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This is the complete advanced match work sequence and it is based pretty close to the original classical

penalties network sequence with a few variations.

Now there's not a lot of teaching in this session we move that quite a fast pace or the teaching has

been done in the previous courses.

The beginner intermediate advanced courses so remember modifications take as many breaks as you wish

would start line down our backs I'd prefer to do a little bit of a pre warmup although the first five

exercises in the metalwork sequence are considered to be warm up exercises but just to focus the mind.

It's like down start to stretch out the back start to get in touch with the core muscles thoracic breathing

etc. So blind down your back stretch up his legs first points for the parties from these relaxation

let's just relax and breathe.

So I think most folks are guilty of not breathing efficiently

so as you breathe in just allow the body to expand briefly fill your lungs fill a broadening of the

collarbone shoulders shoulder blades

and as you exhale feel how the rib cage squeezes back in and the lower belly Jaws back in the pelvic

floor lifts to help empty the lungs entirely.

Let me take nice so long breaths full breaths it naturally has a relaxing effect anyway so just remember

that for life in general


So as we exhale we start the pelvic floor regain to engage the core muscles and that's going to help

keep us centered and other prints for the penalties.

Then as we inhale we hold arms that contraction lateral breathing so breathing is another preserve party

so already we haven't moved and concentration as well the mind body focus.

We've already got half the principles of polarity scaling


We've got flow we've got coordination and Rudy coordinating actually breath with engaging the core muscles

and stamina.

He need a lot of stamina today to keep going.

So when you're ready go ahead.

Bend your knees one negative time.

No movement through those hips and we need to start with a few pelvic tilts.

So now to prepare and as you exhale just stretch the Taleban way.

Press down to the feet scoop hot the belly full is abdominal muscles working for the lower back stretch

Inhale come back to the center or is that a few times it's good to get your spine moving gently

at the beginning and as I say to really start to focus the mind.

What's she doing this I want you to make sure that you're not creating tension in the neck and shoulders.

Let's take a couple more and I'm I'm going to have one last tilt finding that neutral position each

time we should.

Easy babies do that by now and then coming back to the center a little bit of coordination soldier arms

going to inhale one back and this is really just for you to think about shoulders stability as well.

So you think if you took visuals I liked the visuals of chair of marbles on the pelvis.

Whenever we're doing our core strength exercise any time you're trying to keep the pelvis still let's

take the arms nice and wide to switch chins

and take a couple or just like this and then we'll take some windmill arms

so nice to nice neck.

When you're ready switch arms in mid air and switch comes along the floor we're more in that direction.

So again this is right at the very beginning getting you to engage mind and body.

Other way to focus and coordinate and 100 is going to do all of those things is going to avoid cut.

Fire up those core muscles.

Keep one arm down now bring the other arm down to join it.


When you're ready as we exhale we let those legs float up.

And next time we exhale upper body lengthens palms down Don't tilt the pelvis tuck the chin.

Stretch your legs off we get the hundred so pumping the arms up and down five times to inhale five times

to exhale.

Lay resting on the tip of the shoulder blades.

You're going to come up any highest overall struggled to come up to there but it is too much to your


Please take the head and shoulders down lengthened through the arms change of the shoulders and try

use your core muscles a little bit more if you feel it too much to the front to the size turn the legs

out you can squeeze those legs together you don't know what your modifications are by now you can bend

the knees keep on going so get the breath right up into the rib cage.

This is firing up those core muscles it's spreading the breath it's getting the core muscles to work

continuously keep you going to meet that throughout this whole class.

Okay a couple more breaths will do.

Some of you will be breathing faster some of you will go more smoothly and then you can either bring

the knees intently legs down or you can reach back with the arms squeeze the buttocks to help inhaling

to prepare and as we exhale much harder from lying down on the ground scooping hollow head pain down

watch that the ribs don't flare and now smoothly are putting navel to sign the ribs not the shoulders

as we stretch rolling down nice and smoothly you can always soften through the knees if you find that

you're using front side too much just keep his feet flex the whole time so listening out is fine then

the ability for the spine flexibility for your back muscles and your hamstrings and strength for the

abdominal muscles of course last one

McCain's move to roll over so smoothly down the stretch.

