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Small Business Hiring Tips: Their Likes Must Be Your Dislikes
In the first 1990s, I was an Insurance professional in St. Bernard Parish. (A Louisiana Parish next to the east side of Orleans Parish) I was not an agent more than 4 or 5 years. I vividly understand that day whereby we had a visiting agent named Jay Butler come in and speak to our business group. Jay Butler had recently retired. He was from the California area if my memory serves me correctly. His passionate purpose was to visit in the united states discussing some interesting ideas and giving back again to his Insurance Business "family". Jay knew he was in his final months fighting pancreatic cancer. Because he knew his time was limited, he actually worked seven days a week graciously meeting with clients on Saturdays, Sundays or anytime.


Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the center of the page. On the left side of the page start listing all the things that you don't like to do in your current job. So, take the time, maybe pause from reading forward, and really think of all the items that you do not like to do and write them down.

Now after really working hard on listing the "DISLIKES", now turn your focus to the proper side of the page. Your "LIKES". Vertically write down all the aspects of your job or your career that you really do enjoy and like to do. Maybe even want to do.

Although this idea's simple, it is profound. Some of you won't take this exercise seriously enough because you will be quickly searching for the easy answer. But, for it to be "the solution", it has to be more complicated.

The Answer

1. Every day, once you wake up, it is advisable to spend your time concentrating on only doing the items you like to do. Resolve and commit to hiring and developing a team of people that their strengths are the things that you don't prefer to do, and let them take action. Did you really catch that last statement?

2. You cannot amass major income without first mastering the ability to delegate. But you need to delegate your DISLIKES to associates that are strong in that area. Their LIKES should be your DISLIKES.

3. You will constantly have to scout and recruit new talent. You do not do that just once a year, because you never know when you will eventually lose a team member. Things happen, people get jobs in various locations, sickness, health issues, death, accidents. Many perils in life can happen, so you must continue to look for people who would be a secured asset to your team. But what you cannot do is continue to fool yourself and live beneath the illusion that might be enough time to be strong in all the areas you are weak.

4. There's a man by the name of Dan Sullivan. He's the co-owner with his wife within their company, "The Strategic Coach". And something of Dan Sullivan's philosophies is simply this: In the event that you spend your entire life concentrating on your weaknesses, what you're going to have by the end of your life is really a long set of strong weaknesses, but they're still likely to be weaknesses. more info -wired for success. However, you must determine what it is that you're good at and focus the primary portion of your time on that.

The Jay Butler story is a superb story about giving back again to us in his this past year of life, when he knew that he was terminally ill. The ONE GOOD IDEA that I'll remember is: focus on the things you prosper and delegate the others to others.

Marvin is a left-handed, right-brained, intense, fun-loving, full blooded Cajun Man. He was an insurance agent for 18 years in St. website , a town of 70,000 people. All 27,000 homes were damaged in Hurricane Katrina. Additional info would never be the same and he's all the better for it. Marvin focuses NOT on Surviving the STORM, but learning how exactly to DANCE in the rain.
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