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I was curious about the mentality of Finnish people at June 14, before my "final exam". You know Finland, is a good country with good life standards but many people are depressed, unhappy, cold, and introverted etc.

at June 14, I texted Viivi (the main character of this story) and some more Finnish people that if they think Finnish people are realistic.

Viivi answered me back with a question, which was logic. It was good that she wanted to understand my question to answer more clearly. Anyway, I answered her question, then 2 days or 1,5 days have passed, but she still didn't answer. Then I decided to say her that she's an idiot (her bio was quite harsh afhjkadskgdla that's why I didn't like her at that time) for seeming like she's interested with the question when she wasn't.

Anyway, she has read my message, and blamed herself with a long message. She said such things like it's hard for her to start a new conversation with anyone because they mostly ask ordinary and same questions like "How can I find a job in Finland" , " Is your education system good?" etc.
And she also said that "Your question was interesting and there was really nothing wrong with it" etc.

She gave me chance to answer with long messages by her long message. Actually, I only wanted to help her, but I wasn't available to write something long because at these days I was studying to the final exam. (And I guess that was the day where I was started to bored for answering long messages.) - ( I should get clarify this before you tell me that "Then I won't write you long messages so you won't have to write long messages to me 8)" for the second time; I am bored to writing long messages "only for some people" xD )

Whatever, I told her that I have a final exam so I am busy for writing long messages. She said np. And when my final exam has done I texted her some long messages finally.
I was surprised she didn't mind waiting 5-6 days because I thought she would not be interested anymore, in the end there are many days have passed. At that time period we were still communicating of course, but not with long messages.

ANNNNYYWWWAAAYYYYSSS, I didn't text to her on purpose to being friends, but we did(?)

To mention her, she is a good cute(?) Finnish girl tbh, but very naif. Have so many opinions, but she is not close to any of those opinions :d I liked many features on her and also there are many features which I dislike. I will just talk about things I dislike on her because her disliking features are more xd

1-) She often says "hehe"

I have asked her why does she saying hehe very often, and she said "To be cute."
Yeah at the beginning she was right, it seen cute. But when she kept saying it 9287382 times a day it made me feel like : 👺 It doesn't seem cute anymore.. annoying, actually

2-) She often says "umm.."

...... She doesn't have a clear opinion on things, always unsure, which the type I don't like.
She wants something, but doesn't know what is it, so going everyway she can go, instead of determining/defining her wishes/ideals
For example, 1 month ago she told me that she wants to leave "FINLAND" :Ddd I asked why and she said she doesn't know, just want to live apart from family. I told her that she could move to another Finnish city but then I couldn't get a satisfactory answer.
(And now, almost a week ago she told me that she has planned to move to another Finnish city. It looks like she finally decided something well)

3-) I'm not able to understand her "," , "." , " .. " , "..." usage XD It fucked my brain while trying to understand. It's hard to explain but when I think her sentence is over, she contiunes to the sentence with those dots XD

4-) Biggest Shrek fan ever seen.

Oh come on, that is so childish. I can understand people like it, but she is literally addicted and obsessed to it. Shrek Shrek Shrek SHrek SHRek SHREk SHREK SHREK SHREK

5-) Asking so many "stupid" questions.

Yes, very, very stupid questions. I can kinda explain it as being unsure, she asks my opinion on everything 🙂 it was good at the beginnings but at the moment it getted annoying. She asks questions when there is not question bro. At the moment I'm very lazy to read her messages and to find such a question like I explained XD I DON'T WANT TO READ OUR CHAT/DM WITH HER TOO. Can you just believe me without any evidences that she asks questions even me can't answer sometimes XD but only "sometimes" ;) I had mind fucks

6-) Lies (Only Sometimes)

She pretends like she forgot when she did not forget anyting, just because to tell something about herself :D or to get some attention
I noticed this recently too, I just needed to ask some questions so she was stalemated



Listen, I made a spam, but she didn't answer them for a long time, like 2 weeks, 1 month. But we still found something to talk and stay on communication
At 14 July, we were end of the conversation and I just said nothing, because her behaviors were annoyed me, and because she still didn't answer that spam(Si, I never forget my unanswered spams 🧚‍♀️)

So we were the end of the conversation and I have waited 2 days if she would write something, but she didn't. So I deleted the app cuz it fucked up my energy and didn't even want to see it's icon xD

At 21 July, she texted me but I did not see it cuz I had not the app
At 30 July she texted me again; " I'm sorry it took me such a long while to answer.. I feel stupid, I hope you're alright "

And at 4 August, I was finally logged into my account.
Actually her message at 30 July incentived me to text her back, otherwise probably I would not. I decided to try our chance one more time

Anyway, she was texted me 3 messages, and I answered her other 3 messages, and explained why I was not there for a long time

You know what she did?

