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hello jesus, i like to type here to speak to u to help my words in my head it feels better. anyways. jesus i just wanted to tell u more about what i have faith in will happen because i have nobody to talk to it about and i love how u can listen to me i can pour my heart out to u whenever im annoyed or sad or anything u are here for me to hear me and i feel ur presence here. lord God i was wondering whoever reads my support email that i sent to roblox would be a nice and kind hearted person. please because everyday it hurts my heart to get onto this game and remember that all my stuff is gone because i loved my items.. and to be honest that thing that was bothering me that someone found out was hard and it hurt it was emotional pain but this is physical pain. i can feel that they took something from me that meant alot to me and it broke my heart. for a few months i had nothing and no items. i remember that i stole things from people and it was horrible. i grew greedy and i drifted away from u each time i did that i was commiting a sin. a terrible one that was in ur commandment. when my stuff was taken away it felt like a bullet went through my chest. it hurt so much it hurt alot. i remember that moment and i will remember it for the rest of my life because i was very sad and broken. when i went to my room to sleep i got on roblox and saw that i was banned. my heart shattered into a million pieces. it felt like hell and when i got banned the very first time on my other account i felt very sad and i just didnt play roblox for months and months but i stole to grow my items because i grew greedy and i understood that it was bad but i was making myself believe that it wasnt a sin because it wasnt real life but now i understand that its the worst thing ever.. i believe that it was horrible the things i did to people. it was very bad and it hurt them as much as it hurt me but to be fully honest God. i would rather they stole it from me than me getting banned. because if they stole it atleast someone would of had it and i had a chance of getting it back but i was banned fully off roblox. fully. it hurt me so much that when i went to my room and opened roblox to sell some items to make my avatar that it was all gone. eveything it was gone
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Regards; Team

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