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Why Do So Few INTERNET POKER Innovations Actually Work?7 Tips for Preparing for a Poker Tournament.Evaluating Your First Year Gambling: 12 Questions to Ask Yourself
Online poker has been popular in its current form for a long period. Most are used to playing games like Texas Hold?em, Omaha, and Stud.

Nevertheless, internet poker sites know that they need to keep things fresh to draw and retain new players. Therefore, they sometimes roll out new innovations.

A few of these attempts have already been quite successful, including fast-fold variants and lottery-style sit and go?s. But more times than not, these new ideas fail miserably.

Exactly why is it that only a small number of internet poker innovations are successful? I?ll answer this by first giving types of spectacular failures then discuss why poker innovations have such a tough time taking off.

What Are A few of the Biggest Failed Poker Novelties?
A large number of ideas have fared poorly in the online game. However the following innovations are on the list of biggest disappointments in history.

Fast Five
7 Clubs Poker Card, Money Bills SpreadPartypoker jumped in to the tail end of the shallow-stack poker trend. In 2016, they introduced ?Fast Five? at a time when shallow-stack games were fizzling out.

Fast Five entailed six-max cash games that started each player with five big blinds. With such few blinds, players were essentially forced into all-in or fold situations.

Of course, they might build their stacks by winning these all-in hands and gain leverage against opponents. But a lot of people didn?t hang in there long enough on these tables to create a commanding stack size.

Stars hyped ?Unfold? to great proportions in 2018. They tried selling players on the excitement of being in a position to unfold mucked cards.

The thought of pulling your pocket eights back out of the discard pile when an eight lands on the flop is intriguing. It just wasn?t intriguing enough, and Unfold was folded just two months after being introduced.

Red Casino Poker Chips StackedShowtime Hold?em was another innovation by PokerStars that didn?t pan out. Its failure certainly wasn?t attributed to a lack of trying.

Stars had their Team Online Pros debut Showtime Poker through a Twitch session. They also posted about the game multiple times on the blog.

Showtime Hold?em sounded cool theoretically. It allowed players to see every folded card from each street. But, exactly like Unfold, it failed to capture almost all?s attention.

Webcam Poker
888?s Webcam Poker was seemingly an excellent concept. It allowed players to make themselves visible by way of a webcam at the table.

The theory was that players would feel more like these were in a brick-and-mortar poker room. Furthermore, they could try and gain physical tells from opponents.

The issue, though, is that Webcam Poker didn?t workout quite like it was envisioned. Few people actually used their cams, which defeated the whole purpose of these tables.

Why Do Poker Sites Feel the Need to Roll Out New Products?
Given how poorly many online poker Innovations turn out, you may wonder why sites put these ideas into action in the first place. The reasoning is that the industry knows it must continue adapting to a changing gaming environment.

Poker will likely continually be the most famous in its purest form. But many recreational players also appreciate having the ability to try different poker variations.

Capturing these recreational players? attention is really important. The game is no longer in exactly the same growth phase that it was in before Black Friday.

Poker Icons Wallpaper, Laptop Displaying Poker Cards Spread and Chips, New Red Logo

Innovations are one of the most powerful ways to keep players interested. In the end, you can only play so many hands of Texas Hold?em or Omaha before they start to get bored.

Even successful players tire of the grind. So, those who are losing money can lose their passion for the overall game much quicker.

New poker products offer outlets for people to enjoy the overall game in a fresh light. For example, spin and go?s introduced the concept of to be able to win lottery-style prizes in a poker format.

These sites fully recognize that their chances of success with each innovation aren?t great. However they?re willing to keep trying and discover the few winners that help their traffic grow.

Why Do Most Innovations Fail to Excite Players?
Many players are prepared to give new poker products a chance. But most exactly the same crowd ultimately figure out that they like the game in its pure form, instead of with a twist.

Some players might initially be intrigued by the thought of pulling mucked cards from the pile. However, they could quickly discover that this type of feature doesn?t add much to the overall game.

People like routine, whether it?s their work life, exercise regimen, or even entertainment. They could also appreciate the chance to use something new but don?t want to work overly hard to adapt.

