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The Secret Secrets Of Pancreatic Cancer Caused By Railroad How To Get A Settlement
Causes of AML Caused by Railroads

In the past railroad workers have been exposed to many harmful chemicals. This type of exposure could cause leukemia, which is a fatal cancer that affects the blood cells.

Anyone diagnosed with acute myeloidleukemia (AML) may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering. Contact an attorney from the railroad AML settlement attorney today to begin the process.

rad caused by railroad how to get a settlement to benzene is a major reason for AML among railroad workers. A clear, flammable and clear liquid with a sweet smell it is a component of diesel fuel and gasoline as well as being employed in various products, including plastics, rubbers, degreasers paints, lubricants and paints. Infrequent contact with diesel or benzene is not likely to cause illness, however long-term exposure can cause chronic diseases such as leukemia.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified benzene as known carcinogen. Exposure to benzene is linked to leukemia in children and acute lymphocytic (ALL) chronic leukemias, and various blood cancers such non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma in adults.

Another chemical that may trigger AML among railroad workers is coal creosote tar. This rot-resistant product is utilized on railway ties and electric poles. Our attorneys who specialize in railroad cancer can link the coal tar creosote and leukemia.

Trichloroethylene, an organic compound that is colorless and is used primarily as a degreaser in industrial settings is also linked to AML in railroad workers. blood cancer caused by railroad how to get a settlement & Luxenberg has filed lawsuits against railcar repairmen, and other workers who were exposed chemical. Our lawyers can help establish medical causation and file the appropriate claims under FELA.


It is a chemical that is produced from coal-tar. It is used as a wood preserver in order to create railroad ties that are resistant to insect and rot. It is a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo[a]pyrene. They are recognized as carcinogens.

The substance is toxic and can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled or ingested. Rail yard waste and soil which is contaminated by toxic substances are common sources. The exposure to chemicals can cause skin burns, chemical eye injuries as well as mental agitation and kidney problems. Toxins also circulate in the blood and linger for a long time in the lung.

A former employee of the rail track department recently received a verdict of $7,500,000 after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia due to exposure to chemicals such as creosote and others. He was employed by a company that was acquired by Union Pacific. He spent 31 years cleaning railroad ties, working with railroad ties, and working in railway yards.

The railroad company did not provide him with the proper personal protective equipment, such as gloves, coversalls, and masks when he was performing his duties. blood cancer caused by railroad how to get a settlement was often exposed to chemicals despite the company's knowledge that exposure for a long time could be risky. He is seeking compensation under the Federal Employers' Liability Act. He also has other medical conditions, like permanent nerve damage to his legs and feet, as well as impaired vision. He also has memory loss, impotence, and transplant-versus-host disease.


Asbestos was a hazard mineral fiber used for many railway jobs. Mesothelioma and lung cancer are among its toxic effects. Railroad workers who were exposed asbestos on the job may be entitled to compensation. An asbestos attorney for railroads will review medical records to determine whether an person is eligible for an asbestos suit.

When working on trains repair shops, trains, and other railway facilities, railroad employees may be exposed to asbestos benzene creosote. An experienced railroad asbestos attorney can help individuals determine the extent of their exposure and if it caused an asbestos-related illness like mesothelioma.

Railroad workers diagnosed with mesothelioma, or another asbestos-related illness, may also file a claim for workers compensation. These claims can be used to pay funeral costs as well as medical expenses and other mesothelioma-related losses. Rail workers who have been injured can file a claim under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA).

Anyone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or any other asbestos-related illnesses or lost a loved one to mesothelioma must contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyer from the railroad to discuss their case. A qualified railroad asbestos attorney can assist their clients to seek justice and negotiate an equitable settlement. Call us now to get started. A free consultation is available. Ken Danzinger, an experienced railroad worker cancer lawyer has secured millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for his clients and their families.

Herbicides and Pesticides

Many railroad workers are exposed pesticides and herbicides during their job. These chemicals are applied on railroad right-ofways to kill insects and plants. These chemicals are sprayed on the tracks, yards and other railroad property. Research has proven that people exposed to these chemicals are at a higher risk of developing AML. Herbicides, unlike creosote are not easily eliminated. They can remain in the soil for years. Studies which included information on exposure assessment through peer-topeer interviews or occupational exposure matrixes showed stronger correlations between OPE and AML than those that did not.

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