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You will be able to upgrade Military for 150g. Upgrading military will provide you +1 to stats of that unit each 4 levels, it means when you have Tank with 4/2 stats and you upgrade military to level 4, your tank will have 5/3 stats. Upgrading military will also raise your morale.
Morale will be very important in battles. If your army fight with low morale, your units can flee from battle or surrender to enemies. You can keep it high by upgrading your Military and not loosing too much :P

UNITS Stats: Offensive/Defensive
Militia - 1/2 - 20G
Infantry - 2/1 - 30G
Artillery - 2/2 - 35G
Light Tank - 4/1 - 55G - Requires Factory
Heavy Tank - 5/2 - 70G - Requires Factory
Rail Cannon - 5/5 - 100G - Requires Factory & Railway Station, Can move only on railways
Transport Ship - 0/3 - 80G -Allows you to transport your units. Max 50 units per 1 transport. - Requires Shipyard
Battleship - 4/4 - 130G - Battleship only useable against enemy transports and battleships, can sink transports with all units. - Requires Shipyard
Transport Plane - 0/3 - 300G - Allows you to transport Militia, Infantry and Artillery, max 25 units. Can be shot down by enemy fighters and artillery - Requires Aviation Camp
Fighter - 12/3 - 500G - Extremly strong plane, can be used against ships, ground units and enemy planes. Can be shot down by enemy fighters or artillery. - Requries Aviation Camp
Bomber - 15/5 - 650G - Unit that allows you to destroy enemy towns, railways and armies, can be shot down by enemy fighters or artillery. - Requires Aviation Camp


Upgrading adimistrative will cost you 50G and allows you to build 1 more town per 1 level. Each country will start with 2 of maximum 3 towns.


Towns provide you income, each country will start with 2 towns and beign able to build 1 more without upgradin Administrative up to 3/3. To build more towns you must upgrade your Administrative. Each town will provide you +50G income per round. If enemy player captures your town, you will lose income and he will get it.


Building Railway Station will allow you to build railways to connect your towns. Connecting towns cost 75G and provides you with 25G bonus income each turn. (In the long term its very convenient) You can build new town directly on your railway. You can connect your towns with foreign towns with permission of player/AI that controls foreign country, but both of you have to pay 75G.


Tank Factory - 250G - Allows you to create tanks
Railway Station - 250G - Allows you to build railways to connect towns and create Rail Cannons
Barracks - 800G - Duplicate every Militia, Infantry and Artillery you train
Aviation Camp - 700G - Allows you to create planes
Shipyard - 350G - Allows you to create ships


There will be 3 factions from begining, Allies, Axis and Comintern. Starting players of each faction (Allies = GB, France) (Axis = Germany, Italy) (Comintern - USSR) cant leave their factions! All other players can freely pick to join any faction if superpowers agree with it, or create own faction with at least 2 players. EACH FACTION CAN CONTAIN ONLY 5 PLAYERS APART OF ORIGINAL,CREATING OR REBEL STATES! IT MEANS ALLIED FACTION CAN HAVE ONLY 7 PLAYERS! France + GB + 5 others!


Defeated players which countries are occupied can call for national uprising. It will return you to game with some units and you will be automaticaly added to enemy faction of country that occupy you. For example if you're Estonia and USSR will defeat you, you will make uprising, get units and will be added to Allies or Axis faction.


National Strenght means unity of your nation. If it reach 0, you will be forced to surrender to your enemies. Keeping national strength high means not loosing to much wars, army morale and such things.


To attack any country, you have to declare war. Capturing territories from foreign states will be just your zone of occupation not parts of your state. To get this lands you have to make a pact with occupied state where they agree with leaving territory to you. If they wont do it, it will be just your zone of occupation, you will control it, you will get gold from captured towns but it wont be part of your state.
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