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7 Ideas to Teach Someone How exactly to Play Poker.How to Become an Emotionally Intelligent Poker Player.How exactly to Play Every Possible Submit Blackjack Correctly
Poker is really a fine activity blending the mental focus and determination required of a world class athlete with beer and nachos. Sometimes, there?s cheese fries.

Okay, in all seriousness, I love real cash poker and have spent lots of hours analyzing how to get the very best results at the table as possible. Then, 1 day, I found a shocking realization. My best friend doesn?t know how to play poker.

Despite watching poker on television with me, listening to me discuss poker strategy, watching YouTube videos on bad beats, etc., he still had no real idea how to play. Thus, I decided I'd teach him how exactly to play this fine game in the hopes I could bring him with me for a few tournament play at the casinos.

I?m now pleased to report that within two weeks of our lessons, he?s sitting at the ultimate table at the WPT and ready to win it all. But it?s on the app? On his phone? At the ?grandma?s house? degree of difficulty.

Having said that, even spending a couple of hours teaching him to play gave me some insights into the way the game could be taught. So, assuming you have a friend or family member who just happens to should try to learn how to play, I?ve got some tips for you.

Most of them are basic, but sadly, they?re not absolutely all things I considered before I started teaching the game. Hopefully, these seven tips to teach someone how exactly to play real cash poker will let you.

1 ? Don?t Throw Too Much at Them Too Fast
I taught my companion how exactly to play poker because I really like the game of poker. And I read about poker because I love the game. I improve my game constantly because it?s one of the best pastimes.

I likewise have a glossary of poker terms that I could drop into everyday conversation. I yell at players on TV when they bet aggressively without position. I tear up when a player folds top pair, thinking their opponent had the better hand.

My best friend does none of that. I?m not saying he won?t 1 day, but I when I taught him poker, I made the conscious decision never to throw a lot of terms and information at him immediately.

And I don?t think because I don?t think he can handle it. It is possible to still play real cash poker without knowing position or the odds of winning with pocket twos in head-to-head matches. Nevertheless, you can?t play poker in the event that you don?t know to keep your two cards face down or that you make the very best hand of five in a casino game of Texas Holdem.

Therefore, stick with the most crucial details first and add all of those other stuff as they grab the basics.

2 ? Pick One Kind of Poker (Texas Holdem Is a great Choice)
When I started teaching my pal poker, we discussed which game he wanted to learn. We settled on TEXAS HOLD EM due to its popularity.

EASILY had tried to instruct him Holdem vs. Draw vs. Stud Poker and discussed the guidelines of each, I would have been violating rule #1. Plus, once you learn one kind of poker, it?s not very difficult to pick up the other types.

3 ? Start With the Hand Chart
Because my companion knew the fundamentals of real cash poker (he would get cards dealt to him and other cards were common to the table), we moved to the hand chart. This chart shows the relative strengths of hands. For example, charts will state that one pair is weaker than two pair, three of a sort is weaker when compared to a flush, etc.

My mistake here had not been printing out a chart for him to really study. There were a few things I should have solved about straights and flushes (and how flushes and straight flushes will vary) that I wish I had explained better.

To that end, since the point of poker is making the very best hand, it seems sensible to go over the many hands and explain that the effectiveness of a given hand is based on the probability that you'll get it. Those little things can make the game a lot easier to grasp.

4 ? DISCUSS When to Bet
All real money poker games are split up into phases, some of which give players the chance to put wagers. Make these times very clear to your brand-new prot�g� because betting is how they are likely to make money and earn chips.

Therefore, there shouldn?t be any surprises when it comes to how so when betting takes place.

Also, it?s important that they know who bets first and last. This can segue into some great things about bluffing, re-raising pre-flop, etc. But if you go too much into that, you violate rule #1. No, the goal of establishing order is merely in order to avoid making faux pas at the table and to give them an idea of the way the action will work.

5 ? Discuss Betting Options
My friend actually asked me about when to bet. And after we had listed out the phases of a Texas Holdem game, we went on to the many betting options you have.

I explained to him that in Texas Holdem, you have one of six options when it?s your turn to choose.

It was enough to give a quick description of every and briefly discuss when to use each one (emphasis on the term ?briefly?). Mainly, I told him that to improve meant he had to be certain of his cards. To re-raise meant he had to be very certain of his cards.

We also talked briefly about checking, and the message it sends to the table. But I didn?t discuss it to the stage where it broke rule #1.