For example, Bitcoin?a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency?is appealing to make relatively quick transactions without the need for third parties (e.g. banks). But few embrace the idea of learning how to use Bitcoin when bank cards, debit cards, and e-wallets offer more comfort.

Poker players will be the same manner. Many embrace the task of trying to win money in traditional games.

They might be interested in testing out a new wrinkle here or there. However, they don?t want to feel the effort of learning a completely new strategy for a Fast Five or Showtime-type variation.

It?s not that players aren?t intrigued by fresh types of poker. Instead, they simply don?t desire to break their routine and throw themselves into every new design of poker that occurs.

Poker Sites Know When to Fold a Bad Hand
It requires two sides for a poker innovation to die. The sites also have to give up a concept before it?s truly dead.

They obviously don?t want to let go of a product that they?ve put time, money, and marketing into. As well, they can?t keep pushing something that players don?t want.

Unfold PokerStars Site Homepage, Red Cancelled Banner

Most internet poker sites are pretty good at the latter. For instance, PokerStars needed just two months to determine that Unfold was a loser.

Sometimes, innovations are good at capturing mild interest. 888?s Webcam Poker tables lasted several years before they were finally axed.

Of course, the countless failed products eventually gave way to quality ones. Fast-fold, lottery-style SNGs, and anonymous tables have all helped change the game for the better.

Not everybody likes these innovations. But nobody can argue they?ve been quite successful compared to the duds covered before.

Many poker players are set in the way that they enjoy the game. Most in the recreational crowd have no trouble firing up the same old hold?em tables on a nightly basis.

However, others prefer some variety within their poker experience. They appreciate being able to try new variations and ideas, no matter how good or bad.

Unfortunately, many of these variants are losers. They might be fun to test out, but they don?t feel worthwhile enough to help keep playing.

An innovation like Showtime or Fast Five forces you to learn new strategy concepts. Consider the difficulty in learning optimal play when you can suddenly see every folded card. Or consider how much you?d have to vary your strategy when starting with only five big blinds.

Other innovations, such as for example Webcam Poker, don?t necessarily require playing differently. Instead, they just don?t work out as planned.

Poker sites don?t roll out these new products as mere novelties. They want you and others to play them seriously.

Anonymous tables, fast-fold variants, and lottery-style games have achieved enough adoption to stick around. In fact, each one of these ideas were originally rolled out at an individual site and finally copied by others.

The majority of innovations, though, don?t last very long. They just don?t receive enough interest to create them worthwhile in the long run.

Poker sites are good at quickly recognizing when a new product isn?t likely to work out. This can be a huge reason most innovations don?t hang in there long.Poker tournaments are where dreams (and fortunes) are created and broken. While playing a few hands occasionally are excellent for learning the overall game and having fun, nothing tests one?s poker fortitude, intelligence, and endurance like sitting down at a tournament and playing to win everything.

Now, please don?t think I?m advocating to remain away from a tournament. It?s quite contrary actually. If you imagine being truly a competitive poker player with a reputation for doing some damage at the table, you need to play in tournaments. That?s the only way to win.

What I am advocating, though, is that you don?t take a poker tournament lightly. Instead, approach your poker tournaments with the right respect and seriousness and you are bound to make more money as time passes than in the event that you didn?t. If you?re not sure how exactly to plan a poker tournament, listed below are seven tips you can utilize to play optimal tournament poker.

1 ? Self-Care Is Crucial
A poker tournament is really a marathon, not just a sprint. Before you play in one, you may not look at it as an endurance spot, however the quantity of mental focus, clarity, emotional control, and physical discipline it requires to win a tournament is nothing to the be ignored. That?s why, before any poker tournament, you should spend time treating you to ultimately a little self-care.

Remember, your body is a machine and it helps if your system is well-maintained prior to the tournament.
What does which means that? If you?re playing in a $25 buy-in game at your friend?s house, you probably don?t need a lot more than a few hours? sleep, a meal, and some caffeine to help keep you in the fight. Alternatively, if there?s some a lot of money at risk, give serious consideration to coming up with a pre-tournament ritual similar to what athletes do before a game.

That would involve getting a good night?s sleep for at the very least eight hours (or even more if your system needs that amount of rest). Ensure you?ve taken your medications and then add vitamins once and for all measure. Eat a solid meal of something that won?t upset your stomach prior to the match and drink water.

