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Do you want to beat the Slots? Read These Important Facts
Every day, I receive emails from "experts" who claim they can offer me their method. They would like to show me how I can beat the machines. Some claim that I could make as much as $1,000 per day. Yes, I'd be thrilled to earn $1000 daily playing slots, but they are all scams that try to sell you useless information. You "could" make as little as $1000 per day. But the con artists know you won’t. They're trying to avoid false advertising prosecution by using "could". These ads are no more trustworthy than when I promoted the price of a book at $79.99.

"You could win a million dollars in tomorrow's lottery drawing. Purchase my book for $79.99 and learn how."

I could fill the book with a myriad of fascinating and useless details, including how to pick six numbers from a lotto ticket, and fulfill my promise however do you believe my method or book will make you win? But regardless of my book or my system, you "could" effortlessly take home the prize.

I have taught both statistics and probability in a university. Both are against you each time you gamble on the machines. Las Vegas itself is a testimony to the losers. They didn't design those massive casinos to give out $1,000 per day.

I was interested in finding out what these machines books contained. I asked a few system experts to provide me with a free trial. virtual reality would like to get my personal review, half of my first two winning days as well as a copy of their software. Does that not sound reasonable? If it worked I'd be happy to submit a positive testimonial to the company to post on their website, and If I actually made $1000 per day for two consecutive days I would offer them $1,000 for their system. It seemed to me to be more than fair, they were only asking $29.99 for their system , and If it was genuine and really worked I would be willing to give them $1,000 in exchange. I'm sure they weren't only conmen, they were not really gamblers neither. In fact only one was even interested in responding to my challenge and he told me that his system was just too important to spend his time on an unbeliever. Reading between the lines it means that there were many potential customers waiting to purchase his scheme to be at risk of inflicting a sting on his scheme.

I believe that what these systems rely on is that gamblers, particularly problem gamblers, believe there must be something available to give them an edge. The "systems" are advertised on the hope that the conman offering them it was once in their shoes and come across some kind of breakthrough which isn't yet made. They're actually slyly preying on a weakness in human nature that the con men are only beginning to discover.

The mathematical basis of today's slot machines is founded on statistics. This implies that casinos will always win long-term. Yes, you could win, but if you gamble for long enough it is likely that you'll lose. If you could be sure that you'd win on slots, both probability theory and statistics favor gamblers. Casinos would be shut down.

The slot machines are nothing but computers playing an endless cycle of chance. It is because you gambled in the event that one of your probabilities resulted in a win. These are always fewer in amount than the chance that results in you losing.

Next time you're in a casino, take a look around. go to my site spends several thousand dollars for every machine. Casinos are costly to construct and require hundreds of workers to maintain them. Check out the ceiling, count the cameras and multiply the number by a few thousand dollars to discover the security cost. Take a look at the gorgeous tiled floors, lush carpets and dining areas. Ask yourself if this low-life conman truly believes that the system allows you to earn each day a sum of $1,000 from the casino. It is also possible to ask why he is offering the facility at $29.99 instead of letting you sign contracts with others to work for him. This could be the employees that use his "system" to earn $300 per day , while they earn $700 daily. Why is he making his "system" accessible to you at $29.99? He isn't able to consistently earn money playing slot machines therefore he's asking for your help to purchase his "system".

If business ideas love playing slot machines and do not want to lose a few dollars in the name of entertainment value, then great. If you're looking to gamble to enjoy the occasional thrill of winning and are willing to risk losing over the long haul, you're in good. I personally find the process of scouring for books and looking up their worth online a lot like playing the slots. However, when I search for an unsuccessful player, it won't cost me anything other than the couple of seconds it takes to look it up and I am always pleasantly amazed when my phone tells me that I have found an award-winning player.

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