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Horse Feed Analysis
When we think about horse feed, the image of horses grazing contentedly in paddocks and fields or chomping on hay in a well balanced may come in your thoughts. However, to protect the welfare of a horse, its diet should be supplement with feed, rich in the nutrients needed to sustain an extended and healthy life.

In general feed could be categorised into two types, the original diet of hay and oats or perhaps a compound diet. And, subsequently these depend on whether the horse undertakes low, moderate or heavy work.

Traditional Horse Feed

In theory, horses in low degrees of activity could survive on a forage diet. But, in such cases, they may lack sufficient levels of essential vitamins and minerals. This is because there might be low degrees of these nutrients in soil which, in turn, results in crops having lower levels. And, needless to say, foraging depends upon seasonal changes so a horse relying on forage may suffer in winter. However, these deficiencies are reversible by introducing a horse feed balancer with their diet and there are various feed balancers available. Added to this, the application of heat-stable yeast products is popular because yeast improves food utilisation and, therefore, overall well-being. As the yeast factor aids the digestive system, it helps to ensure that all nutrients are absorbed. A horse feed balancer could be a cost-effective solution to improve a horse's health. Adding Horse Feed Wombourne Staffordshire to high levels of forage can ensure the horse receives sufficient amounts of each nutrient. The sort and level of feed balancer used ought to be gauged based on the horse's condition and level of activity.

Compound Feed

The kind of situations where horses are required for heavy work or powerful are mainly in the sporting arena and include such activities as racing, eventing and polo. In these demanding circumstances, it is essential that horse feed is targeted and balanced to guarantee the horse's physical and mental wellbeing. Due to competitive, commercial and welfare implications of the activities, there are always a vast range of horse feed supplements available. It's important that an owner understands this stress and strain that each circumstance places on the horse. Such knowledge allows them to supplement the horse feed accordingly. For example, rice bran oil has proved effective for weight gain and performance by increasing the metabolism of fat and the synthesis of protein while flax meets the need for slow energy release.

The omega 3 content of flax can donate to improving the horse's overall condition and appearance. In cases of nervous or excitable horses, it really is believed that feeding them a good way to obtain digestible fat might have a relaxing effect. And, needless to say, the feed should be concentrated to cater for muscle and joint wellbeing, whether it is to attain powerful or aid recovery.

By understanding the ingredients and functions of horse feed, we fulfill our obligations to your equine friends by ensuring they have an extended, healthy and useful life.

An established and leading supplier of horse feed supplements, Equiform Nutrition has over a hundred years experience providing advice and high quality products to the equine world. Using the latest technology, high quality control standards and sophisticated manufacturing techniques, our horse feed supplements are created from the purest and most natural ingredients.

We use information predicated on scientific analysis to ensure the correct balance of ingredients. You will see our selection of horse feed balancers and supplements which includes vitamin and mineral supplements, calmers, joint supplements, electrolytes and many others.

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