2 ? Set Goals
Crowd at Poker Tournament, Goals Logo with Target and Dollar Bills Spread If you?re like the majority of people, you want to tackle every tournament Conan style?

?Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of these [people].?

That?s great. There?s no reason never to set victory as an objective.

On the other hand, there can be only one winner out of potentially hundreds or thousands who might play a meeting of every size. Therefore, set a meaningful goal on your own based on your experience and become happy if you meet that goal, even when you neglect to make your Conan goal.

3 ? Stay Calm
A poker tournament will tax your mental endurance like few other exercises. Don?t further tax yourself by letting anger, fear, anxiety, or doubt further sap your mental strength. Instead, work to stay calm even in probably the most stressful situations and you also are going to find that you?re fresher, more able to focus, and have a definite advantage over other players who is able to?t keep their cool once the pressure is on.

When you are losing your calm, you can try meditation (start to see the next tip) or deep breathing exercises. Practice this in everyday stressful situations or during internet poker games and you may find your tournament play improves.

4 ? Consider Meditation
hand OVERLOOKING Poker Cards, Silhouette of Person Meditating This might sound silly, but real poker professionals practice meditation before they play poker. For a few, that is as simple as spending some quiet time in reflection, a 15-minute sit down in a hot tub, or time spent reading or praying. Others can look for guided mediation that help them reach a location of quietness and introspection.

No matter what the activity, meditation will help your brain rest and find an even of focus that one doesn?t get even from sleep. Needless to say, like most things, meditation takes practice, so don?t decide you?re going to meditate for the very first time before your big tournament and expect big results. (Actually, the opposite is usually true. The initial few meditation sessions are often mentally strenuous just like the first few times running or weight lifting.)

Therefore, if you think you?re likely to play a lot of poker tournaments, start meditating now. You will find that it pays dividends in all areas that want mental endurance (including just life sometimes).

5 ? Do Some Stretches
There?s a physical component to poker and the physical component is sitting., lots and lots of sitting. Sometimes, there?s days and nights of sitting if the tournament is big enough and has enough players. While by the end of your day, spending lots of time sitting on your own rear sounds like it must be easy, it?s really not.

While I?m not ready to embrace the idea that sitting may be the new smoking, I could tell you that sitting in exactly the same place for extended hours results in sore legs, shoulders, and necks. Unfortunately, when the muscles start to get sore, the mind starts to tire. Once the mind tires, concentrating gets harder, your calm starts to evaporate, and the next matter you understand, you?re tilting, you miss a tell, or you just begin to bet haphazardly.

Therefore, you?re have to to stretch out muscle tissue before you play. A good stretch opens the muscles up and gets them ready for the incomprehensibly strenuous act of sitting there and basically doing nothing. (That?s not sarcasm. Muscle tissue do get tired.)

Also, find the right chair stretches that can be done when you play and among hands. Find effective methods to flex your quads, roll your shoulders, keep your neck loose, etc. A small amount of exercise could keep those muscles from getting tired and achy and keep your brain able to process the overall game.

6 ? Find Comfortable Anti-Tell Devices
Poker Player Wearing Hat and Sunglasses, Cash Spread Out It wasn?t so long ago that wearing sunglasses, ear buds, and hoodies were uncommon in the game of poker. Nowadays, though, all of the best poker players are employing some form of item to cover the tells (which explains why I am calling them ?anti-tell? devices). If you think you have a tell or you want to join the trend, that?s great, nevertheless, you need to do a little research.

You don?t desire to show up to the poker tournament with a new pair of glasses or earbuds that you?ve never tried before because you don?t know how they fit or how they work. You don?t know if they pinch or block your vision or do something else annoying.

Instead, try out your anti-tell device a long time before the poker tournament and practice using it. That way, you get used to it as part of your game. You want those ear buds to fit so that they don?t keep falling out of one's ear and allow entire table know you?re hearing Taylor Swift?

7 ? Dip Your Toes in the Pool
If you get the chance to play a little poker prior to the tournament, then play an extremely little amount of poker before the start of tournament. The goal here is to not exhaust your mind prior to the real chips hit the table.

