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<h1>Uncovering the Ugly Truth About What Drives Prostitution</h1>
Prostitution has existed for centuries and is a practice that has been extensively discussed in literature, films and other media. This age-old debate is not only a moral, political and social issue but also a key element of many cultures and economies. By looking more closely at the various factors that drive people to engage in this trade, we can uncover some ugly truths that have, to a large extent, been overlooked.

At the root of the problem lies an endemic poverty that gives desperate people no other option than to sell their bodies for money. According to a recent study by Transparency International, roughly 45% of prostitutes in industrialized countries are reported to come from impoverished socio-economic backgrounds. This proportion is much higher in economies where there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor, such as countries in Latin America or the Middle East.

Lack of education and illiteracy can also play an important role in driving people to prostitution: even when they are given a chance to improve their economic status, many turn to the sex trade because it requires little to no qualifications. A staggering 71% of all prostitutes have not completed secondary school education.

Furthermore, in some countries, women – and to a lesser extent sometimes men – are socially expected to depend on men for their livelihoods. This obligation comes in the form of dowry, which is a payment women's families are expected to make during marriages. The dowry system in countries such as India can be a major cause of push factors, making prostitution a form of last resort for these women.

It is not only women who find themselves facing economic strain. In many countries around the world, male prostitution is on the rise, with an estimated 25-30% of men entering the profession due to poverty or homelessness. This is especially evident in post-crisis and post-conflict scenarios, such as Iraq, where men are increasingly turning to prostitution in the aftermath of the political and economic turmoil.

The sheer number of people resorting to prostitution to make ends meet also disproportionately affects marginalized minorities. Incredibly, escort girls of all sex workers are from ethnic minority backgrounds, while the transgender population is particularly impacted, accounting for 14% of all prostitutes on a global scale. This is compounded by a lack of legal protection, leaving these individuals particularly vulnerable to mistreatment and abuse.

The contributing factors that drive people to prostitution appear to be deeply entrenched in the socio-economic structures of many countries. Clearly, if we are to understand the extent of the problem we must take a closer look at the underlying reasons why people turn to this form of last resort in the first place.

Underlying Systemic Inequalities and Oppression
The correlation between poverty, homelessness and prostitution is too often overlooked when discussing this issue. It is clear from existing evidence that the drivers of prostitution can range from extreme poverty and financial hardship through to limited economic opportunities. Hence, for many, prostitution can be understood as a coping-strategy for those with limited resources.

Moreover, poverty wages and wage disparities between genders must also be taken into account when examining the motivations that drive prostitution. In many countries around the world, women are paid far less than their male counterparts in the same occupation; this often lures them into the sex trade as it offers what would otherwise be an unattainable level of income. This is particularly evident in developing countries that lack a modern labor infrastructure.

In addition to economic hardship, statistics indicate that sexual and gender-based discrimination is a major factor in pushing women onto the streets. In 2017, a study conducted in Europe revealed that transgender individuals, especially those belonging to ethnic minorities, account for 33% of all sex workers.

There is also reason to believe that the objectification and sexualization of women in the media plays a large role in fueling prostitution. Such media depictions often glamorize the sex trade, which can lead to an innocent curiosity becoming a career path. The influence of pornographic culture perpetuates an unrealistic expectation of women as sexually available objects, which can further feed into the prostitution industry.

Lack of Adequate Legislation and Institution-Building
Silencing the voices of those affected by prostitution is another major factor that contributes to its ongoing presence within many societies. The stigma attached to this profession causes many people to be unwilling to talk openly about their experiences and feelings, discouraging them from seeking and receiving help or justice.

At the same time, a lack of appropriate legislation and government investment in public protection and institution-building also plays an important role in driving prostitution. In many countries, laws regulating prostitution are either too lax or too strictly enforced; this legal ambiguity can leave many prostitutes vulnerable to exploitation. Authorities must make a concerted effort to create well-enforced legislation that helps protect those most at risk from coercive practices.

Moreover, a lack of government support for finding alternative ways to earn an income can perpetuate the vicious cycle of prostitution. Without proper financial assistance and job training, many women remain trapped in this line of work, even when they desperately want to escape.

In addition, data from the 2017 Global Labor Mobility Report showed that 88% of all sex workers worldwide migrate to other countries in search of better economic opportunities. The risks of being trafficked and exploited increase significantly for these individuals, as traffickers take advantage of the insecurity and lack of protection for migrants in their destination countries.

Discrimination, Crime, Harassment and Gender-Based Violence
The social implications of prostitution should not be forgotten, as the trade is often characterized by rampant discrimination, harassment, and violent crimes against sex workers. Studies indicate that 81% of all prostitutes have experienced some form of violence or abuse, while 40% have been raped. The physical and psychological trauma caused by these events is often overlooked due to limited social awareness and a lack of supportive services.

Discriminatory attitudes and behavior towards sex workers can lead to social exclusion and alienation, which often drives them to the margins of society. Since prostitutes are often perceived as ‘inferior’ or morally ‘immoral’, they are frequently treated not as human beings but as commodities, resulting in further physical and psychological harm.

Organized crime syndicates are another major source of harm for those engaging in the sex trade. Studies show that approximately 20-25% of all prostitutes are controlled by gangs or other criminal organizations. This often leads to exploitation, violence, and abuse, with many criminal organizations resorting to blackmail, threats, and intimidation to keep their victims in line.

Furthermore, human trafficking and ‘school to prostitution’ crimes are all too common, with many unsuspecting women and children smuggled out of their home countries for the purpose of enslavement or exploitation. Far too often, traffickers lure vulnerable individuals into the sex trade by preying on their financial desperation or other forms of coercion and oppression. This has created a highly competitive market that forces thousands of individuals into prostitution each day.

Economic Consequences and Health Risks of Prostitution
The social and psychological implications of prostitution will be felt for decades to come, but its economic impact is just as relevant. Economists and development experts believe that the practice can cause a significant drain on local resources as it diverts money away from more productive investments, ultimately slowing or halting economic growth.

Moreover, prostitution often breeds a culture of exploitation and corruption, perpetuating the vicious cycle of mistreatment and poverty. This is compounded by links to organized crime, which can often create a highly unstable business and investment climate.

Finally, prostitution can have a severe impact on the health and wellbeing of those involved. Unsurprisingly, prostitutes are at a significantly higher risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), with estimates suggesting that up to 87% of all sex workers are infected with HIV/AIDS or other such illnesses. All of these factors have been largely overlooked by policymakers, yet contribute significantly to the issue.

The Need for Change, Support and Action
It is clear from the evidence presented here that prostitution is an incredibly complex issue, and its drivers are often deeply rooted in existing social, economic and political structures and attitudes. To effectively tackle this practice, we must make a concerted effort to address its underlying causes, which include poverty, discrimination, and unequal opportunities.

Thankfully, an increasing number of organizations have recognized the urgent need for investment in social support services, education, and job-training, allowing those trapped in the sex trade to escape. It is essential to provide those affected with access to legal aid, healthcare and counseling services, particularly for those who have been victims of violence or abuse.

Ultimately, policymakers, civil society organizations and individuals must join together to expose the ugly truths about what drives prostitution and create a sustainable long-term plan of action. Until then, the problem will only get worse and the cycle of exploitation and poverty will continue to flourish.

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