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Beaker gets tap water that goes on a hot plate
watch out for boiling water
most reactions inside tiny beaker
Copper oxide compound which is tiny sample. First find how much we have. Take tube with CuO measurement with enclosing and then take measurement of enclosing alone
Single displacement reaction - pull copper out
React copper out
Use bigger pieces for zinc - stir it and let copper form alone
If it didnt worke - the liquid on the top will be blue. If worked, liquid on top is clear
Tongs used to pull the zinc out without copper. Put waste in waste
Pour gently liquid without removing copper
Measure evaporating dish, pour in wet alcoholic copper
Indirect heating by putting it on top of boiling beaker
Tongs to remove evaporating dish IMPORTANT
Let it cool until touchable
Put it on balance - measure mass.
Put it back on heat and let it dry some more
measure mass again - same process
Average the 2 lower ones to get mass
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Regards; Team

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