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Pink Himalayan Salt - Alternative to Regular Table Salt
Himalayan pink salt is the saltiest salt around. This salt has an ionic charge, similar to that of positively charged magnets. Although it is not technically salt, it does have the properties of salt. This means that it is made of elements such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride. It is harvested in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains where the weather is very hot and salty.

Pink salt is commonly used as a food seasoning as it contains trace minerals that are good for our health. Hypo-allergenic patients who are suffering from eczema and other skin conditions can benefit a lot from this salt because it helps in controlling the moisture content of the body. The Pink Salt, which is often used in cooking, is used to add flavor and color to foods and it also helps to lower blood pressure. The salt is often added to water to make drinking interesting and at the same time lowers sodium intake in the body. The salt is used as a spa treatment because it makes one relax by relaxing the muscles and thus relieving stress and tension.

There are many advantages associated with using Pink Salt. It maintains the right humidity of the environment in which it is used and at the same time maintains the temperature. This contributes to the health of the individuals using it. The Pink Salt is often placed under ceramic or glass work area where it remains unnoticed. There are many benefits associated with the use of Pink Salt including the following.

A study by the British Journal of Nutrition found that the salt contains a number of minerals that are necessary for good health including magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium chloride. These minerals contribute to a healthy diet by forming part of the nutrient intake of the body. The magnesium contained in Pink Salt helps to balance blood pressure and at the same time help to keep bones strong. The potassium found in Pink Salt absorbs water to help people to have more thirst and at the same time makes them feel satisfied when they drink it. Sodium chloride present in the Pink Salt helps to regulate the water levels in the human body.

As people become aware of the health benefits associated with Pink Salt, they begin to use it in various ways. Many restaurants in the United Kingdom offer the Pink Salt to their customers along with their meals. Some retailers have started selling Pink Salt with various other products. One can also get Pink Salt in various forms such as Pink Salt water and salt tumblers, salt packets, health bars and even salt rocks. Another form in which the Pink Salt can be used is to decorate table cloths and place them near the tables.

There are several uses of Pink Himalayan Salt and one of the most popular is the table salt. This type of salt contains a lot of iodine that is good for the body. Irrespective of whether you are eating fruits, vegetables or salty food items, this type of salt will provide you with the required amount of iodine. It is found to be very beneficial for people who have thyroid problems. The common table salt often does not contain sufficient amounts of iodine hence they suffer from iodine deficiency.

The other two main varieties of salt are sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Both of these salts are rich in sodium, phosphorus and chloride and hence play important roles in our diet. A lot of water around the world is lost due to evaporation and at times, it becomes necessary to replenish this water. Most of the water that is lost due to evaporation is replaced by tap water and using the regular table salt or pink salt substitutes the water content in it and hence it can be used in place of regular table salt.

The water content in regular table salt or pink Himalayan salt varies depending upon the variety. Some varieties contain almost ninety five percent sodium chloride and some contain just fifty percent while others contain zero percent. The latter ones are said to be the purest salt and are used mainly in areas where water availability is a major problem. The popularity of these products have increased manifold due to the health benefits associated with them. People are getting more aware of the health hazards that are associated with ingesting regular table salt and hence they are resorting towards this alternate option.
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