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JavaScript Hoisting refers to the process whereby the interpreter appears to
move the declaration of functions, variables or classes to the top of their scope, prior to execution of the code.

in javascript we have 8 data types.7 are primitive datatypes and one non primitive.
object is a non primitive data type that allows us to store multiple collection of data.
objects store data in the form of key value pair.
in nested objects we can declare one object in another object.
we can also declare functions in objects.

class is like a blueprint of the object.we can create objects from the class.
whenever we are creating a class we always need to add a method called constructor.

in constructor we can assign the properties.constructor method initializes new object of the class.
and it is called whenever the object of that class is created.

scope in javascript refers to the availability or acaessibilty of the variables.
in javascript we have 2types of scope scope and
2.local scope
global scope means declaring the variable outside of the loop or function.
if the variable is declared in global scope then we can access that varaible anywhere in the code.

local scope means the declaring the variable inside the function.
the variable whichi is declared in local scope can only be accessed in that function.

this is the flow of the mvc pattern.
lets take an example of shooping we are adding an item to cart.
model defines what data that the app should contain.if the data is modified then the model
will notify the view or controller to modify the same.

view defines how the app's data should be dispayed.

controller contains the logic that updates the model or view in response to input from the users of the app.
so basically controller mediates between the view and model.

so here we can see this example like
if the user clicks on the add to cart button then the view sends the request to the controller
then the controller interacts with the model to modify the data like adding that item to the cart
after the data in the model gets updated then the view also got updated based on that changes made.

if **we want to just update the view to display the data in a different format, e.g., change the item order to alphabetical, or lowest to highest price.
In this case the controller could handle this directly without needing to update the model.

Initially two different people worked on the software.The developer wrote the code and the operational specialist was responsible for deployment.
Both operated as separate entities, in-the-dark and had a little-to-no idea of how the other party organized things at their end.

DevOps movement emerged as this aspiration to ‘break the wall’ and “close the gap” between the two IT functions – “developers” and “operations”.
And this gradual unification proved to be highly beneficial both for businesses, and IT specialists.
Under a DevOps model, development and operations teams are no longer isolated.Sometimes, these two teams are merged into a single team where the engineers
work across the entire application lifecycle, from development and test to deployment to operations, and develop a range of skills not limited to a single function.
because of this the speed will be increased so that we can innovate for customers faster and also adapt to changing markets better.
and also we can build more effective teams under devops cultural model,which emphasizes values such as ownership and accountability. Developers and operations teams collaborate closely, share many responsibilities, and combine their workflows.
This reduces inefficiencies and saves time for e.g. it reduces the handover periods between developers and operations like writing code that takes into account the environment in which it is run.
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