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How To Set Up A Minecraft Server On Linux

You can't click-and play online with your friends, which is one of the downsides to Minecraft. In Counter-Strike, for example, you can host a server while you play using only two mouse-clicks - but how do you do you host a Minecraft Server?

Read on to get the full walkthrough of how to set up a Minecraft Server.

The first step for setting up a Minecraft Server is getting the software (or binaries, if you'd like), which can be found here. The file you need will depend on the system you're using, but the JARfile will always work (which is the one we use). If you are not comfortable using the command prompt and are using Windows then you can use the easy-to–use EXE.

Next, we will set up the environment for our Minecraft Server. As I am using Ubuntu on my netbook, I can't vouch for that this will work for other types, but I'm pretty sure, so keep that in mind. Bring up a terminal window and type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server", which will essentially install an SSH-server and give you the ability to remotely manage the Minecraft Server via SSH (you can use PuTTy to connect using Windows).

Remote management is something you might enjoy if you are like me and love remote management. You'll need an FTP server to transfer minecraft_server.jar, and retrieve the installation later for backup. Go to the terminal and type "sudo apache install vsftpd". You will need to configure this. After the installation, run sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf and set "anonymous_enable=NO" and remove the "#" from the "#local_enable=YES and "#write_enable=YES". What this does is that it only allows users on your machine to connect (you login with your usual name and password) and allow them to write files.

You will need to install Java, since both Minecraft and Minecraft Server uses it. "sudo:apt-get install sunjava6-jre should do the trick. As I have said, I'm not 100% sure what works for me.

Now we are all set. Open PuTTy. Enter the address and log into. Write "mkdir minecraft" to create a folder named minecraft, this is were we'll put the Minecraft Server. Atlwood Log in to FileZilla or another FTP client and copy the minecraft_server.jar file to /minecraft. If you have a world that you want to import, place it inside /minecraft. To start the server, bring up the SSH once more and type " minecraft_server.jar.jar nogui". -Xmx defines the maximum RAM java (minecraft servers) can use. –Xms defines the minimum amount. However, it doesn't seem that it allocates all of it at startup. Minecraft Server will now create a brand new world if there isn't an existing one. You can test it by joining it.

A few more things to add, but we are almost there. Type "stop" on the Minecraft Server to stop it. This is important to do since it will make the server save everything to disk, although you could run "save-all" and then quit it however you like but I wouldn't recommend it. To edit the configuration, run "". You don't usually need to, but it's nice to see what's there. I only changed "onlinemode" to false because I don’t feel the necessity to authenticate users. This is mostly due to the fact that I know a few friends who run a hacked edition. Some of them bought Minecraft after they tried it out. So it's win for both us and the developers.

Minecraft Server is currently running on port 555565 by default. It is possible to change this port, but then users will need the port number to connect - i.e. ";xxxxxx" can be accessed by using ":", followed by the port.

That's it, I think! Have fun crafting and mining!

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