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Kindle Short Reads - Get Paid For Your Kindle Publishing
Opinion: Kindle Short Reads are dead, under the latest Kindle Unlimited program. FACT: The latest program only affects future borrows from Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Now you can still sell Short Reads and other short stories. But the marketplace has become quite competitive.

The Inheritance of Lactose Intolerance is a sad situation. Kindle Owners who enjoy short stories have invested heavily in their e-books. Many have gone the extra mile and created a kindle free library of content. Kindle is a great device for reading but the lack of free short read material has hurt the Kindle eBook Store's sales. The new Kindle Unlimited program gives authors one more opportunity to earn a living off of their e-books.

Most kindle short reads are between forty and seventy pages long. That is just about the right length for most fiction or non-fiction books. But longer book page lengths will earn authors more royalties. That means there is room to earn a nice second income off of your e-books if you choose to continue writing and publishing on kindle. Here's an example of one of my longer kindle short reads that I'm personally very happy with, "The Princess and the Pea."

I actually own this particular book (no surprise) and it was a real eye opener as to how many people do not realize how easy it really is to publish an eBook on kindle. For about thirty dollars a copy, a print copy of any book you choose becomes available to everyone in the Kindle Store for one price. That means Kindle short reads can now be sold at deep discounts as well as being an excellent way to make money as an e-book publisher.

Kindle Short Reads work like any other kindle short read. You select the books you want to promote and create your account. Make sure you pay close attention to the kindle royalty scheme that Amazon has in place. This is how you earn a commission for every eBook you sell. You must select books that are in the main category that are commonly sold by Kindle users. It's also smart to choose books that have at least a moderate number of book page lengths as well.

By following the Kindle program policies and utilizing the kdp select format you can set yourself up for a nice chunk of change. Kindle users love books that come in various page lengths and with a variety of formats. They especially love those that come in landscape orientation. The new royalty scheme lets authors get a nice percentage of the proceeds from each book that comes in landscape, portrait, or landscape.

You can now publish your own unique, hot selling Kindle Short Reads in the kindle publishing program. All you have to do is access the Amazon Kindle store and upload your book. Select the public domain material that you would like to use or have your own custom written content. Once your book is published on kindle you can choose whether to charge a per page fee or if you would like to offer a blend of both methods of payment.

The new royalty system will allow authors such as Charles Dickens and Mark Twain to profit from the revenue gained by others through their unique products. Kindle users will benefit as well as writers and publishers. The kindle program will enable authors to take their products straight to the Kindle store and create an opportunity for exponential income. Now is the time for you to find out more about the kinkles new royalty plan.
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