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My mom and dad were schoolmates during their college years. Year 1999, they became classmates and eventually "good friends/barkada" during their 3rd year in college. They're both active in one religious organization called "Pax Romana".

[Mom said she liked my dad because he is a quiet type of person, intelligent, friendly, and handsome!]
On the last day of their one-week activity, they went hiking. On their way up the mountain, the road got slippery because it rained the night before. My dad saw mom's footwear is not appropriate to use because she might slip and get injured along
the way. My dad offered his "tsinelas" to mom while he walks on foot! Poor dad. Mom secretly felt "kilig" because his crush did that to her. Then along the way, the road got so bad, it has lots of thorny. plants, stones and insects. Mom gave back dad's slipper but dad refused.. aww so sweet.. That time mom
said, she thinks she's falling inlove with dad... but of course, she kept it to herself only. Mom is also a shy
and quite type of person but friendly. But mom said, dad is also a campus crush. A lot of girls are really
flirting with dad so mom gets jealous always and started to distant herself from dad. But as time went by...
dad shows interest to mom like where mom is, dad is there also. He would even help mom wash her
clothes. She said he is the sweetest guy he ever met! They became really close to each other that their
friends and classmates thought that they are in a serious relationship already, but they are not! Mom said,
dad would always help her with her assignments, help her during enrollment, carry her bags/things,
always on the danger side when crossing the streets. He would wait for mom even if mom's class ends
late and he would wait for mom to ride the jeepney and he would also note the plate number of the
jeepneys mom rode on. Mom didn't knew this before until she happened to borrow his notebook and saw
all the plate numbers. Fast forward, dad confessed his feeling for mom on December 2000. They we're
officially a couple on their 4th year in college. They we're each other's "First Love!"

They graduated year 2002. Dad was able to work in Shakey's while mom in City Engineer's Office.
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They graduated year 2002. Dad was able to work in Shakey's while mom in City Engineer's Office.
Then after several months, dad got an invitation to apply for an office work here in Manila. Mom got very
sad, it's their first time to be far away from each other after 4 years! But she understands, she must let go
of dad because he wants to help his family in province. She can vividly remember the day she and papa
said their goodbyes. She was very sad that she cried a lot. While mom was left in Iloilo, she said there are
a lot of temptation, but she knew deep in her heart, it was dad she wants to spend the rest of her life.

Six months passed, and my grandpa finally gave his blessing for mom to look for a job here in
Manila. Of course grandpa cried because it is also their first time to be far away from each other. January
24, 2004, mom and two of her good friends arrived here in Manila Pier early in the morning. Finally the I
lovers are together again. Mom stayed in Cavite, while dad is in Quezon City. Dad would visit mom during
his rest days. Mom wasn't able to land a job there. Then on March 2004, she got hired in a BPO here in
Paranaque. Although they are not living together here, they always find time to spend their rest days

Fast forward. Four years after, they got married in Quezon City. And finally expecting ME! Mom
said her pregnancy with me is a bit hard. She stays here in Paranaque while dad is still in Quezon City.
They just see each other only on weekends, but of course dad is always present during moms pre-natal
check ups. This is their set-up until I'm 8 months old in moms' tummy. When mom is 6 months pregnant,
she remembered that she thought I will not gonna make it. Then she was advised by her OB to have a 1
week bedrest. And it happened again when she was 8 months pregnant with me. Thanks God, He heard
mom's prayers.. Then came her 9th month! They are both busy and excited buying the things needed.
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April 14, 2008, her waterbag broke the time she opened her eyes at about 6 in the morning. They
got very excited yet very nervous as well. Several hours later, I was out! But mom got CS because the
doctor said I have my cord on my neck so it's too risky for mom to deliver me normally, and, mom lost a
lot of water already and that I already pooped inside mom's tummy. Oopps sorry mom.. Mom said, she
was awake during her CS procedure and it's a relief that I finally was out of her tummy. She cried when
she heard me cried. It's an indescribable feeling. She thanked God for everything. I was born in Pasig City.

Everyone in the family is very excited to see me especially my grandparents! We transferred here
in Paranaque when I was maybe 5 months old. I was baptized on October 2008 in moms place in Iloilo. I
also celebrated my 1 birthday there. Everyone was very excited to see me and have a picture with me.
They said, I look like a foreigner. Nope, I'm NOT! I'm pure "Probinsyana" as what mom said

Fast forward again. Came my 2nd birthday, mom decided to stop working and become a hands-
on-mom so she could take care of me and dad too. March 2010, mom resigned from her work. She was
very happy that dad supported her decision. Everything went well.

My first out of town vacation was in Bagiuo City. I was a flower girl in my mom's officemate's
wedding. Then Coron in Busuanga, Puerto Princesa in Palawan and in our province, Iloilo. I really enjoyed
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I started going to school when I was three and a half years old. Mom said I love going to school
and I enjoyed school activities. I was Top 10 in my Nursery class in UPS-5 Day Care Center. Made it to Top
1 the next schoolyear on the same school. I transferred in LeSil Montessori School when I was in Kinder 2.
I enjoyed my elementary days. I have lots of friends and admirers too. I also love singing and dancing.
I was able to join City councilor's, Rosel Nava Summer Workshop. I passed their singing audition and we
'performed in Solair Hotel and Casino. I also joined Dance Competition when I was in LeSil. My academic
performance is very good to excellent. I also won in declamation contest, Little Miss LeSil and other
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