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what does a hgv medical involve

A hgv medical involves a checkup with a doctor to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to operate a heavy goods vehicle. The doctor will check your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, as well as your vision and hearing. They will also ask about your medical history and any medications you are taking. If you have any conditions that could affect your ability to drive safely, the doctor may recommend further testing or treatment.

hgv medical explained

A hgv medical is a checkup with a doctor to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to operate a heavy goods vehicle. The doctor will check your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, as well as your vision and hearing. They will also ask about your medical history and any medications you are taking. If you have any conditions that could affect your ability to drive safely, the doctor may recommend further testing or treatment.

Why do I need a hgv medical?

Heavy goods vehicles are large and powerful machines that can pose a serious risk to both the driver and other road users if not operated correctly. It is important that only those who are physically and mentally fit to drive them are allowed to do so. The hgv medical is a way of making sure that drivers are up to the task.

What happens during a hgv medical?

During a hgv medical, the doctor will carry out a series of tests to check your fitness to drive. These will include checking your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, as well as your vision and hearing. They will also ask about your medical history and any medications you are taking. If you have any conditions that could affect your ability to drive safely, the doctor may recommend further testing or treatment.

How often do I need a hgv medical?

The frequency of hgv medicals depends on your age and health. Drivers aged 45 and over must have a medical every five years, while those under 45 only need one every 10 years. If d4 medical have a health condition that could affect your driving, you may need to have more frequent medicals. Your doctor will be able to advise you on this.
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