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Hi. My name is Mwahib and I like to think of myself as such a kind, compassionate, caring person.....well there's more of course but my mind is blank at the moment. Some may say I'm Narcissistic example my brother I don't really know maybe I am but there's also a bad side of me just like everyone I guess. Here's mine I give up too easily which is really a bad think as I'm considering in joining med school-a school for extremely hard working pupil. I want to become a doctor I dont know why and I can't figure it out , all I know is that I want to be a doctor. Maybe it's because I want to be respected and seen as a priviliged person in society and I also like the title doctor, imagine being called DR.Mire so exiciting my dream. I know it's not a good enough reason but that's all I have at the moment . There's also the bad side of joining med school like having to full be dependent on my parents .That's not really what I ever wanted-spending daddy's feels so wrong I want to have my own money earn it live independently. I feel sorry for my parents I mean I'm nothing but a pain to them and they do soo much for me talk about being ungratrful.I'm working on improving myself and being a better daughter to my parents . I honestly don't try to displease them on purpose it happens now lets talk about how that happends .In my point of view my parents are sexists I can't really blame as that how they were raised girls doing the household chores and boys working my dad's beliefs. its totally wrong and hurtful like imagine your dad getting happy but seeing you mop the floor like ????? because I'm a girl I didn't choose to be a girl.I try cooping with it but it's definitely not easy. Let me not pretend as if being a boy is easy dad sends my brothers to mogadishu to work pure torture they work on the hot sun because there's suppose to be manly and strong . Stupid traditional roles . my father personally needs to understand things have changed its 2022!! for heaven's sake I can never understand him.
GREETINGS anthropoid. I would introduce myself as Mwahib Mahamoud an impeccable approachable upright person. On the contrary I also have my unpleasent side like any other average human would. Instance is how I effortlessly tend to lose hope within me which is something I can't afford as I'm planning to take part in Medical school-a facility specifically for committed determined strong-willingly persistent people. I aim to be a doctor in the future, I don't quite have a reasoning for this. Perhaps this is because I desire to be thought of as an admiring priviliged person in society. I also long for the moment someone refers to me as a doctor. ''Dr.Mire'' the comfort and ease of hearing that is unimaginable beyond words. I'm fully aware that it's not a complete purpose but that's all I have at the moment. As always , there's also the downside of joining medical school-being fully dependent on my parents. That was always against my wishes as I enjoy having my own-earned money and being an independent young lady. Life doesn't always go in your likings and expectations and you learn to live with it as time passes. I feel nothing but an absolute waste of space to my parents, they have always cherished me and tried fulfilling my wishes.

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