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Why Cold DEMAND Business?
check here 've been in the insurance business for several years now. When I first got started one of the things that is always preached is cold calling. Walk and talk also, or put simply, get out in the market place and go by and talk to people. Just drop in, say hello, and leave a card. Ok last one, friends, neighbors, and relatives. Don't forget to call most of these people. Tell them you are running a business to help them. One of the better ways to not get invited to the family picnic would be to start prospecting the family. And you will most likely not get invited to friend's parties either should you be always hitting in it for business.

So, does cold calling work? Sure to an extent. How many people must you call to obtain 5 appointments a week? I know people that actually demand 3 days to create appointments for just one day. I am sorry but I simply have a hard time doing that. It's just not me. If it's afterward you do it now. Don't read any more. By far the majority of people do not or cannot handle the rejection on the telephone. With me it's not the rejection it's just the time involved. I had rather market in a manner that has people calling me.

Think about purchasing leads? You still will probably call them. And how much are you going to pay for leads only to get disconnected numbers, hang ups, people letting you know that they never asked for anybody to call them. And a lot of the people get upset with your call. Tell you firmly to call them back that night at 9:00 PM when you don't actually want to be working. It becomes a rat race and typically, you spend a great deal of money for leads and once you figure your time and energy, it could not be worth it.

Does any of this problem? If your organization requires leads and contacts, I'm sure it is extremely familiar to you.

So what is it possible to do? You must have a system that allows you and demonstrates how to obtain people calling you. Just think about it, once a person calls you, you are now nearer to closing the offer because that person is drawn to you or your product. Once you develop those simple tactics, the selling process becomes easier as well as your cold-calling days will soon end.

I'm Mac Caldwell and I've always worked in a sales environment. I've always needed leads and I've done the cold calling, walking and talking, chased the FNR people (friends, neighbors, relatives). That is by far one of the better systems I've been involved with to help me with self-marketing.

For help email mac @[email protected]
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