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This study is primarily anchored on the interdependent theory by Ernest LeRoy Boyer(1990)traditional research, or the scholarship of discovery, had been the center of academic life and crucial to an institution's advancement, but it needed to be broadened and made more flexible to include not only the new social and environmental challenges beyond the campus but also the reality of contemporary life. His vision was to change the research mission of universities by introducing the idea that scholarship needed to be redefined.

Another theory on which this study is anchored is Kolb's theory (1984). This theory of experiential learning views learning as a process, not an outcome
the theory did not begin with Kolb; it is based on the work of John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, William James, Carl Jung, Paulo Freire, Carl Rogers, and other scholars (Kolb 1984; Turesky and Wood 2010). They each conducted research or tested theories about the power of experiences to transform learning and understanding. This form of learning encompasses a range of behaviors from a single performance to a long-term learning experience to lifelong development. "Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience

Kolb's model comprises concrete experiences (or CE, which is phase 1), reflective observation (RO, phase 2), abstract conceptualization (AC, phase 3), and active experimentation (AE, phase 4). Phase 1 is the feeling stage. In this phase, the participants experience an activity. In phase 2, the watching phase, participants consciously reflect on the initial experience. In phase 3, the thinking phase, participants form abstract concepts by conceptualizing a model or theory based on the first two phases. In the final component, the doing stage, participants synthesize their knowledge and plan a new experience. This theory is adapted to dance throughout this book, providing guidance in the development and explanation of public scholarship in teaching, choreography, and research. Kolb's theory of experiential learning supports gains that will take place in all partners - dance educators, students, community partners, and universities.
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