Instead, if you can play a few friendly or low-dollar games, it's rather a lot just like a runner who jogs a practice lap or perhaps a football player would you pre-game stretches.
The mind is not a muscle, but in some ways, it acts like one. It prefers just a little mental warm-up before it?s called on to do massive feats of math, concentration, and control. The practice can be in person or online, but just don?t allow it be too strenuous or go on for too long.

At some level, these suggestions probably sounds like overkill. Still, in the event that you?re seriously interested in poker and winning tournaments, you would do well to heed at least some of these suggestions.

Again, that can be done as much or as little of the preparations as is practical for the level of tournament and competition, however the more you treat your poker tournament just like a big deal, the more you're priming yourself for bigger and better poker results.

By the end of the day, if you can?t do all seven of these things, make certain you at least practice just a little self-care. A tired, hungry, thirsty body won't perform well in any poker situation, even if it?s just friends around a table.

Also, look at a few stretches or chair exercises in virtually any poker tournament to ward off the soreness of sitting. Then, feel absolve to add in all of those other preparations as you play bigger tournaments with more money. By the end of your day, your bankroll management skills will many thanks.Self-reflection is really a powerful tool no matter the passion you pursue, nonetheless it?s especially very important to gamblers who take their game seriously.

During your first year in the highly competitive world of casino gambling, the journey is sure to take certain twists and turns. Bankroll swings, extended streaks in either direction, and the sheer struggle inherent in overcoming the home?s edge all combine to create for one hell of a ride.

When it?s all said and done, that first year on the casino floor offers a steady blast of defining moments.

Many ambitious players run headlong in to the reality of casino gambling, discovering that the proper strategy and study on the planet doesn?t dent negative expectation. Others end up gripped by addictive tendencies, tumbling down the rabbit hole while chasing table game longshots and the most elusive of jackpots. And life?s uncanny knack for throwing curveballs once you least expect it could leave one wondering if it was all worth it ultimately.

Attempting to turn into a sharp casino gambler can be an eminently attainable task, and therein lies the rub. Anyone can study basic strategy charts, memorize odds, and practice sound bankroll management ? these aren?t special talents confined to a lucky few. In the event that you put the task in, it is possible to almost assuredly attempt to make a living as a casino gambler ? but trying and succeeding are two different things.

The margins in any gambling game ? whether it be poker tournaments, sports betting, or video poker advantage play ? are razor thin. The most effective sports bettors on earth expect to cash just 52 percent of their tickets on average, and even Daniel ?Kid Poker? Negreanu experiences elimination a lot more often when compared to a deep run. Card counters aside, probably the most proficient blackjack players on the planet are guaranteed to reduce nearly half the hands they see.

Gambling is merely that, a gamble, and negative expectation is the norm. The home?s edge does vary wildly, of course, and savvy players can always shave that edge down so far as possible ? however the edge remains on the home?s side at all times.

Knowing this, serious gamblers are in for a rough ride, even yet in the best of that time period. Squeezing out small profits takes patience and practice, and just one cold streak can simply wipe all your hard work off the board.

There?s a reason we gamblers call the gig a ?grind,? after all.
But that grind may also provide immense enjoyment, specifically for serious players who know very well what they?re doing. When you start seeing your study sessions bear fruit at the tables or at the book, the satisfaction is enduring to say the least. Beating the home is a rare accomplishment, and when I?m fortunate enough to run well, saying I?m along with the world would be an understatement.

With that crucial first year of serious gambling now in the books, you should take a moment to check back on your personal path to arrive here. An objective, honest analysis of your progress is a good way to spot leaks in your game, and to identify strengths on which to build.

In that spirit, I present 12 questions to ask yourself, now that you?ve been in the gambling world for a full year:

1. Why Do I Gamble?
Let?s get to the heart of it all with the very first question.

Knowing what brings you to the casino isn?t always easy, because in my experience anyway, that motivation can shift back and forth. Some days I?m excited to try out a new theory or approach, while other sessions are simply a tour of duty, or a day at any office.

Other times, I?m expressly thinking about grinding out a profit, perhaps to pay an urgent bill or spring for a special event.

