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not using a template, confines u heavily - how should i format things if i dont have a template?
can get rid of high school education, write out degree to bachelor of arts, comma communication leadership and strategy, take off credits but can keep concentration.
include "other" internships

go through write out everything as a header then bold things add bullet points, just like a template without using the template and having to format everything inside the template

can move header up to get more space, can take objective off (can be helpful for career fairs but just submitting this to a job they know your objective. i would lead with education, then experiences so i dont look like someone who can't keep a job

experiences should be reverse chronological order, recent to oldest

skills section you want to show the skills instead of just saying those skills (can be included in the experiences bullet points?) should be proven

ap style writing, qualtrics systems familiarity
developed and delivered presentations,
skills into testable things - software programs equipment and languages
add activities into experiences section descriptions
sample resumes on the websites can be used as a template, shows different ways to think about formatting and information to put on the resume

template sacrificing the information, selling myself short

talking about what you did, how you did it, why you did it, what was the outcome/purpose.
"created social media campaigns to spread content 125%" is a template and good

i did this to ensure content reaches new audiences, designed strategic social media campaigns based on research in order to do this...

wait to mention program until later, might be better to leave it offf because i want to be just a undergraduate student and not to be in an internship that's beneath me.

make master resume, strategically take bullet points that are most important to the job, highlighting the bullet points that are most important to the job im applying for

should be changing resume based on the job that i'm applying for, order of bullets are most important based on responsibilities of the internships

more different the positions are, more changes i have to make
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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