Feet apart.

Now of course if you are finding this straight difficult each day is different.

So even when you're at the advanced level listen to your body.

There will be days when you're going to find sat next to sizes that are normally easy for you.

They're going to start to be difficult feet apart just because you're tired just because you my should

have done something.

The day before.

So every day is different.

You need to roll out with this one.

Go ahead.

You need to show your arms a little bit more.

You got last time and then you come to the next set course trying to keep the right leg up in the air

to stretch the left leg down soften through the knee if you need to.

On the way away from the body to be too ambitious with the range to start with you could inhale one

exhale one.

Take five in each direction.

Meantime a little bit of spine twist here as well which is a nice variation

sir when you take a few in the other direction make it easy for the hip.

Now we're back keeping everything nice and mobile around the pelvis for the next nice stretch as well.

Cool muscles having you do a bit of work here to try and keep the neck relaxed.

I come back to the center.

You can slow it down of course with the breath as we exhale head goes one way.

As the other inhale to this and to try and keep the shoulder blades down and don't ever do remember

these are our warm up exercises each take three more just like this in turn your head in the opposite

direction if you wish.

Okay one more to

come back to the center some of you might get your knee down to the ground.

By the way did that we limit you stretching that leg out when you're ready.

The neck comes up so fast you can see if you haven't got the hamstrings to maintain a neutral pelvis.

And if you need if you still like to have a little bit of feedback using your hands you can just rest

one handling your hip right here.

Try and keep the neck relaxed so you can gradually increase the range.

And then let's move in the other direction.

So if you if you still struggle with trying to get your leg straight please feel free to bend the knees

subsidy fine.


Pelvic floor lifted navel right back towards the spine.

Now we're Benny pro right back and strong and when she'd come back up to the top bend the knee slide

as you exhale over you can keep the shoulder down as I say don't let me stop you from going deeper if

you are able to get the knee down.

Please go ahead.


More just like that and getting ready to roll like a ball.

So this is nice when you get a bit of a stretch to the outside style into the hip or just loosening

out that.

Now that's quite a lot of rotation.

So just a little bit of preparation here.

And then from there has come up with the head and shoulders.

Let's pull ourselves up to sitting and then when you ready inhale exhale Inhale exhale as smooth as

she can using your core muscles.

Keep the chin tucked there and keep those heels away from the sick Bones.

Try and keep the knees away from the shoulders.

We're molding.

Okay now we're going to stay sitting up right here ready to stretch one leg out in preparation for the

single leg stretch trying to reach a position often go medley of five so five core strength exercises

all in a row.

Now most can be quite tough.

I'm not going to do loads at 10 sets of eight should be really good.

Watch things and pull up the tailbone.

Two more and then straight single legs.

So stretch out a little bounce double little bounce you can inhale one we can exhale the other sitting

nicely balanced onto the tip of the shoulder blades and we can think if your neck starts to really both

you take the head and shoulders down a little bit.

You may be able to just talk a little bit higher and get more of a hamstring stretch.

The last two sets coming up that little bounce will remind you to maintain a neutral position.

Okay to bend the rules.

Please take criss cross.

Now for me I prefer to exhale inhale center turnover inhale center but we can pick up the pace for the

record so that we inhale one exhale the other side

but if you struggle with the breath please exhale as you go across.

Try not to rock and roll the hips try not to push yourselves off from the shoulder blade get a nice

little line from elbow to stretch neck two more sets coming up likewise.

One more I can double it starts when you're ready you take your arms so sore back that he starts to

feel an increase in pressure on your shoulder blades then you're taking your arms to fall back she has

strong legs.

Breathe about three more I think you got double a straight leg.

Just to finish.

I can't stretch the legs out.

And as you inhale this is just as hard as stretching the legs out in so much as you need to make sure

that none of the marbles roll and you don't lose that natural curve which is reduced since you're coming

up with the upper body and


So make sure the back there Kristie the pelvis doesn't all child or and you take the legs out it does

take minutes to fill out.


