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'Minecraft Earth Tweaks Boost Home Play and Social Distancing

Microsoft's mobile AR title Minecraft Earth is following the lead of Pokemon Go by introducing new features that allow you to play at home during the outbreak of coronavirus. Since you'll have the ability to access "tappables" which are items like grass, stones and livestock, more often, and they'll be closer to you, you'll be able to gain them more often. Additionally, Minecraft Earth has introduced "adventure crystals" which allow adventures to be created right where you are which means you no longer have to travel to seek them.

In @minecraftearth you'll notice Tappables appearing more often and with more density, and you can also collect Adventure crystals so that you can create an Adventure right in your own home and not have to travel to an Adventure. Have you tried it?

-- Aubrey Norris, @Chupacaubrey, March 25, 2020. The AR game, like Pokemon Go, was designed to be played in real life. This isn't possible in California and a number of other states right now. Recent changes by Niantic were made to make the game more accessible at home. They introduced 100 Poke Ball bundle which costs 1 PokeCoin and a rotating 1 PokeCoin bundle that will change each week. It also increased the daily bonuses and increased how many gifts are available each day, up to 30.

The Minecraft Earth team said it developed these features in accordance with World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control guidelines about avoiding public places and gatherings with more than 10 people. Other features include an increased level cap as well as Bone Spiders Skeleletons, Dark Forest buildplates. Tropical Slime mobs.

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