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Recommendation 2.
Another recommendation which I propose would be to engage additional employees to facilitate loan monitoring teams to gather details of their customers on a quarterly basis. This information would then be used to do a detailed analysis of their ability to repay their loans. Reports of different loan types can be generated based on specific levels of high risk. These reports will be given to the front line staff to tighten loan requirements in order to limit the risk exposure for the bank.
With the fear that there will be an increasing number of defaults due to high interest rates, the risk of the bank would increase simultaneously. A detailed analysis on loan exposure would help the bank to determine if the risk exposure is too high for that period. For example, customers who take up loans to finance their shoebox apartments are mostly for investment purposes. When there is a rise in interest rates, the bank fears that this group of individuals would default on their loans. The bank can also estimate potential losses based on different scenarios, depending on the reduction in debt service ratio for its borrowers. This can help the bank to monitor the situation of its loans and better help to plan subsequent actions.
This recommendation would improve the bank’s risk management system by identifying potential areas of risk and focus on these areas. It benefits the bank as the bank is able to forecast the profits earned from giving out loans. It can also ensure that the bank would not be hit by surprise due to the rise in interest rates. The management can efficiently notify the frontline staff to raise requirements or to decline the approval of such loans if there is an excessive amount of risk projected.
A downside to this recommendation would be that the analysis has to be done manually and it would require manpower and effort to implement. If the analysis is done incorrectly, it might also take a toll on the banks profits.
Supervisor’s comments:
Audrey’s recommendations are

The 5 month internship in DBS has come to an end. This opportunity has allowed me to apply my knowledge and skills into practical use and has paved my way through the real corporate world. Through this internship, I have gained a better understanding of the requirements and expectations of working in the banking industry. With the technical and soft skills I acquired during the course of this internship, I am one step closer to my reaching my career goal.
The nature of the job of my career goal requires good communication as well as analytic skills. Furthering my studies in University would adequately prepare me for the job by gaining a deeper understanding of treasury operations in the bank, especially the product control department. This additional knowledge would provide me an advantage over others and would pose a deeper meaning to the job.
In addition, I need to constantly strive to improve myself and to overcome my weaknesses. Developing a mindset to put in a hundred percent in my work will enable me to gain the trust of my colleagues and supervisor, leaving a good impression. I also need to learn how to build meaningful relationships with my colleagues so as to build connections. To add on, I need to strive to be more conscientious in my work, so that I will not repeat any of the mistakes which I have made before.
In conclusion, this internship has definitely broadened my horizons with regards to the banking industry. In view of reaching my career goal, I will continue to work hard to future my studies. This valuable experience in the finance department would surely benefit me in my future advancements. I will always remember and recall the lessons and attributes which I have learnt during this period.
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