So let's wait for more she can pelvic floor pull back check a body doesn't solve your legs lost two

or more all the way up.

Now stretch the legs for a spine stretch to those shoulders back scoop and hollow pan over restock exhale

try and keep the hips still just stretch up and over to see a really nice way to stretch out the back

release the tension off all the core strength exercises and then ask for an open neck rocker.

Okay so let's stretch out the legs.

They've had a good stretch already today.

And inhale exhale push the medics into your hands.

Try and keep this as smooth as we can from here.

We're going to be moving to corkscrew but he's still struggled with corkscrew.

Feel free to just add the twist and maybe stick to rollover but I'm sure you'll be fine by now.

One more at this time you bring the legs together.

Arms down row and twist the hips Exhale down sweetie down use the arms come back to the center.

EXHALE OVER inhale to turn and down.

So coming down on one side of the back in the spine it's a really nice stretch but it is quite an advanced


Please take care of your neck.

Every time we're up on our show just like this.

What should the hips don't wander outside the width of the shoulders.

Keep it going one more set

take the next is close.

The ground is feels good for you going to stretch your legs for more time.

Overhead take him apart.


Don't worry.

Don't touch the ground.

Coming up sore.

Keep those hips and legs still stretch right out from the waist.

Draw the shoulders as you come through.

Doesn't matter where they touch the toe or no.

If you've got long hamstrings you'll touch the toe if you haven't.

Doesn't matter.

Main focus of attention here is to keep the hips and the legs still.

If you feel the leg smoothing you know for sure that your hips and moving drop the shoulders


came from the lying face down.

Swan dive.

So lots of different variations for this exercise see tidbits apart stretch the legs as you push them

with the pieces then you set the lower back lift the heart no yourself down

you can lift yourselves as high as FEELS GOOD FOR YOU LOWER BACK keep firmly pressing down with the

pubic bone as you stretch those legs

take two or three more.

I came to squeeze those legs together for a single leg kick pulled a belly all so natural at least attempt

to lift your or kick and alternate shoulder blades flat against the rib cage.

Do you feel pinching in the lower back knees take me elbows wider if he can come up higher bring the

elbows more narrow but you should be putting up the belly enough so that no matter how much you stretch

those legs they're not going to lift up off the ground so keep putting up through the belly get some

support for the lower back I can we can take probably five or six steps will do then I need to stretch

both legs out as we know the body down press firmly down to the people earn into the fingers as you

exhale you stretch way inhale down through the two to three and stretch lift the belly but it's too

much for shoulders and elbows just slide your hands down your legs and before you have to stretch those

arms to the shoulder blades together with the burning thighs static

and one time

student from then just stretch back into Charles pace for a moment and then sitting back up again stretch

out your legs for a neck to say we're going to flex the feet take the hands behind the heads as we exhale

we're going to smoothly roll down.

Now if you can't get back up again with your hands behind your head bring your arms and front

come over skip that neck a good stretch to force it you don't have to go all the way down of course

and again if you can't come back up with your hands behind the head and just choose your arms to help


as I say different days some days this isn't going to be an issue to get back up other days perhaps

you overdid it the day before on something and now this time we're going to go all the way down sir

Bring the legs together hands into position all the way up go yourselves up nice and high onto your

shoulders draw the hips into your hands.

Scissors keeping up still five scissors so you don't want all the waste on the hands but you certainly

don't feel pressure in the neck wash of the neck coming off your face doesn't pull the hit ground and

now he's going to bicycle

very moving to short a bridge in just a moment and you can throw down first or you can keep one leg

bent and we can see if there's a little bit of support we can drop down from here there you are keep

out from the neck and when you're ready.

Down and up like in most polls I'm going to go straight for ten.

Each side and roll down in between on the way out try flexing the foot okay.

Hips absolutely still so about halfway through this side you push the tailbone up you really push down

she is supporting leg not your shoulders and head


One more time to bring my leg down Suzy road down before I roll up to the other side.

