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How did champagne get its name?
The word "champagne" is derived from the Latin word "campania" and the French word "champagne". It is thought that the first taped use of the word "champagne" to refer to a specific red wine region was in 1284, when the Pope gave theChampagne districtto the Count of Champagne.

The earliest known reference of champagne is from a Spanish file from 1497. The document refers to a white wine from the Spanish town of Sant Sadurn� d'Anoia called "vino de la communidad", which was made by sugarcoating and yeast to wine that had actually been fermenting in barrels. This white wine was then kept in underground cellars until it was all set to drink.

The very first taped use of the word "champagne" to describe a specific white wine product was in 1662, when Dom P�rignon, a Benedictine monk, was working as cellarer at the Abbey of Hautvillers. see post was to oversee the production of white wine, and he is credited with establishing the technique of blending various white wines to develop a more uniform product. He also began sugarcoating to the wine to offset its natural bitterness, and he is thought to be the very first to utilize corks to bottle gleaming white wine.

The Champagne area lies in northeastern France, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Paris. The region has a cool climate, which is required for the production of excellent champagne. The grapes for Champagne are grown in milky soil, which is also required for the white wine's unique flavor.

The Champagne region is divided into 5 sub-regions: the Montagne de Reims, the Vall�e de la Marne, the C�te des Blancs, the C�te des Bar, and the Aube. The best-known red wines originate from the very first 3 of these sub-regions.

The Montagne de Reims is understood for its Pinot Noir grapes, which produce full-bodied white wines. The Vall�e de la Marne is understood for its Pinot Meunier grapes, which produce fruity red wines. The C�te des Blancs is understood for its Chardonnay grapes, which produce light, crisp white wines.

Champagne was first produced in the Champagne area in the early 1700s. The red wines were made in the m�thode champenoise, or Champagne approach, which involves a 2nd fermentation in the bottle. The bottles are kept upside down so that the sediments settle in the neck of the bottle. The bottles are then placed in a cold chamber, or cr�merie, for a minimum of six weeks so that the sediments can be removed.

The m�thode champenoise is a lengthy and costly process, which is why Champagne is generally more costly than other kinds of champagne.

Most of the Champagne produced in the area is white, but a little amount of red Champagne is likewise made. Champagne is usually intoxicated as an aperitif, or before a meal, but it can likewise be intoxicated with food.

Champagne is a popular option for special celebrations, such as weddings, anniversaries, and New Year's Eve. It is also regularly given as a gift.

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