She replied my other messages, but said "NOTHING" for my explanation message. I felt like she didn't even care, like, what she cares is only my help to her (with my opinions and thoughts, and also her attention that she needs but never got from me XD) Btw at that day she also said that she'll answer the spam, after me saying for the 3rd time xdxdxdxdxdddd

Anyways after a few days I told her that the app is bad, video is not supported I'm bored from this app etc. and asked if we could communicate in an other app
She said WP, Inst, Telegram so I gave her my number and Telegram username, and left the decision to her. I would prefere WhatsApp but I thought she would not like to give her number, so didn't want to insist on.
She texted me on Telegram, and didn't allow me to see her number at the first day, but at the second day I noticed she activated her number to me, so I could see her number

Anyways, remember I told you about Telegram some days ago, it was because of that Finnish, Viivi 💀

She answered my spam at Telegram at the first day, I see that she spent more than 2:30 hours, so said a "friendly" compliment word, and said good night only.
(Sis you won't believe me but this girl communşcates to date xD I was guessing that she would say maanny compliments to other guys too
When I got compliments from her at the first days, I was like "WTF 🤨" so sent her complments to Umut to know what's going on XD he told me that it's flirting in distances adjshahflkhgdgldljd he is the expert one on such things so xd and I thought the same tbh XDD

Anywaayys, she answered my "friendly" compliment at the 4am, I thought she was asleep XD
"Hehe, I hope I can hear that more" 💀 She couldn't understand it was friendly 😵😵‍💫
I said "What" and then she also said "What" sjhdajhdjwdb

Now, here is the better proofs she being selfish:

Since we started to communicate, she never cared about my daily life ☠️

For example,
She knew that I would go to an important exam, she didn't ask anything about it
( I don't remember more at the moment, but; )
If you want examples on the current time,
1-) I was asked when is her birthday at 10-11 August 💀 She said hers, but didn't ask mine ☠️
2-) I told her the day my uni placement will be announced at 12-13 August, and again, she did nothing ☠️ ( bunlara ek olarak kisilik testi şeyinde benim túrúmú okumadí hatta sormadi amk)

I asked those both questions intentionally, to be sure that she's really selfish. No matter how much time passes, she's still selfish, and always will.

Bro I really don't get it xD She sends me more messages even more than I send to you xD but literally don't care anything about me xD Is she psychological disorder 🥸

8-) Her Relationship/Dating things

Here we are 🕺

She never had a boyfriend, only had crushes irl and to internet people 🥸 to the guys whom she communicated few days xDDD

Anyways, I wanted to stay neutral because I was not sure if I would like to date with her. I didn't know her enough, it was been just 1,5 / 2 months. But the dream of Finnish citizenship was good 🤩 MKFSDFŞDKSGMASDGLKGLKADMKEWGŞMEWŞLK

The last reason I dislike on her that I can't handle more dislikes anymore:

Few days ago she told me that she has been talking to 10-15 guys currently ☠️ You already know what it means. And those are not friendship intentionally 8) as she said

btw she also said "I can choose only one guy among of them so others have to respect me my decision" ...... "RESPECT"? XD
Shit there are so many things to say but I suppose you already got everything very well 💅

Damn bro what a pity to me because I thought she's a good girl and I could go well with her 🥸🥸🥸 At Monday she sent me a pic of her cat although I didn't answer her previous answers. I didn't open any of her messages since Monday, (Since cat pic) because ✨I want to stop it ✨ but don't know how to say it to her bro xD Do you have an idea? I consider to directly say the things I told you at "Selfish" part, but then I'm afraid she'll be sad. But she deserved though, I WASTED MY HOURS TO WRITE MESSAGES FOR HER AMK
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