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What's All of the Fuss About HI-DEF Scanning?
When it involves making precise measurements in complicated environments, high definition scanning - or 3D laser surveying, as it may also be called - is quickly making its way to leading of the line in a wide range of industries from engineering to historic preservation.

Engineers use laser scans to work with real-world conditions in complex industrial as-built and plant environments. Construction companies utilize them to gather precise data on site terrain and renovations, and architects use them to check on proposed design models against existing conditions to fine-tune their designs.

Even insurance companies and police have gotten up to speed, utilizing the technology to recreate large-scale accident scenes.

Exactly why is it better? For one, laser scans are incredibly precise. Images are created from the "point cloud" of an incredible number of points which might be measured precisely including the distances and elevations between points. Also, they are versatile. The scans, when used with digital color photos, can produce survey-quality files, videos as well as 3D animated computer models and so are so intuitive that a good novice can understand the info.

Laser scans may also be fast. In 2006, whenever we bought our first scanner, it took almost one hour to make a full dome 360 degree scan. Now we can scan in 6-8 minutes. This enables us to take many more scans and capture greater detail than we did before.

Scanning almost always pays for itself. It really is cheaper in the long term because you can revisit the initial scan multiple times from your own computer desktop without needing to revisit the project site. Also, because the technology is so precise, the necessity for construction reworks and expensive retrofitting is minimized or removed altogether.

For firms thinking about getting involved with this technology, you can find currently three ways to capture 3D data on large scale projects: Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), Mobile LiDAR, and Terrestrial Scanners, which all produce LiDAR data.

Typical projects for terrestrial scanners are large pipes and tunnels, manufacturing facilities, plant process facilities, airport conveyor systems, bridges, buildings, towers and construction projects. (Our firm focuses on terrestrial jobs, because so many cannot be readily scanned from airplanes or cars.)

The expense of entry into this type of scanning is generally between $150,000 to $250,000 for the first units and software. (Although less costly scanners are actually available, software programs can be expensive and the expense of training should also be looked at.)

Aerial platforms and Mobile platforms start at $500,000 and rise to $5,000,000. These units are constantly being upgraded with newer and better digital sensors and data management enhancements. We currently work with service contractors on these kind of jobs, which are usually centered on documenting civil infrastructure on a much larger scale than terrestrial scans.

Projects could include scanning 100 miles of road to prepare a pavement analysis, mapping 1,000 miles of rail line, or mapping the City of Atlanta and producing 3D types of all the buildings.

If the expense of these units seems intimidating, take into account that firms which have already committed to these technologies tend to be available to partnering opportunities with smaller firms.

Small scanning targets objects how big is a Volkswagen completely right down to the mechanical components inside of a wrist watch. Mobile Mapping Lawrence Weston in this field - commonly known as "reverse engineering" - include quality control of manufactured parts or data capture for a manufactured process. An average project could possibly be scanning an ornate stair rail so that an exact replica can be created from wood, metal or composite.

This scanning method is indeed precise you could dissemble a toaster, rifle or carburetor, scan the parts, manufacture duplicates, plus they would all work when re-assembled.

What can be scanned?

If it can be built, it can be scanned. There is virtually nothing built that cannot be duplicated and modeled with current scanning techniques.

As well as the engineering, construction and manufacturing industries, this technology can be being used by insurance firms and law enforcement to reconstruct accident scenes - like when a highway bridge falls during rush-hour traffic or perhaps a multi-car pile-up - and also on Hollywood sets. There are Learn more that make their living scanning elaborate movie sets before and after they are constructed.

To give you an idea of the wide-ranging capabilities of this technology, within the last month, we've scanned a 120-foot pipe in Chicago, a 737 aircraft in Delaware, a luggage system in LaGuardia, and the interior of a peppermill in Virginia. This technology is everywhere!

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