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Your Virtual Reality
You will not like this, but the odds are uncomfortable high that your physical reality isn't physical at all, but virtual. In other words, you don't exist with the substance and structure you think you exhibit. Even though you might play various simulation or video gaming, you in turn are being played, or at the very least programmed, by persons or things unknown. So this is actually the Simulation Hypothesis, otherwise referred to as the Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe scenario, in review.

Premise: There is technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (the exact number is of no consequence) and/or our descendants qualify as having constructed a sophisticated terrestrial civilization, way in advance of that in the first 21st Century.

Premise: Such civilizations, ours or theirs, not only possess advanced technology, but have and do experience exponential grown in those and ever newer technologies.

Premise: Such civilizations usually do not become extinct.

Premise: Such civilizations construct and run simulations, just as we in the early 21st Century do. The reasons are numerous. There are simulations for research purposes, fun and profit, educational training, etc.

Premise: There are vastly more simulated worlds and beings than you can find real worlds and beings if our very own here and now is anything to go by given the ever proliferation of video gaming, etc.

Premise: Consciousness or awareness can be simulated. Consciousness or awareness is everything you are, but you are just information, a code, an alphabet constructed out of letters that form words that form sentences that form paragraphs that form chapters that ultimately form you - you're a book in human form. It is possible to reduce any life form right down to its genetic code - information. Information could be coded as bits and bytes. In essence your uniqueness is a barcode as well as your consciousness or awareness is just the interactions of your barcode with all the rest of the sets of software that comprise the Simulation (Virtual Reality) Universe scenario.

If Check out this site are granted, then your conclusion is that it's highly likely that we are 'living' in a simulation. The logic is sound. If you reject the conclusion, you need to reject one or more of the six initial premises and there could be no if, ands or buts about your objection. There may be no possible counter objections or exceptions to your objection or rejection of anybody or more of the premises. For instance, you may object and say that such civilizations do go extinct before developing advanced simulation technologies, but that could have to apply 100% over the board.

Let's focus on the assumption that you don't really exist in a really real reality. Instead, you are virtual reality, a creation (together with the rest of life, the Universe and everything) by a flesh-and-blood fallible Supreme Programmer that created software that led to our Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe. What types of things might follow from such a scenario?

If idea freaks you out, reflect that even if you have just existed as bits and bytes (instead of an accumulation of elementary particles and forces), it doesn't alter one jot anything you did or didn't do in your past, whether or not you are pleased with anything you have or haven't accomplished. Whatever runs you have on the board remain there.

Being a virtual being won't alter one jot anything about your own future. Since the software controls life, the Universe and everything, after the initial parameters were set, everything became deterministic, even though not predictable to mortals (of which the Supreme Programmer is one). The Universe, which you are a component, is unfolding since it should. The fact that the outcome isn't predictable must not be surprising since that is the point of doing a simulation. What's the point of doing a simulation in the event that you already know what the results is going to be?

Free Will: A software generated universe wouldn't give you the option of free will. Even for quite different reasons, many people believe that they don't really have any free will yet they still proceed through life quite content with whatever their deterministic runs are on the board happen to be, so a sudden discover that you do not have free will because you are pre-programmed bits and bytes shouldn't unplug your heating pad. In the event that you stop and think about things, even though you do have free will it is so constrained by physics, chemistry and biology and by society that you may as well stuff the majority of it in a box and bury it.

If you are still freaked out, does it ultimately matter whether your chair is made from tiny strings; electrons, neutrons and protons; a quantum wave function; or bits and bytes? It is possible to still sit inside it! That's your bottom's line! If your simulation is as good (or better) that basically real reality, what's the difference?

Billions and billions of folks have come and gone never even conceiving of the possibility of a virtual reality world, and even though none the wiser, their virtual reality had absolutely no bearing on what they thought they were, what type of life they thought that they had led, and everything they accomplished and patted themselves on the trunk for.

So what are some of the outcomes of the Simulation (Virtual Reality) Universe scenario?

