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Rating:MatureArchive Warnings:Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceMajor Character DeathCategory:F/MFandom:Harry Potter - J. K. RowlingRelationships:Harry Potter/George WeasleyHermione Granger/Ron WeasleyCharacters:Female Harry Potter - CharacterGeorge WeasleyRon WeasleyHermione GrangerSirius BlackRemus LupinAlbus DumbledoreMinerva McGonagallHarry Potter CharactersAdditional Tags:Characters Watching Harry Potter MoviesLanguage:EnglishStats:Published:2021-09-25Updated:2022-07-12Words:184623Chapters:44/?Comments:58Kudos:521Bookmarks:167Hits:23237

Watching Their Movies - Genderbend Harry PotterLotus97

Chapter 4: The Letter Mayhem

Chapter Text

Everyone in the room sat in stunned silence.


"How long were you in there?" Hermione asked Hayley.

But Hayley just shrugged.

"I don't know, I didn't have a clock in there, but I do know it was days."


Once again, silence.


Everyone felt sorry for their student, friend and classmate. Even the Slytherins. Even Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy.


A brown owl flying in the daytime, carrying and dropping a letter, before settling itself on the top of a chimney. 


Hayley leaves the kitchen to pick up the mail that was laying on the inside front door mat.


Hayley looked at the adresses on a postcard and a letter before she got to the to the second letter, adresses to her, with green words: Ms. H. Potter, The Cupboard under the Stairs, 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.




Hayley looked at the letter in shock, before turning around to see if Dudley was playing a prank on her, before turning back to the letter.


Hayley walked into the kitchen/dining room, where Petunia was cooking with one hand on her hip, Vernon and Dudley sat at the table, as Hayley hands Vernon the mail, except for her letter, which Dudley notices, she begins to open her letter.


UNCLE VERNON: Oh, Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.


"I'm only sorry she didn't die from that whelk." Hayley said, loudly enough for everyone to hear.


They were shocked that their so-called savior was wishing death over someone, that was a new one, unless it involved You-Know-Who.


"Why would you want her dead?" Umbridge asked the girl. The more they had against her, the better. And wishing death on someone, wasn't exactly a good thing to do.


"Third year, you'll probably see it." Hayley said, her voice turned angry as she spoke of Marge. She remembered what happened that night perfectly well.


But Marge did get what she deserved.


Dudley rips the letter from Hayley's hands, making Hayley half-chasing him.


DUDLEY: Dad, look! Hayley's got a letter!


HAYLEY: Hey, give it back! It's mine!


"Give her back her letter!" Hayley's friends and family yelled at the screen.


Dudley hand Vernon the letter.


UNCLE VERNON: Yours? Who'd be writing to you?


"Almost most of the wizarding World. You have a lot of fans all around the world. I think there isn't a single person in our world that doesn't know your name." Arthur said, looking at Hayley.


"I didn't know that." Hayley said numbly.


"Only you, Hayley. Only you." George sighed, hugging her from the side.


Vernon turned the letter over in his hands and saw the Hogwarts logo. The Dursleys looked at her in horror.


Hayley gulps loudly.


"He better not lay one hand on you." Sirius growled through his teeth, as Remus struggled with keeping Moony at bay.


Another owl drops off a letter to Hayley, and lands on the antenna, where two owls already sat, waiting. Vernon takes the letters from the door mat and rips them apart.


Hayley is playing with horses and knights toys, one hand on her cheek, bored in her cupboard, when a whirring sound causes her eyes to flick towards her door, before going back to the toys.


"See? She is an ungrateful brat. They gave her toys to play with, minister." Umbridge said, trying to get Hayley in trouble, as per usual.


"And her room is a cupboard, that she apparently never complained about. That is not how children should be treated." Narcissa said, not speaking on Hayley's behalf as a friend, but as a mother.


Umbridge didn't retaliate. Narcissa was after all a Malfoy and a Lady of a Noble House.


That was a fight that she would lose.


UNCLE VERNON: No more mail through this letterbox.


The whirring sound continues as Hayley opens her door to see Vernon using a power drill to nail large wood pieces to the mail slot.


Hayley closed her door again.




Another owl joins the three others that sits on top of Vernon's car, as Vernon and Petunia says goodbye to each other.


AUNT PETUNIA: Have a lovely day at the office, dear.


They kiss each other on the cheeks, before Petunia stops and notices the owls, causing Vernon to be confused before he turned around too. Vernon tried to make the birds go away.


UNCLE VERNON: Shoo! Go on.


Petunia suddenly looks down, fear in eyes, before she taps Vernon lightly on the arm. Five more letters to Hayley laid on the ground.


