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Essential EMF Protection for the Electrically Sensitive Webinar by Lloyd Burrell:
It's not easy. It WILL take a lot of time, money and determined effort. But it is definitely worth it.

1. EMF protection - where to start:
In your mind. Stop fighting what your body is doing and accept it. Help your body heal.
Harness the power of the mind, body, spirit connection.

The Toxic Barrel:
When you are born your toxic barrel is empty. Then when you go through your life, and you eat food from things like fast food chains, with pesticides and fertilizers, Toxins in the air, Radiation, EMFs, etc.
Over time, your toxic Barrel fills up. For years, you can be okay... okay... okay... and then suddenly your Toxic Barrel Fills up, and your not okay. This is what happened to Lloyd. To get yourself out of this mess, you need to address the whole issue. Not just EMFs.
%85 of the toxic barrel - emotions.
This means you need to listen to your brain, and do something about it.
Don't ignore it. Act TODAY. Re-program your sub-couscous mind. %95 of your mind is controlled by your sub-councous one. To re-program it do these:
creative visualizations
deep, rhythmic belly breathing
spending regular time in nature
light therapy
laugh often

Meditation and all of the things listed above can in and of itself protect you from many things, such as Radiation and EMFs.

2. What most people don't do but you MUST do if you're serious about dealing with EMFs:
Direct EMF Protection:
It's not THAT difficult. But you do have to be rigorous in your approach. There is no "Quick Fix". The diodes, stickers, chips, harmonizers, neutralizers, gadgets, gizmos, none of them work. Just completely ignore them.
You have to reduce your exposure. Shielding is only ever a last resort, but there is a correct way to go about it.
The correct approach:
First: Measure your exposure with a EMF Meter.

Low Frequency EMFs: ELFs 1-300 Hz
Intermediary Frequencys: 300 Hz - 10 MHz
Radio Frequency EMFs : 10 MHz - 300 GHz

Meters to get:
ELFs: ME3030B
IFs: GS Meter
EMFs: Acoustimeter
Cheaper Version: Same sensitivity, but no LCDs: Acousticom 2

Take a note of the highest reading in each room- these are what you need to concentrate on.
Where you sleep is he most important room.

Take readings before shielding
Take readings
Ground your shielding
Take your readings again

Safe EMF Levels:

RF Radiation: 0,02V/m
Magnetic Fields: 1mg
Electric Fields: 1v/m
Dirty Electricity: 50GS

3. The secret to getting long term relief from EMFs:

Dirty Electricity by: Samuel Milham
The Natural Recovery Plan by: Dr.Allison Adams
How to beat Electrical Sensitivity by Lloyd Burrell

Get some Dirty Electricity Filters.

Shielding is only ever a last resort. Reconnect to nature. Distance is your friend.
Look at all of the toxins. Not just EMFs. EMFs are only the first step. Take a holistic approach to reducing the contents of your Toxic Barrel

Use Lloyd's Coaching Program:

Question and Answer Notes:

Put your phone on Airplane Mode as much as possible.

Use an Air Tube Headset.

The BioInitiative Report

Get the TP-Link Router Or a Wireless Modem That can be turned off or a wired modem

Remember AC and DC Voltage as well- you might want to measure this as well, but honestly it's not really needed. This should be the last thing you do, if you even do it.

Don't get an electric car.

Ground your computer.

Change your screen to a low-EMF one.
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Regards; Team

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