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Democratic Deficit:

Article 1:

Article 2:

Article 3:

Article 4:
cons-doesn't represent the population of the region. more for national tactics and interests rather tha the community, making it lose some unity and attention some leaders in charge don't have good leadership qualities and are slightly incompetent regarding maintaining contentment throughout the region. not much public support. not a common notion for joint destiny since much diversity w language and culture throughout region. lack of debate, so there is not much an idea or notion on what to be done. no strong federal control. lack of power + sovereignty. not much pros- largest economy free trade, open borders which diversifies economy. less of a chance of war within region.

Article 5:
pros- EU allows members to come together to better their continent, putting differences aside and working towards an overall status and goal. there's little conflict b/w members which results in more solidarity. that unity helps the members promote widespread sustainability, prosperity, and democracy and it keeps them tight-knit. wealthy nations in charge don't take advantage of smaller, poorer members. or control them. open and a decent # of members which bring more resources and opens up job opportunities-- good for economy. many members have much influence cons-they focus on terrorism, crime, illegal immigration, poverty etc., but not environmental issues.

cons-they focus on terrorism, crime, illegal immigration, poverty etc., but not environmental issues.

Article 6:
pros are many of EU's citizens benefit from outcome, it brings forth more cooperation and unity making things easier to be achieved, and there's some sense of political leadership.
cons are that there's clear institutional weaknesses and crisis. also there are many crucial issues but little debate to overcome them thus making it harder to achieve goals

Article 7:
pros- again, some political leadership. country taking initiative to attemp to resolve an issue though it seems impossible or difficult to fix.
cons- could be there's a financial crisis within EU in general therefore not enough credibility or validity maybe w social issues. again quite a lack of communication for resolutions. and so many economic, political, and social issues that many members are indifferent and apathetic to the issues. and no long term objectives. bad decision making, very slow + inefficient
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