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Benefits of Tui Na Massage

You may be interested in learning about the benefits of Tui na. This type of massage can help with neck pain, inflammation, balancing the both yin and yang, controlling the spleen and reducing prolactin levels. Learn more about the benefits of Tui na in this article. Also read about the benefits of Acupuncture. This information is not complete.

Relieves neck pain

Tui Na massage is a great alternative for neck discomfort. In Chinese medicine treatments, the process involves the basic application of pressure and drag, direction and speed to soft tissues. The manipulation stimulates physiologic reactions by increasing circulation and relaxing tight tendons and muscles. Chronic neck pain sufferers are able to increase their flexibility by using Tui na. 안성출장안마 It also helps to relieve tension and loosening of muscles. It can ease pain that comes with neck or shoulder problems.

Tui na massage is a proven treatment for neck pain that is chronic. It can reduce pain without using surgical procedures or drugs. The massage can also improve mobility and flexibility. People who have discomfort in their shoulders, necks arms and hips are able to benefit from Tui Na massage. It's cost-effective, too. One study found that it was cheaper than a placebo treatment and more effective than conventional treatment for chronic neck pain.

Balances yin and yang

According to Chinese medicine, every human body contains qi, which is the life energy. To prevent illness, this vital energy must be balanced. Many illnesses are caused by imbalances. Additionally, yin and yang can intertransform and thus both be the same or have distinct characteristics. Here are the benefits of balancing your Yang and Yang with a Tui Na Massage.

There are many things that yin and yang can be used to refer to. In nature, yin refers to things that move slowly and slowly while yang is things that move fast and are heavier. Both are inextricably linked and serve different functions. Tui na is a method to balance the energy in your body, mind and spirit.

Regulates the function of the spleen.

Traditional Chinese Medicine places a large amount of weight on the spleen. It controls blood flow and produces Qi. The organ is affected by imbalanced diet and liver function. Stress hormones divert blood from the digestive system, which can lead to a variety of digestive symptoms. Fortunately the use of acupuncture and herbal therapies can help facilitate good functioning of the spleen.

The spleen, a yellow organ in the middle of the body, is situated. It is hemopoietic in that it regulates blood flow through all organs that are hollow and solid. The Spleen also plays a role in blood metabolism, as well as the function of the lung and heart. The Spleen is connected to the stomach, which means they have a direct relationship.

Reduces prolactin levels

Acupuncture is a great option for women, and it may even aid in overcoming infertility. It balances hormone levels in the body and could increase ovulation and menstrual cycle functions. It is also used to treat cysts of the ovary. Acupuncture may not only reduce prolactin levels, but also improve overall reproductive health. Are you interested in learning more?

Mammary gland hyperplasia is a common problem for women and its appropriate management is in the initial stages of research. Traditional treatments for this condition include hormone therapy and endocrine therapies, which are aimed at restoring a damaged hormone system. However they are also associated with serious adverse consequences and have no evidence of their effectiveness in treating the condition. The condition can be treated with Chinese herbal medicine.

Chinese medicine is a potent treatment for high levels of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. It is necessary for both females and males to reproduce. Infertility is often caused by the high levels of prolactin, but most women can overcome this problem. Chinese remedies can assist women with infertility by adjusting their hormone levels.
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