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20 Trailblazers Setting The Standard In Railroad Settlement Colon Cancer
Kidney Cancer and Railroad Settlement

Every day railroad workers transport people and freight. They are exposed chemicals frequently.

Greger sought out his doctors to determine about the cause of his kidney cancer, and was told that they did not know. A reasonable investigation would not have found a connection between his exposures to the railroad and his diagnosis of kidney cancer.

Brain Damage

When railroad workers are exposed to toxic fumes the chemicals can get into the bloodstream of these workers and eventually reach their brains. This is known as toxic brain Encephalopathy, and can lead to brain damage.

Memory loss, fatigue, and difficulty being able to concentrate are all symptoms of toxic encephalopathy. If not treated, brain damage can lead to permanent disability or even death.

Exposed to diesel fumes, welding fumes, silica dust and asbestos is often the main reason for long-term health issues for railroad workers. Numerous lawsuits have been filed, and an enormous amount of money has been given to the families of victims.

While lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed disease among railroad workers but there are other diseases that have been linked to railroad work like kidney cancer and leukemia. Napoli Shkolnik's lawyers can review your claim to determine if it is appropriate for settlement.

Our lawyers can assist you file a lawsuit under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA). This law, enacted in 1908, grants railroad workers the legal right bring lawsuits against employers for injuries suffered from their duties. Our FELA attorneys can help you calculate potential settlements for railroad workers that pay medical expenses as well as lost wages in addition to pain and suffering as well as the costs of wrongful death. Contact us today for a no-cost evaluation of your case.

Kidney Cancer

Due to exposure to toxic substances like silica, welding fumes, and asbestos over a long period of time, railway workers are more at risk of developing kidney cancer. These carcinogens can cause other illnesses, including lung cancer and leukemia. The Federal Employers Liability Act, that was enacted in 1908 and remains in force today, permits railroad workers to sue their employers if they're diagnosed with a disease that is caused by their work.

If your kidney cancer has spread to other parts of the body, for instance the organs of the lungs, or any other it is possible that you will require chemotherapy to treat it. It is also possible to benefit from using targeted therapy, in which medications are utilized to fight cancer. These drugs are targeted to target specific genes, proteins or tissue environment that contribute to the growth of cancer and its survival.

If the tumor isn't metastatic, it may be eligible for active surveillance. In this case it is not necessary to undergo regular interval diagnostic tests, such as images and biopsies but your doctor will monitor your symptoms to determine if there are indications that cancer is recurring. Other localized treatments may include radiofrequency ablation (also called cryoablation) as well as radiation or cryoablation. If the cancer recurs it is possible to undergo surgery to eliminate it. For metastatic clear cell kidney cancer, you may be treated with tyrosine inhibitors, such as axitinib (Inlyta), the cabozantinib (Cabometyx), pazopanib (Votrient) or lenvatinib (Lenvima). These drugs work by blocking vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) and also inhibit the growth of tumors.

Lung Cancer

Railroad workers are at risk of developing lung cancer. This is particularly relevant for non-small-cell lung cancers like the squamous tumor or adenocarcinoma. Railroad workers may develop lung cancer due to exposure to dangerous chemicals and toxins such as diesel exhaust, welding fumes, asbestos and silica.

Exposure to these toxic substances can cause respiratory diseases such as fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These conditions can cause lung cancer. It can progress from stage one to stages two to four. When a diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, medical specialists use a method called staging to determine where the tumor is located and how far it has spread. Staging lets them prescribe the most effective treatment.

Rail workers are at an increased risk of developing lung cancer. This is due long-term exposure to coal, diesel exhaust herbicides, engine oil. Other carcinogens, such as benzene, are also a problem for railroad workers. Benzene is found in crude oils and locomotive exhaust.

If you've developed an illness or illness that is life-threatening as a result of your work with railroads, contact Napoli Shkolnik right away to discuss a lawsuit. We can explain how the Federal Employers Liability Act, adopted in 1908 and help you file a claim. Railroad workers diagnosed with cancer or other health illness may file a lawsuit under FELA to get compensation for medical bills, lost income, and discomfort and pain.


Railroads are crucial to the economic prosperity of our nation, transporting tons of freight and millions of passengers. In many instances, however, railway workers are exposed to hazardous substances that increase the risk of developing numerous types of cancer and other severe ailments. Under the Federal Employers Liability Act, railroad employees who are diagnosed with a condition which is connected to their exposure at work may be eligible for financial compensation.

In September 2016, a jury decided to award $7.5 Million to an ex- Union Pacific Railroad worker who developed leukemia. Colon cancer lawsuit settlements that he worked in the railroad industry for more than 40 years and was exposed to creosote, degreasing solvents and other toxic chemicals, without adequate protection. He claims that his exposures led melanodysplastic syndrome and then later to develop acute myeloidleukemia. In addition to his blood cancer, he suffered from poor eyesight and pain in his legs and feet, weight gain from his medication, graft against host disease, impotence and memory loss.

It is not uncommon for railroad workers to be diagnosed with kidney cancer as well as other cancers which can be caused by exposure to welding fumes, diesel exhaust, silica solvents, engine oil herbicides as well as second hand smoke and other carcinogens. In contrast to other types of occupational diseases such as mesothelioma railroad workers are able to bring lawsuits under the FELA laws, which were established in 1908. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a disease which can be traced back to the railroad you worked for it is essential to speak with a knowledgeable railway lawyer immediately.

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