Lastly, I also set the stage early on that folding is oftentimes your very best move. That actually leads us in to the next thing you intend to convince your student.

6 ? Convince Your Prot�g� That Folding Is Okay
For the beginner (especially ego-driven ones like me), folding feels nearly the same as quitting. It feels as though giving up just because not everything is perfect.

Of course, the reality of the situation is that folding is a defensive move designed to keep you in the overall game so you find your perfect moment and strike. This is the lesson that new poker players need to hear out and learn quickly.

Sure, it?s sort of fun never to teach them this and have them play a few terrible hands at first until they learn, but that?s best for building up your personal ego and not much more. Be a good teacher and let your student know that it?s okay to fold when it feels right.

Also, if you feel your student is ready, let them know when their opponents might fold. It?s good for them to realize that their opponents likely have a higher card in the hold (or a pair) or else they likely would not have stayed in.

However, that could be a little much to learn at this point.

7 ? There?s No Substitute for Experience
Once I explained the basics of the game, it was time to grab a deck of cards and start playing. I was kind of looking forward to playing since my friend had so many tells that it was almost unfair, but we were out at a restaurant and neither folks had a deck.

We did have our phones, though. I didn?t want him to start out playing live players and get discouraged, so we found an offline real money poker app and started playing. I played a few hands to obtain a feel for the controls and started watching him play.

I noticed immediately he took my thoughts on folding a little too seriously and nearly mucked several hands that were very good. So, I talked him through why I would keep those hands and over time, he started to get better. Plus, we had fun, especially when I got to introduce the idea of the bad beat.

By the end of your day, playing real money poker is supposed to be fun. Teaching poker to another person is an possibility to share a thing you love with someone whose company you love as well.

Things to Remember:
Really, as you embark on teaching someone poker, it is important to keep in mind is rule #1: Don?t overwhelm the student. Throw concepts at them at their own pace, and when they start to look confused, just move on.

Also, while not mentioned above, another key point would be to not be a jerk. You?re probably pretty good at real money poker, but your student won?t be. Work with them, and become patient. Coach them, and don?t get frustrated. And it?s just poker. Getting upset isn't worth it!

With that, good luck, poker teacher! You're passing along an excellent set of skills and enabling you to definitely have a great time on the way.Ask any poker enthusiast what probably the most difficult thing to understand in poker is. It?s unlikely that he?ll answer that it?s the math.

Not because math is easy. No-one who?s ever played Omaha Hi-Lo or 2-7 lowball Triple Draw would have the audacity to say such a thing.

It?s that the psychology is definitely more difficult. That?s why, in ways, poker players are like traders. For traders, beating the market is also a matter of managing one?s emotions.

The difference here is that a real cash poker player must have both great intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

In other words, she or he must be emotionally intelligent, at the very least while at the table.

1 ? Understanding What Emotional Intelligence Is
Most people are at least familiar with the term emotional intelligence. It gained wider notoriety thanks to the 1995 book of the same name by science journalist Daniel Goleman.

Few people, however, seem to understand this expression in every its magnitude.

Often, emotional intelligence is used as a synonym for self-control. But anyone who?s read Goleman?s book knows this is only area of the picture.

And anyone who?s read his following book, Dealing with Emotional Intelligence, does know this even better. In it, Goleman presents the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence:

Social skills
My goal in this article is simple, to talk about each one of these five domains, and how they connect with being successful at poker.

2 ? Becoming Self-Aware
It?s no accident that may be the first domain Goleman discusses. To win at poker without counting on luck, you must become a master at identifying the method that you?re feeling at any moment.

If you?re tired, frustrated, or angry, you need to at least consider if it?s still worth it to be sitting at that table.

Or, perhaps, you?re way too worked up about being there. If that's the case, aren?t you being truly a little less cautious than you need to? You may even be on a roll, which is even better once you?re not merely winning, but additionally playing well.

When this happens, you have gained a domineering image at the table. In this instance, it could be foolish to leave too soon.

There are also those moments when you?re ?in the zone.? In psychology, this is known as hawaii of ?flow.? The largest authority on this is a Hungarian-American psychologist called Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

He once defined flow as:

?the holistic sensation that folks feel if they act with total involvement.?

In this state, you feel much less self-conscious. You also lose an eye on time, and your decisions come from a higher level of consciousness.

Obviously, that?s another situation when it might be foolish to leave the table too soon. As you can plainly see, there?s a range of emotional states available.

Regardless, it?s being aware of your inner declare that will help you to identify the signs you?re giving to other players. This brings me to the next domain of emotional intelligence.

