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>The economy, in turn, exists to fulfill the demand of the people
*the ruling class of people (bourgeoisie)
>In a State-controlled economy, he would buy his People's shoes from the People's Shoe Factory, which forces people to work and has the sole monopoly on shoemaking.
>Swastika background and neo-nazi aesthetics
Forcing people to work under a state-controlled economy IS WHAT THE NAZI ECONOMY WAS. State enterprises under actually existing socialism (USSR and eastern bloc) functioned differently and didn't force people to work or hold a monopoly on production. Workers were even allowed to produce commodities independently and grow crops on personal plots. Hyperfocusing on the state is a capitalist deviation from class struggle, as whether or not your corporation is state-controlled like it was under the nazis matters less than which class holds political and economic power.
>Leaving people free to use their private property against other people (usury, slavery) is just as bad as [...] taking away their private property
Except using it against other people is what makes it private property in the first place you fucking incel. Read a book or watch a video even and you'll understand. Private property is inseparable from class exploitation by the bourgeoisie.
>lol to the left that word has always simply meant whatever is handy for it to mean. It's essentially a religious invocation. There is not a single thing about Marx's theories which is scientific. It's entirely conjecture. Still good to read, this isn't a put-down. But to call it science shows your cards.
Studying the material conditions of society and describing trends in history isn't scientific? Formulating economic equations (starting at the fundamentals and progressing) isn't scientific? As expected of racists.
No they aren't you utter malding twp
>Racist shit
If crackers were the master race maybe they wouldn't be failing in every facet of society and you wouldn't be in your basement crying about how "white men are being deprived career opportunities" while not giving a fuck about systemic racism against black people
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