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Table Etiquette

1. What is table etiquette? Table etiquette is a set of guidelines for proper behavior when eating
2. Preparing for the meal:
ºCome to the table neat and presentable
ºWash your hands and comb your hair - do not do these things at the table
ºDon't sit until invited to - stand behind your chair until invited
3. During meal
ºFollow hosts' lead to begin serving and passing food
> don't take more than your share, don't eat until everyone's served, take a little of everything to respect cook, taste before seasoning
4. Napkins
ºkeep in lap while at table, place on chair when leaving temporarily, use to discretely remove food/bones from mouth
5. Soup
ºdon't slurp, don't blow on soup, use side of spoon
6. Bread rolls
ºrolls are placed on bread and butter plates, put butter on side of plate, not directly on roll, don't make a sandwich
7. Food
ºcut food into manageable bites, but only one or two at a time, chew slowly with mouth closed, don't lean down to food
8. It is polite to leave table if you: have to blow your nose or are having a long bout of coughing
9. Deposit pits or seeds into spoon
10. Pick teeth in private, not at table
11. Accidents
ºuse napkin to mop up unless large or very messy, then ask host
ºif you drop a utensil, leave it and ask for a replacement
12. Keep arms and elbows off table
13. End of meal
ºsilverware should be at 5 o'clock position to signal you're finished
ºleave loosely folded (but neat) napkin beside plate on table
ºdo not stack plates unless asked by host
14. Continental Style
ºthe fork is held in left hand, the knife in the right hand - don't tranfer utensils from hand to hand
15. Avoid talking with food in mouth
ºtake small bites to be ready for conversation and wait until finished chewing to respond to questions
16. Swallow food before drinking (unless choking) and do not slurp or gulp
17. Your knife and fork should not bridge the plate and do not place the knife between tines of fork
18. Knife and fork positions
19. Host/Hostess
ºFollow host/hostess example, esp. if unsure what to do
ºEat after they do and leave table after them (or with their permission)
20. Dining out
ºyou are a guest
ºbe considerate of other patrons
ºleave a 15-20% tip
ºif you have a problem with the food, politely ask the waiter/waitress to take it back
ºdo not expect the rest of your table to wait on you
21. Electronics at table
ºit is rude to use your cell at a table (texting, browsing, etc.)
ºif you must take a call, leave the table
ºdon't use a cell phone in a public rest room either
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