3 ? Discover ways to Self-Regulate
It?s controversial whether it is advisable to master the proverbial ?poker face.? But there?s no doubt you need to take notice of the signs you?re giving each moment.

In poker, when signs show just what a person may be thinking, it?s known as a ?tell.? To put it simply, tells are that part of your non-verbal communication that provides a hint concerning the strength of one's hand. At least, needless to say, to those who are watching you.

Poker Tip
One tip to become more present would be to set a timer on your own for every half an hour roughly. Once it rings or vibrates, you may use that as a reminder that you should check your system language, for example.

However, don?t fool yourself. To boost your self-regulation skills, you?ll need something a lot more than external tools. You?ll need to take a peek inside yourself before you even decide if you?ll enter a casino game or not.

This is essential for you to learn to keep on track even when the going gets rough (as it often does). This is what our next point is all about.

4 ? Staying Motivated
Doyle Brunson likes to say, ?A guy with money is no match against a man on a mission.?

It?s a lovely quote, and I agree with it. But how do you make it possible?

In other words, how do you define a mission on your own which resonates strongly enough with you? It?s here that you need to have a step back and know very well what your purpose is.

There are various ways to start it, but I?d prefer to mention the technique that?s worked the most for me.

It was shared by Jay Papasan (co-author of the business book THE THING) in a talk at Google from some years ago.

In his talk, he proposes three questions to nail down one?s big ?why?:

How come that goal vital that you you?
What will accomplishing that goal do for the life?
What will happen if you don't accomplish this goal?
Now, here?s the main element thing about it, the final of the questions is undoubtedly the most important of the three. Jay says, ?If there?s not pain associated with that third question? You?re nearly there yet. That?s all I can tell you.?

Okay, so much for intrapersonal skills! Now, let?s take a closer look at what?s going on around us.

5 ? Becoming More Empathic
The three dimensions of emotional intelligence already presented listed below are about you and yourself.

Now, we enter into the realm of interpersonal skills: you among others. And there?s without doubt that empathy is, undoubtedly, the most important of all interpersonal skills.

It also is actually one of the least understood, because it?s often mistaken for sympathy. Luckily, any poker player who may be confused about those two words needs to look no further than Barry Greenstein?s 2005 book Ace on the River.

At one point, when discussing the characteristics of those who win at poker, he says they need to be empathetic. Read his words on this below.

?A good player understands how other folks feel and what they're thinking. He can often figure out the conclusion another player should come to before it happens.?

Don?t limit yourself to just paying attention to your personal tells and signs. Make an effort to think about other people while you?re sitting at the poker table and evaluate what they may be thinking. If you understand this, you?ll be well on the way to becoming great at poker.

6 ? Improving Your Social Skills
Nowadays, it?s not that hard to find good poker players that are successful regardless of their insufficient social skills. That?s understandable if your sole ambition would be to succeed at internet poker.

Social Skills Logo

To a certain extent, that?s also possible if, when playing live, you only adhere to tournaments. In this second case, though, you?d better hope never to play against the same people for too much time.

Because, should you choose, you?ll soon find out that being attuned to yourself and others is not enough. You?ll have to be at least a little street-smart.

This involves being polite, assertive, persuasive, and much more. And it?s especially important if you need to play in cash games in offline casinos and poker rooms.

People of a far more extroverted temperament find this easier. That?s the case of some players such as Daniel Negreanu and Scotty Nguyen.

But even though that?s not your case, being truly a bit more gregarious wouldn?t hurt, would it not? And, to be able to become better at this, there?s no need to complicate things. All you need to do is go out and speak to people.

I?d like to finish with a somewhat obvious observation. The traits a poker player displays at the table are not necessarily transferable to other contexts.

If that's the case, every great poker player would also be considered a winner in life. And a recollection of the lives of successful gamblers implies that this is not always the case.

In any case, I?d prefer to propose challenging here. The challenge is easy! Choose one of those five domains to develop in your day-to-day life for 30 consecutive days.

The extent to which this can translate to the poker table will be hard to measure. Nevertheless, you can bet that the people around you will appreciate your efforts.Blackjack has many wonderful qualities. It?s a casino game where your decisions matter. It?s also a casino game where you could get an edge on the casino (once you learn how exactly to count cards).

Primarily, it?s just plain fun.

But blackjack is more fun when you?re winning more regularly.