Just sitting there hips get heavy getting a little bit of stretch there and I'm peeling off again and

this time my other leg is doing all the work and the stretch that leg up like reaching away is if you

try and slide your foot on the wall then along the ceiling

keeping distance here keeping the weight on your supporting leg and trying not to slide back because

gravity is going to pull you back about three more now

in the game to smooth zero down and let the chips get nice and heavy as you roll vertebra by vertebra

all the way down and then roll yourselves up to sitting stretching out the legs have to toes touching

soften if you need to again to twist one way coming back and twist the other.

Now we do want to use the arms and the shoulders ridges or those muscles that wrap themselves around

the body.

Here is a nice stretch too.

I exhale as I move around I feel it is made a bit more support.

Last one coming up.

Okay from here Jack Knife so skip the belly.

Use the arms stretched right the way up as you inhale

and exhale two feet.

Just three

stretch squeeze the legs squeeze the buttocks.

Use the core.

Use your arms


from their bend the knees roll over onto your side.

Side PSA.

Coming up arms stretched or not.

Leave it up to you.

So many variations to working the outside sign the hips slightly passé.

Really nice one to help you balance.

So when you're ready.

Almost as engaged.


That's a challenge.

I inhale and exhale one.

So just keep on stretching that lower leg.

That's going to help maintain the balance of the pelvis.

Remember next week you're probably going to roll out of line.

Keeping a distance to the waist keep it going.

You've got more air supply right sitting right here on

so we could cut it to five to ten breaths depending on what pace you're moving at.

Inhaling and exhaling one that could be as many as 20 repetitions with that little leg stretching out

the whole time you are working inside thigh as well.

And I'm going to let the inside try anyway with a variation of a side bend which is called Through the

Moon Door.

You will feel it mostly inside tying have that top leg.

Let's just take two more

OK from there.

Push yourself up just loosen up that shoulder for a moment then prepare it's come up into regular side


So once your shoulder is your wrist keep the handle on the hip is toxic really pushes down now you stretch

and stretch just out little movement you really feel it to the side of the body.

You can work out the breath for yourself here.

So feeding the inside thigh of that total leg.

But this is too much for you.

Just a regular side bend will do best three and this is this is very difficult to do on your forearm.

It's not so much space like release so kind of a shoulder shake out that wrist.

Going straight over to the other side.

So cyclic passing when you're ready all the way down getting your balance lifting through the waist

and when you really off you go lifting and stretching.

So you two to waste is important of course because we want to try and maintain a horizontal spine and

a straight line.

So no leg very strong very straight that comes up as you turn out that's when your eyes who until go

back so core muscles don't turn a certain think of cool muscles and all the exercises we do but we should


So that is in the strength exercise for the core the core muscles are working in a supporting role.

So I think about four more and three and a couple more as one I can really see coming out just shake

out the shoulder and the arm has cut tough lying on those.

And then when you're ready to fit inside thigh will be working so lift yourself up and when you're ready

stretch and stretch.

So by pushing down with that two foot you're activating the inside side

and challenging the last few weeks your core muscles to balance.

And of course there's a little bit of upper body strength there and there's more to come a couple more

maybe breathe past one.

Okay let's do this.

Shake it out.

Some of the quite tough exercises now coming up I'm going to start with a teaser for by hipster cause.

So when you're ready we start by lying down.

Use the hands if you're feeling a little bit wobbly when you're ready.

Arms back.

So inhale to prepare exhale into the

so you can inhale down exhale up


Down stretch the legs of your hamstrings are too tight.

You're gonna have to soften through the knees because you won't even get a position for your back as


Next time you to hit circles

Take your hands back.

No change of pressure through your hands again in the knees.

If you need to circle one way then the other again.

So three sets will do.

I'll be talking less now I think all sorts.

Okay from there.

Make your way over to swimming.

So flying all the way down stretching your arms out in front of you.

Next will be behind you when you're ready.

As she makes her pressed onto the cheek bones stretch the legs become opposite limbs smashing for 14

4 to exhale.

Keep the shoulders away from the ears Relax the neck.

If you pull ahead head to fight back we're trying to stay ahead.

All at the time.

