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What is Viagra?
Viagra is a drug that generated a revolution in the way of perceiving erectile dysfunction. This dysfunction, also known as “impotence”, went from being a taboo health problem that marked the end of a way of enjoying sexuality to being perceived as “a problem that Viagra fixes”.

Viagra is also an example of how science sometimes finds a solution to a problem other than the one it wants to solve: originally sildenafil (this is the name of the active ingredient in this drug) was being investigated as a treatment for angina pectoris and hypertension. But during clinical trials volunteers reported an interesting effect: sildenafil induced erections 30-60 minutes after taking it. 시알리스 with sildenafil turned to the side of erectile dysfunction… and the rest is history.

But… How does Viagra work? Why don't pharmacies sell it without a prescription? Is it worth buying online? Let's see…
What exactly is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to initiate or maintain a correct penile erection over time, in such a way that sexual intercourse cannot be maintained. As an erection is a complex process involving the nervous system and the cardiovascular system, there are many possible causes behind erectile dysfunction. Among them we find:

Heart problems
Some medications that have erection problems among their adverse effects, such as antidepressants, certain medications for hypertension and other treatments related to the hormonal system.
Pelvic floor problems
low testosterone
prostate problems
Alcohol abuse
Communication problems in the couple

How does the change from flaccidity to erection and from erection to flaccidity work?

Simplifying a lot, we can say that a sexual stimulus triggers various chemical reactions in which a series of molecules participate (neurotransmitters, nitric oxide, calcium, etc.) that act on the tissues of the penis and generate the necessary changes to maintain an erection. There are two main molecules related to erection:

Nitric oxide or NO
Cyclic Guanosine-Mono-Phosphate or cGMP

Both molecules coordinate the relaxation of blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum , a structure inside the penis that fills with blood when it is relaxed. And it is the blood that gives firmness to the penis, exerting pressure inside the tissues.
Key enzymes:

Now, there is an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5 that is key.

This enzyme destroys cGMP, so the blood vessels in the penis do not admit as much blood and the penis relaxes. When there is a correct coordination between sexual stimulation and chemical reactions in the penis, there is erection and relaxation at the right times.

And what happens if these chemical reactions get out of sync?
Erectile dysfunction appears for any reason: there is sexual stimulation but the erection is not complete or cannot be maintained over time.
What does sildenafil do?
Sildenafil inhibits the activity of phosphodiesterase-5 .
Thus, the molecules responsible for maintaining the erection can perform their task more intensely, creating firmer and more stable erections over time than can be achieved without sildenafil.

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