Luckily, it?s a casino game where the mathematically correct solution to play each hand has already been determined. Computer programmers have run millions of hands of blackjack through simulators to come up with the moves which have the best expected value.

A word about this:
?Expected value? identifies just how much a bet will probably be worth. In a few situations at the blackjack table, the expected value of a specific decision is positive. It may be more positive than other positive decisions.

In some other situations at the blackjack table, you need to select from the lesser of several evils. When you have a stiff hand, the very best you can do is go with the decision that loses you the least amount of money in the long term.

As luck would have it, you merely have a handful of totals to create decisions about. Optimum total you might have without busting is 21. The lowest possible total with 2 cards is 4.

In the post below, I?ll look at each possible total and how it could occur. Then I?ll explain how to play that total predicated on which cards it?s manufactured from and what the dealer has as her face-up card.

All these explanations derive from basic strategy.

A Total of 21
When you have a complete of 21, it is best to stand. It doesn?t matter what cards make up that total. It doesn?t matter what the dealer?s up-card is.

You always stand with 21. Any choice costs money.

You?ll always stand with a total of 20, too, no real matter what the cards are. It also doesn?t matter what the dealer?s face-up card is.

The reasoning behind this is clear. There?s only one possible total the dealer could have that may beat a 20, which means you?ll win with it usually.

You might need to choose whether to split a difficult total of 20. For those who have 2 cards of exactly the same rank, you can set up another bet and start 2 hands using the cards in your hand as the first card of the two 2 subsequent hands.

It seems like this may not be a bad idea. After all, any hand with a 10 as its first card is probably going to turn out okay.

It?s a blunder, though. Usually, you?ll wind up with 2 hands that aren?t as strong as your total of 20. There are more cards in the deck that aren?t worth 10 or 11 than there are cards which are worth 10 or 11.

A Total of 19
You will More often than not stand on a complete of 19, no matter which cards make up the total.

But there?s one exception:

In case you have a soft total of 19?an ace and an 8?you?ll double down. But only if the dealer has a 6 showing.

In some casinos, you?re not allowed to double down on a soft total of 19. If that?s the case, you?ll just stand.

On any other total of 19, though, you?ll stand. It?s this type of strong hand that it will beat anything except a complete of 20 or 21 from the dealer.

But although you may suspect that the dealer has among those totals, your probability of winding up with a worse hand are too good for it to become a smart move to take another card.

The only reason you double down against a dealer?s face-up 6 is because the dealer is indeed likely to bust that it?s worth the risk.

If you have a total of 18 that?s made up of two 9s, you need to decide whether to split your hand or not. More often than not, you'll split your hand, but you can find exceptions.

You?ll split a pair of 9s if the dealer has a 6 or less showing. You?ll also split 9s if the dealer has an 8 or 9.

If the dealer has a 7, 10, or ace showing, you?ll stand.

If you have a complete of 18 that includes an ace that could be counted as 1 or 11, you've got a ?soft? 18. If the dealer has a 6 or lower showing, and when the casino allows it, you?ll double down on this hand.

If the casino doesn?t let you double down on a soft 18, you?ll stand instead.

If the dealer includes a 7 or 8, you?ll stand on a soft 18.

If the dealer includes a 9, 10, or ace showing, you?ll hit a soft 18.

Being able to count the ace as 1 or as 11 offers you some flexibility with the way you play this hand. The combination of the possibility to improve your hand and the possibility that the dealer will bust results in the possible doubling down decisions.

Any other total of 18 is a hard total, and you?ll always stand on a difficult total of 18.

For those who have an ace that counts as 1 or 11, you have a soft total of 17. In that case, you need to double down if the dealer has a 3, 4, 5, or 6 showing. If the dealer has any card showing, you need to hit this total.

In the event that you don?t have an ace, or if counting the ace as an 11 would bust you, you have a hard total of 17. It?s easy what things to decide to do with a hard 17:

Always stand.

A Total of 16
Once you get down to the full total of 16 or less, you?re getting into ?stiff hand? territory. A stiff hand is the one that will probably bust.

It doesn?t matter, though.

There?s still only one correct way to play each stiff hand, too.

The first kind of total of 16 you should think about is really a pair of 8s. It is best to split a pair of 8s. The reasoning behind this should make sense. You?re trading a mediocre hand for 2 2 hands which are likely to improve. More cards in the deck will improve an 8 than will hurt it. Any ace, 10, or 9 will give you an improved total than 16. (And you can find 16 cards worth 10 in the deck, in order that?s almost half the deck in total.)