For that matter you can finally students start to feel it into the neck so it just needs to be comfortable.

You can straighten your arms more perhaps you might want to try.

Especially with the hands down.

Keep your wrists flat.

Stretch the Taleban back stretch these legs

to reach through the pubic and probably lower ribs.

Very small movement

wants to

release sit back briefly but seem to get a good stretch in just a moment anyway we've got a leg pulled

down in the leg pull up now.

So I prefer to do this in a low plank position because it gonna be a priest again shortly.

When you ready my soul wants you to sign engage the core stretch.

You start off just by rocking nice horizontal line.

Watch the back.

Find that middle position stretch

and it may find mid midline again

if you try and lift the leg too high.

I'm going to end up sinking into the lower back.

This is core strength core stamina.

So much for the glutes that upper body strength of course

not set 1 2 1 and release me selves over becoming a boomerang in just a moment if you can turn your

fingers in from there.

Open up the chest and stretch up to make the most hamstring stretch.

Always easier one size

says if you can.

So I'm coming down with the legs crossed and going to exhale over inhaling exhale boomerang.

Cross ts if you can.


She can interlaced not much stretch and

cross the other way.


must rebalance your chromosomes smoothly up and over

so can you really fully control balance your toes don't go down to the ground and take your arms back

so it's less of a balance.

But as you give me this last whole repetition Syrian toes on

the knees if you need to hear scoop and go across the legs see where those toes go.

No pressure at all on your neck.

If the hips engage the core stretch your leg.

How can you say this without pressing down through your arms.

You could take your hands off the ground and you can hold an anchor as it comes down.

Or more before the seal.

OK not Renee's will not

teach a class so you can roar.

Little bit of light relief stand before we come to psychics.

Kneeling on the twister

take care that you don't put pressure on your elbows here for more sweets.

Okay from here up onto your knees.

Now let's take one hand down.

She was resting.

You need to block single singles if it's just too much for your lower back.

Then please do it will bring you up higher.

We create resistance in this position just by being here and then when you're ready to stretch forward

and back five for the toe point is five for the foot flexed.

That's that leg comes forward.

What's the use of entering the tailbone has run a manual that goes back.

Watch that you didn't tell them back behind you.

Let's flex the foot a bit higher as you move forward.

Keep open to the front of the body

brings with it a foot.


Leave it up to you like two fingers because you can need them any minute now.

I think one more here.

Okay so bring yourselves up into a full plank position side then position.

Inhale down as you exhale keep your feet fixed all the way and inhale exhale



tumult in

one hole

come back down to the knees.

Let's move to the other side sir.

Think is down open up reach the Taleban.

If the hips don't reach it so that healing when you're ready.

Reach for the toe pointed trying to sit back onto that back foot of the supporting leg.

As far forward as you can as high as you can on the way forward.

Use the core.

Keep the balance of the pelvis and then flex the foot C5 and reach and stretch

three more.

Try to stay light through this fingers because you need your arm.


And then from there.

Put yourselves in two sides and position inhale down and as you exhale seat six as you lift stretch

directly under straight back as well down towards your feet.

Mr. Burns

a couple more.

Keep the flow


Give a shake.

You've got rocking and push ups to finish so face down bending your knees.

Grab the ankles.

Bring these knees towards each other when you're ready let's just stretch those legs push the feet into

the hands and then Susie down.

We try and keep the knees as close together as we can inside the width of the hips and down.

They can continue like this or you can stay with me and we'll see if we can get some rocking done the


when you wrote down the tendency to put your heels in to Muslims push even harder

and so on.


Bring your hands down.

Stretch back for a moment.

Ready to take 10 pushups all in a row.

You can throw in some difficult ones.

You can change the hand position freestyle leave it up to you.

Ready for push ups.

Not sure which to turn I would start with them.

So core endurance upper body strength shoulder pelvic stability stretch

on next heading down

the line through the neck.

So if you feel that your form is starting to suffer then you simply haven't come down to an easier position

just to

then sit back in his to stretch three words to you.

Coming up give me a breath in

and breathe out and then you all the complete advanced metric polarity sequence.

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