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Choosing Pet Beds For Your Dog Or Cat
If this story is not totally true, it is this reviewer's guess that it is "almost" true and based upon the antics of Songha. You see, there is one important thing that differentiates Songha. She is half-wild and even though her mother was domesticated, her "wild side" just has to come out some time!

Gifts for Cat Lovers Songha is a Savannah cat, who comes from Kalahari, an African desert. If you are wondering if KittyNook Cat Company has enough experience with Gifts for Cat Lovers you should check how long they have been around. Her father, Rafu Dubwana, who, now lives in America, is an African Serval Leopard. Once breeded, his daughter, Songha became "one of a kind." This is her story!

But there was always that one person who seemed to eye unimaginative gifts with disinterest at best, and utter disdain at worst. When it came to buying a birthday present for this person you'd break into a sweat, knowing that you'd spend weeks traipsing round crowded shops to find an affordable gift that this person didn't already own.

Present for Cat Lovers Cat asthma refers to the sudden reaction some people have to coming in close contact with a cat. The victim suffers from spasms and swelling of the respiratory tract due to the immune system rejecting the protein contained in the pet dander. This protein is carried in the cat's saliva and deposited on the feline's fur (to become pet dander) during a cat's constant grooming ritual. In severe instances the airway can be shut off and the person unable to breath.

Generally a sign of contentment but cats will also purr if ill or distressed in some way. More often though, this is the behaviour of a happy cat. A mother will reassure her kittens by purring and kittens will respond likewise. Cats will also purr at the perceived threat of another cat to show that they pose no threat to them.

Cat Lovers Gift Cats always needs fresh clean water. In the past, cat owners have always been baffled as to why cats gravitate towards running water to drink. The key to this is basic water chemistry. The longer water sits, the lower the pH becomes as it loses oxygen, and the more sour water tastes. By using the Vet Ventures Drinkwell Pet Fountain, which circulates water and also passes it through a carbon filter, you provide the freshest and most natural tasting water possible. Keeping more than one in separate rooms makes sure you never run out of water for your kitty! It can also hold up to a gallon of water, plenty for even 3 or more cats.

Cats spray for one reason and one reason only-to mark their territory. Human beings aren't much different. We set boundaries on land to establish who owns what-only, for the most part anyway, we don't use piss as markers. Cats do, however, and they have done this for thousands of years so it's going to be an uphill battle to get yours to stop. But you are not helpless in your quest. Here are some things you can try.

Pet Exercise. Are you looking to lose weight? How about getting paid to do it? Get in shape in no time while spending time with the animals you love. This isn't limited to dog walking. Offer to play fetch in the backyard. Play with the cat. Or sit outside with a rabbit or guinea pig. Many pet owners desire to do these things with their pets but often just don't have the time and have no problem paying someone to make sure their animals get proper care and exercise.
best gifts for cat lovers

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