For starters, you have an explanation of why there is something rather than nothing - a philosophical quandary that ranks right up there with the Big Questions of reality. Software is a something and you can't have a virtual reality or perhaps a simulation without those bits and bytes.

Ageing: Right now of one's conception your ageing process began yet there seems to be no theoretical reason for the ageing process Regardless, there is apparently nothing that you can do about this or its inevitable conclusion. Your wellbeing will decline with ageing until you die. Even though you spent your existence in some type of 'safe house' free from accidents and deliberate acts of malice against you; even though all of the air you breathed was filtered clear of parasites and viruses and pollutants; even if you ate a perfectly balanced diet of three meals each day with all foods free of artificial colors, flavors and ingredients and everything was 100% 'organic' with lots of fruits and vegetables; even if your water was distilled and absolutely pure; although you may took no drugs like caffeine or nicotine or alcohol; even if every moment of every day was absolutely stress free; even when you got your eight hours of sleep each day; even though you got plenty of exercise, both mental and physical, you will still age and go downhill towards that bucket which you will kick. You cannot prevent that complex biochemical ageing time bomb that's inherently inside you and which emerged from the simplicity of your conception. As I said, there doesn't look like any physical, chemical or biological explanations why you should age. On the other hand, that may be considered among the consequences or subroutines of one's software program

Death: If life can be an emergent property of the cosmos, then death is an emergent property of life, though if you can stay away from accidents, murder, or disease, there seems to be little reason behind someone to kick the bucket since there is no theoretical reason why a living organism must die a natural death providing your body continually receives an adequate way to obtain all resources necessary for life (food, oxygen or skin tightening and (if a plant), water, etc.). However, entropy will not be denied and there is nothing that can be done (at least in the here and now) about it no matter how well you follow doctor's orders. Again, perhaps death is just among those programmed in subroutines of one's software programming.

Afterlife: Although some people have confidence in an afterlife, or at least would like to, they might be hard-pressed to come with logical or scientific reasons how it might actually arrived at pass apart from God says so. However, in the Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe, an afterlife is a computer software away, as 'easy' as constructing as your normal programmed virtual 'life'. It's just end software subroutine Jane Doe's 'life'; begin software subroutine Jane Doe's 'afterlife'. Another interesting possibility here is that the sort of afterlife your culture instilled into you will be the one that you obtain, even though concepts of the afterlife differ widely from culture to culture.

God: The Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe scenario has no effect on theological belief systems. If you truly believe in God, then you argue that God created the Supreme Programmer. If your theology is flexible, you can think that the Supreme Programmer is a 'god' or passes for a deity. If you are an atheist, you've kept your faith contrary to the existence of a supernatural being, of which the Supreme Programmer isn't - supernatural that is. It is possible to give God the big thumbs down while acknowledging ET having some fun with a software program. But you've got to wonder the way the major organized trilogy of monotheistic religions are going to react when they find that their God is really some teenage computer geek who virtually created our life, the universe and, well, virtual everything as a science project!

External Reality: There would relatively little effect on everything you perceive about your external reality. It would apparently be a reflection of really real reality (RRR). That's unless you found an anomaly or perhaps a miracle, a thing that most would say "it can not be therefore it isn't" to counter your "I know what I saw". After all witnessing such unusual things as crop circles, Sasquatch (Bigfoot), the Loch Ness Monster or a sea serpent, a ghost or perhaps a host of other paranormal or pseudoscientific mysteries which are unexplained phenomena.

Quantum Physics: Quantum physics is all around (and inside) of you, and contains to be counted as part of your really real reality (RRR). Quantum physics would have to qualify as one of these 'paranormal' anomalies. Any physicist who tells you with a straight face that quantum physics isn't highly anomalous is a very good actor and superb liar. However, you are unlikely to detect the anomalies unless you are conversant with quantum physics and look for the anomalies as a matter needless to say. Everything appears normal, but looks can be extremely deceiving.

