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Good Afternoon I’m Boat

What I’m going to explain this afternoon are a brief history of time.
I divide my presentation into 3 part
First, I’d like to tell you about what’s a brief history of time?
Second, I’ll move on to My Summary from reading.
After that I’ll show my opinion on a brief history of time.
If you don’t mind, you’ll leave question till the end.

So, let’s start with what’s a brief history of time? A brief history of time is a book that written by Stephen Hawking,(The most important scientist of the world ) .This book will tell you about the history time such as How cosmos born?, Where are the origin of time, and How the universe will be next? Stephen W. Hawking writes about the history and present thinking of theoretical physicists in a manner the average person can understand. He begins with the earlier ways people understood the universe and moves to the present day, where many theories exist for specific pieces of the whole picture, but none of the theories cover the universe in its entirety.

Why I should this book is I love quantum physics of Schrodinger and general relativity of Einstein since I watch Interstellar movie of Christopher Noland.

Now, let’s move on to my summary form reading .In this summary I don’t write this all cause some theory of universe It’s difficult to understand and I must search the definite of this theory before I’ll sum up. This summary will be in 3 age.

The firstly are before the scientific revolution. Aristotle's thinking that everything is made up of only four elements and absolute position and time characterize the universe idea leads to Ptolemy's of heavenly spheres, both assuming the earth is at the center of the universe. Copernicus contributes the idea that the sun is the center, and Galileo concurs. Later observations with telescopes based on Galileo's early instrument reveal the true nature of the earth and the sun in relation to the universe, which grows much larger than the early conceptions. The earth indeed orbits the sun, but the sun orbits the galaxy, which is full of stars. Additionally, many other galaxies are observed with ever greater clarity. The importance of the earth diminishes with this view. It is not the center of the universe, and in fact occupies an insignificant spot within the whole.

Secondly are the scientific revolution. Sir Isaac Newton generates the physics that predicts the movements of heavenly bodies accurately enough, and Albert Einstein brings forth the general theory of relativity, which implies that the universe started with a big bang from a singularity of infinite mass and curvature, a single point with no dimensions. Hawking works with black hole theory, among others, notably the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Where general relativity describes the very large objects in the universe, quantum mechanics describes the very small and includes an uncertainty principle. Hawking suggests through the combination of the two theories that no singularity existed at the beginning of the universe because the universe may have had no beginning.

Finally are the modern scientific. Physicists continue to seek a complete, unified theory of the universe, although this may not be possible to discover. The driving motivation is the thirst for knowledge, while another human motivation, the discomfort of uncertainty, resists the discovery of what may be taken as the mind of God. The author is fully aware of what scientific discovery means to the world's religions that cling to older models of the universe, and mentions this often. Earlier physicists also had problems with religions, so this is nothing new or anything to fear, as long as the science is reliable and the approach to bringing out the truth is handled gently. Hawking accomplishes this with his friendly tone and humor.

The last part are my opinion. I think this book is a great book cause It easy to understand. For people who interested in quantum physics and general relativity this is the book that you should read.

This is best scientific book, This is A brief history of time.

Thank you for your attention.

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