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Loading and unloading liquids from tankers to storage units or vice versa can be a daunting task when the infrastructure is not up to the mark. Industries use hoses or loading arms as the ideal medium for transferring liquid to different points.
In this context, loading arms are ideal for loading or unloading liquid in truck tankers. Let us check why Truck Loading Arms are better and used in different industries.
Reasons why truck loading arms are better than hoses
• Weight and operations
Hoses are heavy. They need a lot of hands for fixing and unfixing. Hoses need to be mantled once not in use. This process wastes hours and reduces the efficacy of a team. The bulky hoses are heavy and need manual operations at times.
In this context, loading arms are mechanical arms that hang and can be controlled automatically or manually. There is no need for multiple workers to move loading arms. It will also not lead to back injury among the workers due to prolong use.
• No tripping on the floor
Hoses spread on the floor reduce free movement. Moreover, unattended hoses can also trip busy workers to the floor. The remnant fluid inside the hoses can also cause slipping injuries.
On the other hand, loading arms do not remain on the floor. They hang from a required height and can quickly be latched to a tank. Truck Loading Arms thus avoid tripping and slipping injuries to a considerable extent.
• No wearing-out issues
Hoses are hanging on the ground these results in excessive erosion of the pipes. Loading arms do not face such problems as they are installed at the loading bay. Trucks with tankers come in and get loaded with industrial liquids. There is no manual handling of the hoses or pipes involved.
• Flexibility
Mechanical loading arms are also quite flexible due to swivel joints. These joints offer a higher degree of freedom and excellent motion range to accomplish tasks without hassle.
• Product Compatibility
The materials used to make Truck Loading Arms are pretty compatible with the industrial liquids loaded in the trucks. The alloy and seal material used in the loading arms are not reactive to the fluids and will not get eroded easily.
• Less manpower
Another good reason to use loading arms is the need for a handful of workers to control the unit. These loading arms are either manual or automatic. Trucks will come and park at the bay. The loading arms will get latched, and liquids will get transferred. The involvement of operators is lesser than the manual handling of hoses.
Hence, for all the above reasons, Truck Loading Arms are far superior to the hoses used in modern industries.
To know more about the truck loading arm capabilities, contact us now.
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