Fine-Tuning: It's been noted by many that quite a few of the laws, principles and relationships of physics, and chemistry too, have values in a way that if those values varied by a good tiny amount, biology wouldn't be possible. Actually, in some cases chemistry wouldn't be possible, nor even a lot of physics. This calls for an explanation. The foremost is that it is all blind luck - sometimes you obtain dealt a royal flush on the very first hand of your initial poker game. The next explanation is that there exists a Multiverse - thousands, millions, billions, even trillions of universes each with a differing set of those laws, principles and relationships of physics. 99.999% of those universes will never be ideal for biology (once we know it) as well as chemistry or much of physics for example, but just predicated on sheer probability, a tiny few will turn out to be a Goldilocks (bio-friendly) universe. The original objection I have isn't with the idea of a Multiverse, but with the idea that the laws, principles and relationships of physics will be different in each of the various universes. There is no explanation of why this must be so. Of course it doesn't alter why our Universe is bio-friendly, and that is what counts, otherwise we wouldn't be here, would we? Explanation number 3 is needless to say God and intelligent design. We're here because God designed initially a bio-friendly Universe and a bio-friendly Planet Earth. The concept of God has so much baggage that I have plenty of trouble accepting that explanation. But I do like the variation on the theme - the Supreme Programmer. If you are going to design software for a simulation or a video game, etc. you have got to intelligently design that software to help keep those inconsistencies or oops to an absolute minimum, if not ideally zero. The simulation or gaming must be a viable simulation or gaming, or basically, a Goldilocks simulation or perhaps a bio-friendly video game.

SETI: Why can't radio or other astronomers find any evidence for ET? - Perhaps because extraterrestrials were never programmed into the VR software.

The End: Computers (or Disc players which run 'software' by means of CDs or DVDs) come with all types of controls. You can hit the 'pause' bottom to freeze the action in time or the 'stop' button to recycle the action back to the beginning. You can hit 'enter' or 'play' to unfreeze the action or to start or restart the action. Oftentimes you can hit the 'delete' button. If our simulated world is embedded in software in an average computer (we're unlikely to be encoded on a CD or DVD but who knows) then 'The End' will come at any moment (sort of like what Christians keep on saying about their Second Coming, the apocalypse or Armageddon).

The Supreme Programmer could hit 'pause' which means life, the Universe and everything just freezes until the Supreme Programmer hits 'play' again. We'd never be familiar with that 'missing time' any more compared to the characters in a DVD film know about the time lapse in the event that you hit the pause button to go answer the phone while you're watching their film. The Supreme Programmer could hit the 'stop' button to recycle everything back to the start. We wouldn't be aware of that until perhaps such time as our recycled moment in sunlight came around again and we got that feeling of d�j� vu. The Supreme Programmer could perhaps tweak his software with a downloadable update which might also serve to wipe our memories of 'before the tweak' in order that we wouldn't notice any discrepancies between the 'before' and the 'after'. Or, if our virtual memory wasn't wiped with the upgrade, then that might account for why some of our physical 'constants' are not quite so constant in the end. Rewritten over software might also account for phantoms, both animate (like ghosts) and inanimate. Lastly, the Supreme Programmer is finished and this program ends. Of course the Supreme Programmer could now rerun this program, or tweak/upgrade it and rerun it. It's interesting to notice how many cosmologies, especially ancient ones just like the Maya and Hindus, have a recycling cosmology: cosmic Birth - cosmic existence - cosmic death; cosmic birth - cosmic existence - cosmic death. Even Christianity promises a new heaven and a fresh earth after those 'end of days' or the 'end times'. Of course the Supreme Programmer could just hit the 'delete' button and that is just THE FINISH of our virtual life, the virtual Universe and the virtual everything; or simply accidentally drop the computer smashing it to smithereens; or spill his coffee on the keyboard; or maybe the hard-drive crashes; or possibly the Supreme Programmer just turns the computer off and dies before ever turning it back on. This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a fade-to-black.

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