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*Eradication!* is a western-themed ORG set in the times of the Klondike Gold Rush. 18 outlaws are rounded up, and left to fend for themselves in a murky penitentiary. They must DUPE, DECEIVE, DELUDE, and possibly DERIDE others to survive. 3 will be allowed to leave the prison, but only 1 will be absolved of their crimes.

A typical season consists of 15 *episodes*. These are not to be confused with *rounds*.
Episodes get their own recap, and may cover more than 1 round.

The format of the game starts off relatively simple. Every round consists of 2 phases: the **Coalition** phase and the **Riot** phase.

In the Coalition phase, a faction requirement will be posted to the Bulletin Board. The requirement consists of 2 parameters: the *size* and the *quantity*. The size parameter denotes how large every faction must be. The quantity parameter denotes the maximum number of factions that may be formed; each of these must be the exact size given in the requirement.

For example, if the following message is posted:

[4] FACTIONS OF [4]```
the outlaws must arrange themselves to create up to 4 factions, each of which consisting of exactly 4 outlaws.

An outlaw is said to *fill out a faction request form* by submitting a request in their **submissions** channel. To do this, they must list a number of players (indicated by the size parameter) that they wish to align with in a faction (preferably, using outlaw codings). This list **must** include the requester. If all outlaws in a faction unanimously request the same faction members, the faction will be a success. Otherwise, the faction fails.

Suppose Luke, Lost, Eldin, turtley, Amber, and Josh are the Final 6. However, Lost is in the crosshairs of the 4 others for a blindside. If the faction requirement for the round asks for 3 factions of 2, the faction requests may look like this:

Luke: Luke - Josh
Lost: Lost - Amber
Eldin: Lost - Eldin
turtley: turtley - Amber
Amber: turtley - Amber
Josh: Luke - Josh

Luke & Josh were able to form a faction, and the same goes for turtley & Amber. This is because every member in these factions individually requested every other member in their own faction. Lost & Eldin, however, could not form a faction, as someone in their requests had a request of their own that did not align. Therefore, Lost and Eldin must enter the riot. Everyone else will be safe, and must head back to their cells for the round.

If the following inequality is true:
`[# of factions successfully created]` x `[size requirement]` ≥ (`[quantity requirement]` + 1) x `[size requirement]`
then *everyone* will be forced into the riot for disorder.

Say, for instance, the 6 outlaws listed above were asked to create 2 factions of 2. If the requests come out like this:

Luke: Luke - Josh
Lost: Lost - Eldin
Eldin: Lost - Eldin
turtley: turtley - Amber
Amber: turtley - Amber
Josh: Luke - Josh

There will be 3 successful factions of 2. However, this would mean that the following expression:
`[# of factions successfully created]` x `[size requirement]`
becomes 3 x 2 = 6, which is greater than or equal to this equation:
(`[quantity requirement]` + 1) x `[size requirement]`

Both sides of the inequality will equal 6, and the rule will be broken. For this reason, all 6 outlaws will be forced into a riot.

In the Riot phase, a challenge will be posted to the Bulletin Board. Unless extensions are requested, all rioters will have 24 hours to complete the challenge. After the agreed upon time limit expires, all results will be revealed. However, the Sheriffs will not verify which rioter secured which result. When all results are revealed, the lowest-ranked rioter will be eradicated, and is out of the game. The surviving rioters are sent back to their cells, in time for another coalition phase.
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