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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, or any other media or merchandise affiliated with it. Only this Fic.
NOTE: This is my first fanfic ever, one that I've wanted to write for some time now, and would appreciate any and all constructive criticism you have to offer. Any questions about the fic in general, will be answered at the end of each new chapter in a Q&A section.
I Took The Road Less Traveled...
Chapter 2: Journey into Dreams
Gallatin knew something was wrong the second the he stopped being able to breathe… The fact that he was falling from what he presumed to be half a mile off the ground over a huge field helped also. The wind was rushing into his lungs so fast, he couldn’t even scream. Suddenly he was flung to the right by a shockwave that seemed to spawn out of the air. The entire experience terrified him as he had no idea stepping to the portal would make him fall to his death. “Now that I think about it, wasn’t Zero supposed to go through his portal too… I hope he wasn’t lying to me and I’m just going to die alone…”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!” Gallatin stared for the first time, just in time to see one of the spontaneous shockwaves sending another person spiraling towards him. After they collided, he noticed 2 things: First was that his death was coming even quicker from this new individual falling into him. Second was that said individual was a Caucasian male, about his age, with medium length black hair, and in what seemed to be a red tee-shirt and black denim pants. He thought that this was probably Zero, but there was no way to truly know at the moment. One thing was for sure however; at least this other person was having no trouble screaming his head off.
“Must be my asthma…”He thought as the ground was starting to catch up to them quicker than expected. Gallatin gave it about 1 or 2 “Frieza Seconds” (42 seconds) before they hit, and was glad that at least the random shockwaves had stopped. He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact between him and the ground… Suddenly he felt a sharp pain go through his abdomen. It was as if the air had decided to stop him by turning into a steel beam. He looked up while opening his tearing eyes, only to see a mass of orange fabric and what seemed to be someone’s arm holding him. He then blacked out…
“Who do you think they are, Vegeta?” Gallatin’s senses were slowly returning as he awakened from his unconscious state. The first to come was touch. He felt that they were on solid ground, a grassy patch no less, and there was someone’s arm on his back. Next came the rest of his senses. He saw what seemed to be two men, both with longish spikey black hair that seemed to defy gravity. The shorter one was wearing what seemed to be a blue skintight suit, while the other in… Orange Pajamas???
“OK, I must be dreaming if this is what I see… Also, why am I dreaming in anime? I don’t normally dream in anime; do i?” That was when the pain in his stomach finally hit him. He clutched his front in a Hercule-ish manner while yelling. “Oh god; There’s the pain! Why does this dream hurt so much!” He exclaimed out loud, barely noticing the two men now focusing their attention on him. After calming down a bit, he realized that these people looked both off putting and extremely familiar. “Heh, If I didn’t know better, I would have sworn you guys look like Goku and Vegeta… Also, why does everything look like anime?” The Vegeta look alike, looking more pissed than the shocked expression “Goku” wore, was looking ready to kick Gallatin across the field.
"Who the Hell are you and why are you interrupting us! I have half a mind to destroy you kids on the spot for this." The Vegeta-ish guy was looking furious and Gallatin was finally noticing, now that he could see properly, that he looked exactly like Vegeta. Gallatin was finally noticing how everything looked exactly like Dragon Ball Z’s art style, even himself. “Boy! I’m giving you five seconds to answer me before I obliterate you!” He brought his hand up in what Gallatin immediately recognized as the position for one of Vegeta’s signature moves; the Big Band Attack.
“WAIT, DON’T SHOOT!!!” Gallatin quickly sat up and waved his hands in front of him. “I’m just kind of shocked as I’ve never seen you before in real life." He then took closer notice of Goku, in which he realized that Goku was not wearing his signature orange training Gi, but instead the blue and yellow one from during Dragon Ball GT. “UUUUUUUUH!!! Don’t tell me that I’m in GT! That means that there’s no Super Saiyan Gods and I have to deal with seeing Pan.” He started to yell up at the sky now, “Is this your sick idea of a joke, God???” Both of the two saiyans wore extremely confused expressions and didn’t know how to respond to this screaming and groaning teenager in front of them. It was then that Gallatin remembered another thing he overheard the two talking about. “Wait, you said kids as in plural…
“Can someone get me the number of the bus that just hit me?” Gallatin looked to the side to see what he had already deduced to most likely being his friend Zero. “Hey… wait a minute, is that Goku and Vegeta…?” He wore the same confused expression that Gallatin had just moments ago.
“I think so… but I’m not sure.” It was then that Gallatin saw Zero’s broken arm hanging next to him. “Dude, your arm is broken!” Zero looked down in utter disgust at his arm, ready to throw up at any second.
“It’s ok. This is just another one of my dreams I bet. Though its way more lucid than I thought it would be.” Zero proceeded to stand up and get in an obviously fake fighting stance. “Look watch.” He lowered his hand to his side in a cupping position and faced Goku. “KA-ME-HA-MEEEEEEE” Goku braced himself for impact from the blast he expected to soon follow. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” Zero thrust his hand forward while screaming at the top of his lungs, everyone tensing in the process.
Goku shut his eyes, expecting for a blast to hit his blocking positioned arms, but was surprised when nothing happened. “What… Wow! You really had me going for a second kid. I actually thought you were going to attack me. By the way, who are you guys and how did you know, well not really know, that technique?” Zero was still in shock that his attack didn’t work.