And many times, it?s the spirit of competition that drives me, with the game serving as nothing more than a puzzle to be placed together, or a hurdle to be overcome.

Ask yourself why you gamble, and do your very best to answer honestly.
Are you attempting to earn an ?easy living? or get rich quick? Can you play solely for profit, or does entertainment value suffice? & most importantly, could you stop today in the event that you wanted to?

These are important questions to remember because casino gambling can easily swerve into dangerous territory. Problem gambling is really a real phenomenon, and addiction can grab ahold of the best of us.

Leaving aside the more negative areas of the industry, examining your motivations as a gambler is just a smart play in the long run. When people do anything out of habit alone, the tendency is to put in the bare minimum amount of effort. But when you have a dynamic, ongoing reason to play ? whatever that reason could be ? you?ll have a tendency to work hard in the quest for certain goals.

2. How Did I Do?
Speaking of goals, the prime objective in every gambling games would be to leave with an increase of money than you sat down with.

To get a clear grasp on your own performance throughout the year, it?s vital that you maintain diligent records on your play and results. I keep an Excel spreadsheet running throughout the year to cover each game in my own arsenal, but you may use a notebook, or any other solution to record pertinent data.

As well as the monetary wins and losses, make sure you keep track of the dates you played, the overall game and setup, the location, along with other external factors. These will assist you to spot trendlines in your play: games you excel in, rule setups that produce higher profits, and venues where you merely never appear to play your best.

At the end of every week, month, and year, you?ll have a precise glimpse into your bankroll fluctuations for that period. Monitoring the swings you?ll experience as a gambler is essential, because if you?re not paying close attention, your brain can begin playing an age-old trick.

For whatever reason, people have a tendency to forget losing sessions while remembering big wins. If you don?t have records on hand, it is simple to fool yourself into thinking you win more than you do. Poker players and sports bettors are notorious for this, glossing on the repeated buy ins and bets that don?t pan out, while concentrating on the most memorable winning sessions.

Regardless of what game you prefer though, accurate records about your current performance are the best way to control your bankroll.
Think about your gambling activity to be like any other aspect of your financial life. Your bank statements allow you to track spending and build a savings, and gambling records work exactly the same way.

And with that information at hand, you can consider how you really did for the entire year. Remember, even a tiny profit surpasses a loss, and finishing in the black is an accomplishment to be proud of. Casino games are a negative expectation gamble at their core, so ending the entire year with any modicum of profit is respectable.

3. THAT WHICH WAS My Best Game?
Utilizing the records you?ve compiled throughout the year, you should be in a position to spot certain patterns in your play ? namely, which game you win probably the most at.

Generally, these profitable games will tend to be skill based affairs, such as blackjack, video poker, traditional poker, and sports betting. Whatever your best game is actually, consider one key follow-up question too: why is this my best game?

It’s likely that, you?re winning more at a game like blackjack as the game naturally lends itself to skillful play. You?ll be hard pressed to locate a gambler who counts slot machines or keno as their finest games, since they depend on random chance alone.

As soon as you?ve identified your best game, you have to be focusing more of one's session time on these bets.
They?re producing probably the most profit, and thus you have to be putting more of your bankroll behind them.

And even when you?re excelling at a particular game, always make an effort to keep improving. Dive deeper into the literature, study all you can, and search for the most advantageous game conditions in your area.

Do those things, and your best game will be even better this time around next year.

4. What Was My Worst Game?
Following through on the last topic, quality recordkeeping should demonstrate what your worst game is actually.

It’s likely that it?ll be a game of chance, but even skill based games could be played poorly.

Sports bettors who dabble in parlays and futures will most likely find that the casual big payday isn?t enough to overcome all the losses that came before. For video poker specialists, sitting at anything less than a full pay machine can significantly reduce payback percentage. And blackjack sharps suffer drastically once the deck count goes up, or blackjack payouts drop.

If you?re able to identify the overall game you lose probably the most money on, look for explanations why that trend has cropped up.

Obviously, games of chance should be avoided generally, as you?ll be gambling in the truest sense of the term. But regardless of what your worst game was this year, think about reducing your time there, or scaling back your bet sizes to mitigate the chance.