That night Hayley comes into the living room to see her uncle burning her letters, one by one, in the fireplace. Vernon smiles grimly insane at her, before placing another letter on the fire.



"That horrid man!" Molly snarled at the screen.


Many was appalled by Vernon's behavior. It apparently wasn't bad enough that the abused and starved Hayley. Now they were burning her letters too.


What's next?


Hayley focuses on her letters in the fire.


The scene changes to daytime in the living-room, where Vernon, Petunia and Dudley were sitting peacefully. Vernon smiled.


UNCLE VERNON: Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?


Dudley dumbly shrugged, as Hayley served the Dursley's biscuits.


HAYLEY: Because there's no post on Sundays?


UNCLE VERNON: Right you are, Hayley! No post on Sunday. Ha!


Hayley looks towards the window, when she noticed a bird flying and landing near the house.


VERNON: No blasted letters today! No, sir.


Hayley walks towards the window and pull the curtain aside a little, to see several owls landing around and near their house.


Vernon continued to talk through it all.


UNCLE VERNON: Not one single bloody letter. Not one! No, sir, not one blasted, miserable- -


Vernon was cut off when a letter flew out of the fireplace and hit him in the face, before landing on the floor, causing Hayley to turn away from the window.


As the letter hit Vernon, people began to chuckle. Some of the more composed students managed a small smirk.


Petunia and Dudley looked at him in caution.


The house began to shake, as a rumbling sound followed as well.


Vernon put his hands up to his ears in fear.


There were more chuckles at the dumb look on Vernon's face.


Suddenly hundreds of letters began pouring out from the fireplace, making Hayley smile big and the Dursley's coward in fear.


The students were full on laughing. The twins bounced in their seats of excitement, as they thought of a way to make this one of their better pranks.


"Why did this happen?" Hermione asked Hayley.


"Isn't this normal?" Hayley asked the room.


"No." Replies came from all around the room.


"I had a feeling that the Dursley's wouldn't allow you to come here and that they would somehow withhold your letters, so I kept on sending them out, until a reply came back. But that never happened, so Dumbledore sent Hagrid to get." McGonagall explained to her lions.


Hayley and Hermione nodded their heads at their Head of House.


"You are an exception of your own existence, love." George said to her, with a goofy smile on his face.


DUDLEY: Uh! Ahh! Make it stop. Please make it, make it stop! Please!


Dudley crawled up on Petunia's lap in fear, both hugging each other close.


Many laughed at Dudley. Such a big baby.


Hayley went to the middle of the room, trying to catch one of the letters, still smiling.


UNCLE VERNON: Stop it! Stop it! Argh!


DUDLEY: Please! Uh-huhh!


AUNT PETUNIA: Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhh!


DUDLEY: Mummy, what's happening? Please tell me what's happening? Get away from it!


Hayley finally caught a letter, before running away, with Vernon hot on her heels.


UNCLE VERNON: Give me that! Give me that letter!


"Run, Hayley! RUN!" Neville yelled.


"Get out of there!" Ginny joined Neville in his yelling, as the others, too, yelled at the screen in a desperate attempt that Movie-Hayley could hear them.


"Guys! It's been 5 years. I'm still here. Now let's go back to the movie." Hayley said, gaining their attention back to the movie.


Hayley jumped over the couch, and ran to unlock her cupboard, when Vernon grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up and away from the door.


"Let her go!" George yelled at the screen causing Hayley to blush.


Shouts could be heard from out the room, the loudest ones coming from her friends and closest people in her life.


HAYLEY: Get off!




Petunia and Dudley ran, screaming, out into the entré, to Hayley and Vernon.


Vernon slid down the wall as he held onto Haley with a tight grip.


HAYLEY: They're my letters! Let go of me!


Hayley struggled to get away from him, but it was no use.


The letters kept on coming. The even managed to break through the mail slot in the door.


UNCLE VERNON: That's it! We're going away! Far away, where they can't find us!


DUDLEY: Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?


"That ship sailed a long time ago." Hayley said emotionless, with a straight face.




The scene changed to a small, yet tall hut on a large rock in the middle of the sea. Waves bashed against the rock as rain, thunder and lightning emerged from the sky. 




Inside the hut, on the first floor, laid Petunia and Vernon, sleeping peacefully with blankets and one pillow each on an older bed.


The camera pans downwards to where Dudley was soundly asleep on the couch with a thick blanket and a single pillow. Laying on the floor next to the couch was an awake Hayley. She laid on her stomach on top of an old, thin blanket as she drew in the dirt with her finger, wearing clothes that were way to big on her.


"So he gets luxury, even in the worst situations, and you just get the worst of the worst?" Seamus asked cautiously.


Many had turned against her, since she had told them that You-Know-Who was back.

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