“Ok, Gallatin, I don’t think this is a dream anymore...” Looking a lot more in pain and embarrassed then when he believed it all to be a dream seconds ago, Zero once again plopped down onto the grassy floor.
“Well you don’t say!” Yelled an exacerbated Gallatin before he proceeded to once again black out. It was only seconds later that Zero also fell unconscious from the pain in his arm and his own fatigue.
“Hey Vegeta… What just happened?” Goku asked a still pissed, yet now shocked, Vegeta; while kneeling next to one of the teens.
“How the Hell should I know!?” Also taking a moment to study one of the teens, “We should take them back to my house so that we can study them and treat their injuries. We have no idea what they are, or what dangers they may pose…” They each grabbed a person and flew off in the direction of the setting sun; away from the miles of field and craters behind them.

“Uuuuh. Where am I, and why does my head hurt.” Gallatin groaned after waking up from his unconscious state. He still had his eyes closed, but could easily tell that they were inside a building of some sort. Also, to his thankfulness, he was lying down in a bed with covers drawn over him. “At the very least, It was all a dream.” He thought to himself while rubbing his head under the covers. “But why in the world does my head hurt so much? Meh, must have bumped it or something.” Gallatin sat up after a few more minutes only to find himself, not back in his bedroom, but in an infirmary type room. To his right was someone else snoring like a bear, also in a bed like his. He pulled back their covers to see what was making the loud noise, only to find a stretched out and comically positioned Zero. “Hey, Zero. Get up. Where are we?” He quietly whispered into his friend’s ear while trying to gently shake him awake. He didn’t know where they were, so he wasn’t taking any chances with alerting people of their waking up. “Common. Wake up.” He said, this time at a normal voice, to which Zero merely snored louder at to block out. A vein pulsed in Gallatin’s forehead as he was becoming increasingly annoyed by Zero’s snoring. “WAKE UP YOU IDIOT!!!”
“Wha, What’d I miss?” He mumbled in a drowsy manner as he sat up. Gallatin simply stood next to him with his arms crossed, clearly annoyed.
“Dude, you know you snore like a bear?” Gallatin stated, mirroring his earlier thoughts.
“Oh, yeah. I do that sometimes, sorry.” He said while rubbing the back of his bed.
“It’s fine. Look, I don’t think we’re in Kansas any-”
“Are you seriously going to say that overused Wizard of Oz line?” Zero interrupted. “At least do it right and say it after we see the rising landscape of a new world or awe inspiring sight. Jeez, amateur”
“Well excuuuuuse me, Princess!” Gallatin retorted. He was already starting to see how annoying it was to be with Zero as opposed to being able to simply close a chat window when he got annoyed. “Anyway, as I was saying before, this isn’t our earth; at least I don’t think so.”
“Ya don’t say. Was the 2 anime Gods that picked us up, the mile long fall into a cartoon field, or the fact that we both look like characters out of Dragon Ball Z?” Zero was already annoyed that he was woken up so abruptly from his nap, and he wanted Gallatin to see it.
“Okay, ok, Fine. I get it; you’re pissed.” He said in a comical tone while slowly waving his hands in front of himself. “How about we go and explore this place? Who knows, maybe this will be fun.” Gallatin started tip-toeing to the door while Zero carefully extracted himself from the tangled mess of covers on the bed. He took notice of his arm being in a sling and casted. “How do you think you open this door?” It was a tall, black, metallic looking door with no handles or knobs. He couldn’t even see a key pad.
“Watch and learn buddy. Step aside and let a real master take care of this.” Gallatin stepped to the side just in time for Zero to ram his arm into the door. Thankfully, he decided to use his non-injured arm. A large boom echoed throughout the room as Zero was bounced back onto the floor.
“Wow, what a great idea. I bet they never thought to make this door teenager proof.” The sarcasm in his voice was brimming. “Hey, I have an idea almost as stupid as yours. What if its pass worded so you have to say something to open it?”
“Should we just start yelling random DBZ stuff until it opens then?” He suggested. Gallatin looked back at the door while Zero was still trying to nurse his now bruised right arm.
“Well, I guess there’s no harm in trying.” He stood back from the door and simultaneously brought his arms forward as if pushing on an invisible wall. “Vegeta!!!”…
“Nothing happen-“
“I know nothing happened!” He yelled back in obvious annoyance. “Why don’t you try then, Captain Obvious?”
Gallatin punched him in the head, making him instantly be quiet. “Shut up you idiot! This is a pass worded door, not a meme festival!” They were getting nowhere fast; and if they didn’t get out soon, Gallatin was afraid someone might become attracted to the noise and find them. “It’s obvious the password is something incredibly complex, so just yelling random stuff won’t work. Watch.” He once again thrust his arms forward and at the door, yelling at the top of his lungs, “OPEN SESAME!!!” There was a click as the door swung open and light filled the room, temporarily blinding them.
“Are you friggin kidding me?! That was the ‘Super-Secret’ password to open the top security door? Friggin ‘Open Sesame’???” They both stared in disbelief at the open door. “Let’s go before the door changes its mind.”
Gallatin ran out the door, only to be bounced back and onto the floor after hitting what he could only presume to be a clothed brick wall. “I hope you boys aren’t thinking of running away before answering our questions, do you?” Standing in front of the exit was none other than the Prince of All Saiyans in his trademark arms-crossed pose; Vegeta.
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