5. What Was THE BEST Game?
It?s not all about the bottom line, or at least, it shouldn?t be.

Gambling is a way to obtain entertainment at its heart, and if you?re devoid of fun in the casino, why be there at all?

Consider what game produced probably the most memorable moments, probably the most high-fives with new friends, and probably the most smiles on the drive home. This game might not match up as your very best game, and that?s fine. Personally, I love hitting the craps table for just a little fun, even though my records show I lose a bit more there, over the long haul. By using discipline, and using minimum bets, I could still have my fun rolling the bones, without my bankroll going belly up.

If you have a favorite game, always include it in your regular schedule. Even if it?s just for several hands, spins, or rolls, playing the casino game which makes you happiest is a wonderful way to stay grounded.

You?ll have plenty of time to grind your best game, so stop and smell the roses as they say.

6. Am I Playing My Best?
Having a great time has its place, and a significant one at that, however the most important facet of your play to consider is quality.

In other words, are you playing to the best of your abilities?

In blackjack, which means both memorizing basic strategy and making the correct play every time out. It?s a very important factor to call yourself a simple strategy player as you?ve studied the charts, but the ballgame changes once the cards start flying. Be honest, and ask yourself if you?ve ever slipped up and made a mistake that set you back the hand. If so, keep studying those charts and putting in practice hands online, until the correct play is second nature.

Every skill based game could be played perfectly, and while pure perfection will not be attainable in the real-world setting, the best players certainly try.
Section of that effort involves avoiding alcohol, playing on full rest, and avoiding distractions like the big game being shown at the bar.

Remember, even probably the most skillful gamblers can have problems with lapses in judgement or effort. The very best poker pros on the planet can phone it in, and when they do, amateurs armed with an excellent read can take them to school. The button clicking routine of a video poker machine can cause a trance like state, and as your fingers are flying, the human brain isn?t really piloting the ship.

Whatever the cause, great players don?t always play great. Your task is to remain mindful of the lulls and prevent them whenever possible. If you?re feeling tired, stand up and take a walk or grab a bite to eat. If the player within the next seat is desperate to strike up a conversation, politely excuse yourself and find a quieter table. Do whatever needs doing to put yourself in the best position to play well, and before you know it, the answer to the question will be ?needless to say? once the Year 2 review arrives.

7. Should I PROGRESS in Stakes?
Among the toughest questions any gambler faces is whether to bump up the betting.

Predicated on your records, you should have a clear grasp on what you?re playing at certain levels. In the event that you?re absolutely crushing the $1/$2 No Limit Texas Hold?em cash game at your neighborhood card club, it usually is tempting to look at the $2/$5 tables and imagine doubled profits. Every bet would recreate a bigger haul, and every chip would be worth more cash at hand ? so why not take a shot?

That temptation exists over the spectrum of gambling games, as does the chance. Even when skill can be an element, casino games and other gambles involve negative expectation. You?re confronted with a residence edge, and for a while, it is possible to suffer drastic swings and streaks.

When you?re playing at the lower levels, those swings are better to survive. But intensify in stakes, and something bad night can wreak havoc on which was once a comfortable bankroll.

When contemplating a jump in stakes, a few factors should be examined carefully. You may well be winning more at a particular game precisely as you?re playing lower. In the poker example above, the caliber of competition at an average $1/$2 table pales compared to that of a $2/$5 game. Players don?t bluff normally, they call down too often, and they overvalue one pair hands. If you?re crushing that one game, you?re likely one of many better players at the table.

But bring those same skills to a more impressive game, and suddenly things aren?t very easy.
The players seem to sniff out your bluffs far more easily, they know when big hands are beaten by bad boards, plus they play ?above the rim? when it comes to advanced theory.

You were an effective player in the lower games, however now you?re the fish being hunted by a table filled with sharks.

Exactly the same dynamic doesn?t apply to table games and video poker, but on these gambles, a jump in stakes creates an increased degree of variance. We?ve all suffered through extended losing streaks on an art based game, even though playing perfectly. That?s just the nature of negative expectation at the job. But when you play at a cushty limit, the swings can be ridden out until your all the best balances out the bad.

Playing at higher stakes simply shrinks your bankroll?s value. If you have $5,000 to work with while betting $5 on blackjack, you have 1,000 hands to work with. But double the betting to $10, as well as your bankroll is instantly carved to a 500-hand value.

