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Emmanuel Grinshpun. Concerning the restoration of synagogues and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil grinshpun discussed the maintenance and restoration of synagogues. But limiting one topic in the conversation did not work. There are many topics to talk about during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. It was an honor to get to know you. We haven't been able to see each other in 5 or more years. Are you now in?

The last nine months have been divided between Miami (Miami) and Jurmala (Jurmala). Эммануил Гриншпун Previously, the geography was more extensive, but the flu has significantly affected the way of life. And I'm not saying that this is just to the negative.

You've always had different lines of business. You do now?

Diversification hasn’t changed. If we look at the main areas of focus, it's development in real estate as well as IT technology and food manufacturing.

The food industry is, naturally, ALIMCOM, real estate is also a common topic, however IT is a completely new concept for me. Эммануил Гриншпун There are many areas for the application of IT technology. What area of IT technology are you interested in?

Our IT-holdings are concerned first and foremost with reforms to tax systems across a variety of countries. We've developed and are developing a range of tools that allow you to transfer various tax-related processes online as well as in "real time". This is known as B2G ("Business to Government").

What are the locations where the holding is operating? Are there any former USSR countries?

They are still available. We also have agreements in Western Europe and Latin America. We currently operate across 14 countries.

What is the essence of your product?

Our product makes it possible economic agents to file tax returns online. The fiscal data administrator is able to view each transaction. At the same time tax accounting and tax calculation is organized in parallel. It is therefore possible to predict that small and medium-sized businesses will never require accounting in the future. Эммануил Гриншпун Other than its analytical purpose, paying taxes and sending reports can all be done in one "click".

It's an interesting topic. The future is right around the corner. If you've ever thought of working in Moldova. After all, Moldova is your native country...

We are ready to present the product to Moldova. It is our belief that the Moldovan economy will gain from the automation. In any case it is an irreversible move. When there is consensus and clarity with the authorities about who makes the final decisions, we'll resume the negotiations over our product.

You mentioned that you had been tossing between Miami (and Jurmala) all the time. Is this the head office of an IT company based in the Baltics

There are five hubs worldwide and the headquarters in Barcelona.

What is the reason for this? Baltics! Are you a native of the Baltics?

No. My family's story through generations is entwined to Moldova or If we stick to historical names, then with Bessarabia. Jurmala was an accidental meeting that came about completely by chance. The first time we were there was when Igor Krutoy invited us to the New Wave. The New Wave began to travel to Miami each summer after winning several contests. The weather isn't the best in Miami in the summer months. We rented the property for a number of years, and then bought it.

Now I see the reason you said that the synagogues were located in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We are almost the same age. We were born in the USSR. Эммануил Гриншпун It was not necessary to talk about religious beliefs back then. We were all pioneers and Komsomol members. What was the moment you began to turn to religion?

In the mid-80s my family and I moved to the USA in the mid-80s, and we can say that it was during this time when I began to adhere to the customs and practices of my culture. However, even today I'm far from the traditional religion. I feel an internal need to help to the best of my ability the life of religion of the Jewish community in the nations where I reside or in Moldova which is where I am from and with which I continue to have the strongest ties.

While I'm not a religious person I am a lover of history. I was watching an documentary on 1492 and the way it altered Europe's fate. 1492 was the year that Columbus discovered America. The show I was watching clearly stated that the discovery America in 1492 wasn't as significant as the Spanish monarchs' expulsion of Jews from Spain. The Ottoman Empire accepted the Jews as they fled the country. Эммануил Гриншпун Here I wanted to read something about the story of the Jews as a group. Do you have any recommendations for a book to me?

There are many books available. I've read a lot of them. I suggest Max Diamond, a two-volume Jewish historian. And, by the way it is true that he hails from Finland.

Speaking of "personal" historical .... Are you aware of your family tree? Unfortunately, I'm only as far as my grandmother and 1910. One step forward in the paternal lineage but nothing more.

Our family has been in Floresti for a long time from the paternal side. The evidence from monuments and documents confirm that they were wealthy in 1830. They had a furniture manufacturer, many shops, and land plots. My maternal ancestors were also in Ungheni. I'm talking about dates from the 17th-18th century. Grinshpun is the German surname, which means we are Ashkenazis from Eastern Europe. Now, let's talk about the restoration of synagogues. I heard that you financed the restoration of three synagogues. One is located in Chisinau, one is located in Jurmala, and the third?

It is located in Netanya in Israel. It is home to over 1,000 people who worship each day. It is an important milestone in Israel's religious history. The second synagogue in Jurmala. In the beginning of the Second World War, the sole synagogue remaining in Jurmala was demolished. Before building a synagogue, I spoke with Jurmala's local Jews. Based on this, I decided to fund the construction and also invite a rabbi on the site. It was an extremely successful project that unites all the Jews from Jurmala. In fact, we re-created the Jewish community, it is now working well. The synagogue is now home to three Torahs I donated one to the synagogue.

and - Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis, Alexander Weinstein and I are currently partners in this endeavor. These synagogues were not the only ones I have participated in renovation or construction. In every country I've lived in for a long while, it was my responsibility and obligation to make an impactful contribution to congregations or synagogues. My current contribution is in Monaco which is where a huge community center that caters to Russian-speaking Jews is currently being constructed. It is estimated to cost about 12 million dollars. Chisinau remains my favourite city. The synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson will soon be the biggest.

Also, did you invite a rabbi from Chisinau to join Jurmala?

Yes. It is difficult to locate the perfect rabbi within the community. Due to the many concerns that are involved, the rabbi has to be non-conflictual and diplomatic, able organically to enter the life of the community. I'm pleased to say that both in Chisinau and Jurmala the Rabbis were able to seamlessly to be integrated into the community.

In 2019, you became the first vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this post signify to you? how do international Jewish organisations influence global trends?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is a influential political group within the post-Soviet region however, it is not limited to. It has offices in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and New Zealand. In 2010 I was Vice-President of Congress. But, in the year before I was promoted to First Vice President. I am now in charge of the areas in which I have strong business and political ties. The three "countries" include Uzbekistan Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Эммануил Гриншпун Global trends indicate that attitudes toward Jews is either at the same level as before or has fallen, which is very disappointing. "Down" can also be used to describe countries such the United States, France or Germany. They aren't safe for Jews. They are extremely dangerous and disturbing processes that affect everyone of us.

Did the pandemic affect the processes?

It's not my opinion. Regarding the pandemic however I'd prefer to highlight how a country or society could be when they're prepared for any challenge and are able and willing to cooperate.

Do you mean the Israeli vaccination campaign?

Exactly. Israel is the only country in the world to provide 100% vaccination of the adult population. This is an example that I think other countries should consider.

Congress at ewish Эммануил Гриншпун
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