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Academic Credentials Vs Business Results: What Do Business Owners Want From Graduates?
Good morning colleagues!

Satisfaction of companies concerning the academic qualifications or credentials of these work force is the focus of our discussion. Business owners are not happy. Graduates aren't happy. Let's see if we can unravel the mystery why.

Business owners across the country are very disappointed in the quality of college graduates. I hear often: "Dr. C---academia is sending me graduates I can't hire. [Why?] They do not have skill mastery.]" "These graduates need to hit the bottom running, but they can't. I am wasting a lot of time and money to REtrain graduates. Wii return on my investment (ROI). They don't really have skill mastery that their degree says they ought to."

Comments like these break my heart. Students [and educators] fail to understand the best goal for college-to educate the future employees with skills that demonstrate marketable RESULTS for companies. Business owners look for RESULTS that drive profit and the bottom line.

A graduate invests money on a degree that isn't marketable. Business owners cannot find the graduates with the right skill sets to employ. What is the perfect solution is?


Those on both sides of the equation expect results. Graduates want additional money, more status, higher profile projects, leadership responsibilities, and more opportunities. Companies want very skilled and trained employees who is able to demonstrates results within their business to operate a vehicle profits.


The goal of this short article is to discuss the top 5 priorities for graduates to connect with business owners. Let's close this gap.

1. THE RESUME: Students/graduates-this area is for you. Remember, the purpose of a resume is to demonstrate RESULTS. The resume is a strategic tool. Potential employers want in RESULTS, not credentials. Telling employers where you visited school isn't as important as everything you did when you have there been. An employer doesn't want to see your list of classes, they want to see what results the employer can get due to what you learned. Suggest to them. Bring an example of your writing; show how you work well in a team, offer strategic plans to boost their business. RESULTS! Employers wish to know what's in it for them. What VALUE can you bring with their table? What can you DO?

I see many students who simply list their credentials and wonder why employers aren't beating a path to their door. Remember the resume is to secure the interview, not the job. When there are a lot more than 400 applicants for each job, an employer will interview only the top candidates with ACTIONABLE RESULTS that could help their business. End of story.

If you cannot show your potential worth and value to underneath type of an employer's business. they won't want to talk to you. Remember, you are asking an employer to switch YOUR time because of their money. You need to demonstrate you are a PRUDENT investment with a higher ROI. Show them.

2. PROOF: How can you prove you to ultimately a potential employer? I tell my students often, it's not everything you know, but everything you can prove that's important to your reader, and in cases like this your prospective new boss. Your boss will NOT take your word for anything. Companies are very perceptive in requesting proof. They WILL check to verify your resume. They will run a background check to include criminal records, verify academic credentials, plus they are likely to want proof that can be done everything you said in the interview. Show them.

3. RELEVANCY & CURRENCY: Educators: That one is for you personally. One cannot offer old or outdated information in the classroom. Students MUST apply what educators teach them immediately with their jobs, professional worlds, or perhaps volunteer and community worlds; they want current theories and relevant research. Educators/universities, please update your course materials.

4. INNOVATION: Teach with emerging technologies. Business owners want to see current technologies utilized by their new hires; usage of social media is mandatory. Take into account the message an educator sends when working with an overhead project in the classroom? Faculty should be on the leading edge. If you don't have a smart phone, get one. Unless you know how to cause you to Tube Videos or develop a blog or use Twitter and Facebook in the classroom, learn. Have a class, hire a coach, find a mentor. Do what you have to do to really have the latest and greatest technologies in your classrooms. Educators cannot run the chance of being obsolete. Students must be technically savvy because BUSINESSES EXPECT STUDENTS TO POSSESS THESE SKILLS. Teach them.

5. CREATIVE & CRITICAL THINKERS: The United States used to be #1 1 in many regions of education and business. To regain a completive edge, skills such as critical thinking & analysis, refractive thinking & synthesis, and creative thinking need to be the focus of every classroom. Companies need employees who is able to think on their feet, go off script, and find the solution to the problem.

My hope is that using these five tips will change the relationship with graduates and companies, to close the gap and regain the connection. Peter Senge, (1990) is about systems thinking, the ability to create linkages to grow roots deep into systems that sustain growth long-term. Why don't we reintroduce the purpose that academia was created. Academia---meet the business enterprise owner. 358-Its-everyones-world- forex fury robot , meet academia. We need you both. Results not excuses.

Dr. Cheryl Lentz, referred to as The Academic EntrepreneurTM is passionate about closing the gap between academia and the business enterprise world.
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