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Cheap Suboxone Clinics In Memphis
The Truth about High-End Drug Rehab and Why You Should Consider Holistic Drug Rehab
If you?re considering a high-end drug rehab facility, thinking that it is somehow superior in treatment methods to nearly all drug and alcohol treatment facilities, you have to know the reality about these expensive drug rehab facilities and about holistic drug rehab.

All traditional rehabilitation centers, including high-end drug rehab, derive from two principles, the condition theory and Twelve Step programs. These are the pillars of conventional drug addiction treatment. Unfortunately, they don't work for the overwhelHigh-end drug rehab centers are more luxurious than community drug rehab centers and less prestigious private rehab centers. If luxury can cure addiction just how holistic drug rehab can, then these pricey drug rehabilitation clinics will be a bargain at any price.

Unfortunately, even high-end drug rehab centers claim that there is no cure for addiction. In this they are no not the same as other treatment facilities. Although they may have significantly more illustrious staff and offer more comforts, spending money on a high-end facility does not guarantee a cure. suboxone clinics in memphis guarantees the absence of a cure.

Traditional drug rehab facilities believe that addiction to drugs or alcohol can be an incurable disease, that it could only be controlled. This control takes the form of attending weekly or even daily Twelve Step meetings for the rest of one?s life, and remaining forever a "recovering" addict.

The most disturbing facet of this form of treatment is the insistence on powerlessness. Twelve Step programs derive from the thought of the recovering addict?s "powerlessness" on the "disease" and over life. This type of recovery has a 3-5% success rate, for obvious reasons.

The "incurable disease" model of drug rehab differs from holistic drug rehab in many ways.

The first is that holistic drug rehab does cure addiction. The most crucial element in effecting this cure is believing that it's possible. If you are certain that addiction cannot be cured, you won't ever find the cure. Holistic drug addiction rehab centers begin from the idea that addiction isn't a disease, it is a disorder of your brain, body and spirit. A problem can be cured by restoring order.

Both high-end drug rehab centers and holistic drug rehab centers recognize the significance of detox in recovery from addiction.

The difference is that traditional drug rehabilitation centers use drugs for detox. Methadone, a highly addictive and dangerous drug, remains the drug of choice for heroin detox, while suboxone, equally addictive and dangerous, serves as a detox drug for opiate addiction. If using drugs to remove drugs from the body sounds just a little crazy, you are needs to get the idea. High-end drug rehab along with other traditional drug rehab clinics do not believe in natural cures. They work strictly on the medical model.

This is where the holistic drug rehab centers develop a cure that traditional, even high-end drug rehab programs cannot bring about.

Holistic drug rehab programs being with detox, just like the medically-based programs. But holistic treatment involves no medication, does not have any side effects, and is really a true detoxification. Using the Ibogaine program for detoxification, holistic drug addiction treatment removes not merely the drugs, but additionally other toxins, from the body. This cleansing process prepares your body and the brain for a complete program of healing and a remedy from addiction.

Holistic addiction treatment involves working to heal your brain, body and spirit and create a new person who is not dependent on drugs. This occurs by detoxifying the body, developing a mindset shift that literally changes your brain by changing the thoughts, and restoring the spirit and soul.

Starting from the position that there is no cure, traditional high-end drug rehab must use the medical and Twelve Steps approaches. If addiction can be an incurable disease and if alternative treatment methods such as Ibogaine are not an option, it really is obvious that the only real option is to "manage the disease." The accepted methods of managing the addiction "disease," for the past 75 years, have already been drugs (referred to as medications) and Twelve Step programs.

You will find a serious issue with this use of the same options for several decades, in spite of their failure to cure drug and alcohol addiction. AA members are fond of two sayings: "In the event that you always do everything you always did, you?ll always get everything you always got," and "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

High-end drug rehab centers continue steadily to do what they always did. Should they expected different results, this behavior would be sad. However, they continue doing a similar thing again and again, expecting the same results. Taking into consideration the abysmal results that traditional centers currently get from their treatments, an addict might make an observation something like this: "And I?M said to be the crazy one?"ming most people.

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