You?ll have to test out bankroll management to see what realy works best for you personally, but caution is always advisable.

8. MUST I Move Down in Stakes?
On a single note, in the event that you?re failing to gain traction at certain stakes, it could be extremely beneficial to scale things back and bet less.

Contemplate it a breather or perhaps a re-training session in the event that you will, but dialing the limits back is all section of your development as a savvy gambler. It?d be great in the event that you simply moved steadily up through the ranks, but casino gambling wasn?t made to be easy. Variance will always play its devilish role, which means you should be ready to be beaten back occasionally.

Don?t take it personal, and don?t beat yourself up over it. Ultimately, your betting unit doesn?t really matter all that much anyhow. The true objective would be to play in addition to it is possible to, and using smaller stakes can relieve a lot of the pressure that plagues first year gamblers.

Use this time to work on your game, perfect certain skills, and apply advanced theories without fear a bad run will break you. Then, once you?re winning consistently again, it is possible to ponder moving back around bigger bet sizes.

9. Am I Practicing Proper Game Selection?
Unless you live in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, it?s likely you merely have a few local casinos to pick from ? if any at all.

If that?s the case, applying proper game selection strategy can be difficult indeed. If your tribal casino or local card club doesn?t offer full pay 9/6 Jacks or Better video poker, well, so what can you really do about it?

In this example, you?d probably have either 9/5 or 8/6 Jacks or Better machines available, but biting the bullet and playing these is never the proper idea. You?ll instantly sacrifice a ton of equity with regards to payback percentage ? 9/6 Jacks or Better pays back at 99.54 percent, while 9/5 slides down to 98.45 percent ? and that can turn a profitable gamble right into a money pit.

If your selected game isn?t available in its full pay version, or with the game conditions that create the cheapest possible house edge, you should think about finding a different game of preference.
It just isn?t worthwhile to play a substandard game simply because you lack better options.

And for individuals who confine their gambling to Sin City excursions, always be sure to stick to the Off-Strip rule, which holds that the best odds on every game are located away from Las Vegas Boulevard. Venues just like the Stations Casino line, South Point, Red Rock Resort, and the Fremont Street Experience in the Downtown District have a tendency to offer full pay games at an increased rate than their competitors.

10. Do I Owe Money / Does Anybody Owe Me?
This one may not be applicable for everybody, but at year?s end, make sure to tally up any gambling related debts you?ve incurred ? one way or the other.

Loans are a section of life in the gambling community, especially amongst friends and peers who play together regularly. Cash isn?t always readily available, ATM limits are onerous, and driving to the lender eats into your bankroll given the high cost of gas.

You may loan a few bucks occasionally, or borrow a stake to get back on the table, however in each case, be sure to keep diligent records. And if any debts are lingering once the year is out, do your best to settle up and clean the slate.

11. Am I Having Fun?
Another simple question with a simple answer. If you can?t say ?yes? to the one quickly, and convincingly, it?s probably time to grab another hobby.

After all, in the event that you?re gambling without even enjoying it, you?re probably experiencing addiction. Problem gambling is really a serious deal, and nobody deserves to go through that wringer.

As always, be honest with yourself and never be afraid to admit a flaw. In the event that you?re devoid of fun any more, step back from the tables and find a thing that brings a smile back to your face.

When the time comes, perhaps you?ll reenter the world of casino gambling ? and when not, more capacity to you.

12. Where Do I Go from Here?
That?s all up to you.

Maybe you?ll get one of these World Series of Poker (WSOP) event after fine tuning tournament skills. If you?ve never played a Megabucks progressive jackpot slot machine, with its multimillion dollar grand prize, perhaps a vacation to Reno is in the offing.

You might gamble less within the next year due to a new job or a growing family. You could even stop altogether if the solution compared to that last question didn?t quite satisfy.

Wherever someone happens to go next though, I hope the answers you found here today help you to get there.

It?s always good to evaluate your progress to help you make adjustments and plan for the future. This site about evaluating your first-year gambling with one of these twelve questions to consider, is a great starting place and will be offering a checkup after your first 12 months.

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