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Is 25 the Age at Which Soul Becomes Our Pilot? Our Connective Tissue May Be the Link
Science is constantly shed ever more light upon the magnificence of the human body as well as constant interactions with Creative Intelligence. It seems humans use a built-in "fail safe" mode when our conscious spiritual nature switches on, approximately age 25. Even when the soul is remembered from birth, the physical body will not be willing to fully engage in soul's agenda before ages of 25 or later because some from the connective tissue doesn't mature before this.
Today, conscious parenting is really a growing trend. Conscious parenting being an understanding both parents beginning pre-conception which says each parent's thoughts and feelings are intently influential upon cellular matrix and genetic potentials of their offspring, and so requiring parents' nurturance in the highest budding possibilities. With such an understanding, the human being species may be stepping into a time whereby the divine self previously being supported and encouraged from pre-birth, birth and through the first 25 to 3 decades, may cause the physical body to evolve to advanced amounts of capabilities and health. Either way, conscious or unconscious, the connective tissue of the body along with the fascial web, seem to play a necessary role in your physiology eventually "turning on" to Spirit.
First, let's define connective tissue therefore we have a good visual. According to Biology, connective tissue serves a "connecting" function. It supports and binds other tissues. Unlike epithelial tissue, which takes care of the surface in the body and lines organs and cavities and cellular structure which are extremely closely packed together and joined with little space between them, connective tissue typically has cells loosely scattered through the body matrix. For example, in a epithelium, that also connects, the free surface is often exposed to fluid or perhaps the air (like skin) while the bottom surface is attached to a basement membrane. This is distinct from loose connective tissue, which in vertebrates, is the most common type of connective tissue. Loose connective tissue holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.
Loose connective tissue is called determined by its characteristic "weave" which is composed of collagenous (cartilage is composed of collagens), elastic, reticular, or fibrous forms of fibers. Fibrous connective tissue, that is within tendons and ligaments, is composed of a lot of closely packed collagenous fibers. Cartilage, as an example, is avascular, meaning that it's not at all given by blood vessels; instead, nutrients diffuse rather like osmosis from the matrix of tissue.
From study regarding embryology as an example, we discover any time we are born the top 50 % of our body's structure and musculature is a lot more developed than our hips, legs and feet. In some philosophies, the upper half in the body is known as heaven and the lower half of the body refers to earth, with all the waistline relating to the mind and like a bridge between heaven and earth. The pelvis at birth is essentially composed of cartilage (connective tissue). That makes sense since we must be fairly sturdy with heart and essential organs for lifetime thoroughly protected, and also really malleable to move through the tunnel to the world. The squeezing through the canal might actually make us stronger for living outside of the womb because from the relationship between pressure, weight-bearing and bone mineral density. We are told our fontanel (the soft spot opening at the very top center from the skull) takes about eighteen months or longer to fully solidify. In contrast, our pelvic, hip and leg connective tissues and muscles are certainly not fully developed until we reach regarding the age 25.
In remote energy medicine coaching , 2010 Newsweek Magazine article entitled, The Adolescent Brain -The Kids Can't Help It - What a new study reveals concerning the adolescent brain-from why kids bully to how the teen years shape the rest of your life by Russ Juskalian, science informs us that the adolescent brain is only 80% developed along with the connective areas in the brain, the white matter areas, don't completely mature until age 25 or later.
Connective tissue mentioned again, and age 25 again. 25 may be the magic number, a magic number for which? The mental faculties are good to look along with the whole physical person is strong and structurally sound. What's next? Spirit is ready to take charge.
I remember when I was writing my 1998 autobiographical book, Soul Aerobics - Conscious Movement of your Soul into Wholeness, I unconsciously said more often than once that I reached a place after about two-and-a-half decades old, when I felt life was no longer "happening if you ask me." Rather it seemed in my opinion that age 25 was concerning the time the soul had become the pilot of my entire life, or at least I had become conscious that something had shifted.
Is 25 an ages of activation or perhaps an ages of participation, or both?
To recap to date, science and physiology mention that from the age 25 roughly, some in our essential connective tissue webbings have finally matured. This improved phase of physical prowess seems to be some sort of turning point in your human development. The mental abilities are good to visit and the whole physical body is strong and structurally sound like the earth part or lower half from the body. Spirit is ready to take charge, being fully engaged in life inside a body.
Since my expertise is energy medicine self-help, I see a perfect relationship while using connective tissue of the body and healing. Applying regular energy self-healing, say as Healing Touch Quick Steps, has been shown to assist the body rid itself of accumulations inside the tissue. In fact, the quicker are applying self-induced healing quick steps after a discomfort or trauma occurs, the less likely it's going to settle in your tissue. Remember, the varying depths of your biological tissue are typical comprised of cells. If the tissue is just not stalled with disturbances from conception, in utero and on through adulthood, especially connective tissue that is an intelligent mechanism for experiencing wholeness, just how much easier can it be to be in a very conscious state of wholeness? Science validates which our biology speaks volumes.
In the ebook, The Endless Web: Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality, Drs. R. Louis Schultz and Rosemary Feitis suggest the importance of looking at our bodies in general when exploring the muscle-bone thought of movement. Key word: Movement. "When one part moves, the complete body responds, along with the only tissue that may mediate such responsiveness is the connective tissue." There are those words again: connective tissue. (Introduction vii)
Drs. Feitus and Schultz also inform us that from birth onward "increased requirement for movement furthers the maturation from the connective tissue. As we use a part, it becomes more capable, more skilled. In turn, as we be skilled, we explore a wider variety of movement." (p.23) "In addition, the physical response to emotion is with the soft tissue. The fascia may be the emotional body," say Feitus and Schultz. (p.49) The more we move, greater the connective tissue refines along with the greater our power to experience life holistically.
From the perspective of physical anatomy, we begin to know a correspondence between our connective tissue, emotions and living life inside a state of wholeness. Our body in its natural state is really a vehicle of wholeness. The fascial web is connective tissue. Our emotions and feelings certainly are a hyperlink to the greater energies which might be experienced through feelings.
In addition, the goodness in our thoughts and feelings could be considered nutrients for your loosely scattered cellular wellness of our connective tissue.
So our physical connective tissue plays a vital role in our knowing a holistic, benevolent world in addition to our expressing as spirit in matter. The body and spirit are intrinsically linked; one part moves and the whole being responds.
Now what regarding the pivotal age of 25? Dr. Thomas Armstrong, author of The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life, says a person who is two-and-a-half decades old is in the stage of life he calls early adulthood. In fact he calls this age (20 to 35) "The Lost Generation" because there is the least amount of research focused on this stage than another phase of human development. This age also may be the time of best health, prime physical abilities, and the least quantity of colds and physical difficulties. The prime directive of Early Adulthood would be to leave the familiar, parents, community and school, and go off to make something of oneself. You are finally willing to begin life yourself.
In Stefanie Meyer's Twilight Saga movie Eclipse, valedictorian, Jessica, encourages her fellow graduating classmates to "go out in to the world to make mistakes, try a many things, date anyone and then another, then when we are asked what we need to be once we grow up, we'll know."
Next month we'll explore more of the spiritual nature which is being "switched on" from about age 25, and what this may mean for a lot of seniors, who beginning January 1, 2011 will be retiring at a rate of 10,000 each day. Is there another wave of something mobilizing here?
In the meantime, take care, take great self-care.
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