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The Special Hanoi Today Released Four Political Prisoners Under House Arrest
The footage of the Special Hanoi today released video showed four activists being jailed for spreading anti-State propaganda. Four others were sentenced to ten or nine years in prison, but are under house arrest. The footage also showed prisoners in shackles, trying to protect their safety and dignity. This is what happens when the North Vietnamese stage a show to win public support. They are trying to convince the world that the American forces are guilty of war crimes.
Four activists jailed for spreading anti-State propaganda

In a rare move, the Special Hanoi today freed four activists jailed for spreading anti-state propaganda. Lawyer Nguyen Van Mieng claims that the activists were only protesting an increase in the price of electricity and a bill on Special Economic Zones. He says there is no proof that the activists actually planned to commit a bombing. However, the Special Hanoi has not yet decided on the release of the remaining three activists.
Five others sentenced to 10 years in prison for spreading anti-State propaganda

Two days after the release of the five activists, the Special Hanoi Court heard the appeals of at least three other people sentenced to the same amount of time for similar charges. The court is expected to hear the appeals of three more people sentenced to a similar term. The release of these activists is a step towards ending the long-standing stalemate between the government and the Vietnamese people.
Four others sentenced to nine years in prison for spreading anti-State propaganda

In a rare move, the Special Court in Hanoi today freed four activists who were convicted of using democratic freedoms to oppose the government. The four activists were among eight convicted in mid-June on charges ranging from subversion to spreading anti-State propaganda. The sentence ranges from one to five years, depending on the crime.
Four others put under house arrest

The Vietnamese government has released four more political prisoners under house arrest. They are: Nguyen Viet Trung, a Vietnamese national, and a relative of a Norwegian pro-democracy activist. All were arrested in November 2007 for distributing pro-democracy literature. The state-controlled media has repeatedly branded these detained activists as "terrorists." The release of these four prisoners follows international pressure on the government.
Four others detained by security agents

In the past few weeks, the Vietnamese government has been tasked with releasing five people held by security agents on suspicion of treason. However, the release of the five has led to a renewed debate over the legality of the detainees' release. This dispute has become increasingly sensitive as China's influence in the region grows. Nevertheless, it seems that the Vietnamese government is determined to fight China's growing assertiveness and build its military and diplomatic capabilities.
Four others arrested by security agents

Three editors of leading Vietnamese newspapers were fired on January 2 because of their reporting on the government's alleged corruption scandal. Two of the journalists, Nguyen Viet Chien and Nguyen Van Hai, had been convicted of the same offenses in 2008. Immediately following the arrest of Nguyen Viet Chien, two other senior editors of the newspapers were replaced.
Four activists sentenced to 10 years in prison for spreading anti-State propaganda

Vietnamese activists have recently been imprisoned for voicing political opinions in the country. ฮานอยเฉพาะกิจซื้อที่ไหน Four activists have been jailed for spreading anti-State propaganda since they were arrested in March 2018. One of the released activists was a citizen journalist who worked to assist families affected by the toxic waste spill. He helped victims file compensation claims and demanded justice. He also documented protests in response to the spill and shared his footage on social media. He was working for Radio Free Asia and was convicted of spreading propaganda against the State.
Four activists detained by security agents in June

Vietnamese authorities today released four pro-democracy activists they had arrested in June. The activists included two US citizens, a French national and a Thai national. They were arrested on charges of making and spreading materials that are considered to be hostile to the government. The government has refused to discuss the arrests or the reasons behind them. The Vietnamese government is also cracking down on voices of dissent in the country as it prepares for the party congress early next year.
Four activists arrested in June

Four activists were released from prison today by the Special Hanoi Court. The four activists were arrested in June for their alleged involvement in a violent crackdown on the peaceful opposition movement. They include lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, who was sentenced to 13 years in jail and is the head of the political party Brotherhood for Democracy. They were also accused of murdering three police officers and fighting while on duty. They also led a group of farmers who were protesting land confiscation. Their lawyers argued they were innocent of the accusations and that there is no evidence of bombing.
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