The second kind of total of 16 to be worried about is really a soft 16. Again, this is usually a total where the ace can count as 1 or 11. You won't ever stand on a soft 16.

You?ll double down on a soft 16 if the dealer includes a 4, 5, or 6 showing. If the dealer has any card showing, you?ll fold.

Finally, you should know what to do with any other hard total of 16. You?ll stand if the dealer includes a 6 or less showing. You?ll hit if the dealer includes a 7 or higher showing.

If the dealer includes a 6 or less showing, you?re hoping she?ll bust. Otherwise, you?re hoping to improve your hand so that you have a fighting chance.

A soft total of 15 is simple to play. You?ll play it just like you would a soft total of 16, actually. You?ll double down if the dealer includes a 4, 5, or 6 showing. Otherwise, you?ll hit.

A difficult total of 15 isn?t hard to play, either, although it?s a bummer of a hand. Again, you?ll play a difficult 15 like everyone else would a hard 16. Hit if the dealer has a 7 or more. Otherwise stand.

If you have a set of 7s, you should decide whether to split. You will split if the dealer has a 7 or lower showing. If you don?t split, you?ll treat the hand as any hard 14.

Assuming you have a soft 14, you won't ever stand. You?ll double down if the dealer includes a 5 or 6 showing. Otherwise, you?ll hit.

If you have a difficult 14, you?ll play it as being a hard 15 or 16. Stand if the dealer has a 6 or less showing. Hit if the dealer has a 7 or higher showing.

A soft total of 13 is played just like a soft 14. You?ll double down if the dealer includes a 5 or 6. Otherwise, you?ll hit.

A hard total of 13 is played as being a hard 14, 15, or 16. Stand if the dealer includes a 6 or less. Otherwise, hit.

A Total of 12
The first sort of 12 total to be worried about is a couple of 6s. (You always consider whether to split first.) You need to double down if the dealer has a 6 or lower showing. Or even, you?ll treat the hand just like you would any hard total of 12.

Next, you?ll look at a soft total of 12. This could mean you've got a pair of aces. In that case, you always split. (Just remember?always split aces and 8s.)

There?s no other way to obtain a soft total of 12, and that means you?re left with the possibility of a hard 12. If that?s everything you have, you stand against a dealer 4, 5, or 6. Otherwise, you hit.

For those who have an ace and a 10, you COULD consider a soft total of 11. But really, you've got a blackjack. Just accept your winning with grace.

On any total of 11, you?ll double down. That?s an easy decision, as you have plenty of cards which will boost your total to 21. There?s no real downside to doubling down on an 11, since it?s impossible to bust this type of hand.

A Total of 10
You never split 5s. They?re always treated as a hard total of 10.

Assuming you have a soft total of 10, you truly have a soft total of 20, and I?ve already covered that. (Consider it.)

With a difficult 10, which is the only real way you?ll ever have a total of 10, you?ll almost always double down. The only time you won?t double down is if the dealer has an ace or 10 showing. If so, you?ll just stand. (You don?t desire to put extra money into play as a result of increased likelihood that the dealer could have a 21.)

A Total of 9
A difficult 9 is played ALMOST the same as a hard 10. You should double down if the dealer has a 3, 4, 5, or 6. Otherwise, hit.

A Total of 8
You never split a couple of 4s. (Actually, you can remember this rule?never spit 4s, 5s, or 10s.)

In fact, there?s only ONE way to correctly play a difficult total of 8. Always hit.

Always hit a hard total of 7.

If you have a couple of 3s, split if the dealer has a 7 or lower showing. Otherwise, just hit.

If you have any hard total of 6, just hit the hand.

A Total of 5
Always hit a difficult total of 5.

A Total of 4
If you have some deuces, play it just like a couple of 3s. Split if the dealer has a 7 or lower showing. Otherwise, just hit.

That?s it.

You only have 18 possible starting totals in blackjack. Once you?ve learned how to play all of those totals correctly, you?ve mastered basic strategy.

Why is a good thing to do?

If you?ve mastered basic strategy, the home edge for most blackjack games is between 0.5% and 1%, rendering it the most effective games in the casino.

In the event that you misplay these hands, the home edge goes up. Most players are bad at basic strategy, incidentally. If you go through the casino?s numbers, the common blackjack player is so bad he?s facing a house edge of between 4% and 5%.

With those forms of numbers, you might as well play craps or roulette. You don?t need to make any playing decisions with those games.

I believe it?s really worth your time and effort to memorize basic strategy in this manner.

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