table below is a breakdown of the most important pros and cons of each of the popular social media platforms. Keep this in mind as you read through the pros and cons, so that when you get to the end, you'll have a clear picture in mind of what each platform is best suited for.
If you're interested in trying out one of these platforms, or know which one you should avoid, make sure you consult this table to get a better understanding of what you're getting into.
Which One Is Best For Building A Brand? If your goal is to build a brand and ultimately engage with customers via social media, the most important thing to consider is which platform allows you to do this effectively. Below we've listed some of the best social media platforms for building a brand as well as the reasons why.
The three main contenders here are LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
LinkedIn: If you're looking to establish yourself as an expert in your industry, LinkedIn is a great place to do this. With over 600 million members, you have access to a potentially huge audience of professionals who are eager to hear what you have to say.
Instagram: Instagram is the preferred choice among influencers, celebrities, and companies who want to connect with millions of people. At the end of the day, this is a place where people come to get inspired, and you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be doing so via your content.

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