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American-Style Fridge Freezers: 11 Things You've Forgotten To Do
The Best American Fridge Freezer

American fridge freezers - also referred to as side-by-side models have a large capacity and are adored by users. The Samsung RS8000 is a top option with lots of storage space and a sleek minimalist appearance.

It comes with a non-plumbed dispenser that dispenses chilled water and ice, meaning you won't need to keep refilling the jugs. It is rated with an A+ rating for energy efficiency, which will help you save money on your energy bills.

1. Samsung RS8000

RS8000 is a smart refrigerator with 21-inch touch screen. It features Bixby, apps and more. It is best for families with a high level of technology who have other Samsung appliances, and want an appliance that is smart.

Twin Cooling Plus can keep your food fresh and moist for up to two times longer. It monitors and optimises temperatures inside your fridge, and ensures that odours aren't mixed. It does this by using two airflows separate from each other, and precise temperature control.

SpaceMax Technology provides extra space inside, without increasing the size of the exterior. The slimmer wall creates more space for grocery items. Smart Conversion allows you to convert your freezer into a refrigerator, which is ideal for freezing fish and meat.

You don't have to open the door of the main refrigerator to get cold drinks. The swish ShowCase doors are more spacious than standard fridge doors, making it easier to access your milk and snacks.

Digital inverter technology adjusts motor power of the refrigerator in accordance with cooling requirements, meaning that it uses less power and runs quieter. Total No Frost prevents ice build-up, meaning you'll spend less time defrosting and more time enjoying your chilled food. A stainless steel finish looks beautiful in any kitchen.

2. american-style fridge freezers & Paykel RF605QDUVX1

They occupy more space than other freezers in refrigerators and are difficult to fit into smaller kitchens.

These large appliances aren't all bad. They can be great choices in the event that you have enough space. The Fisher & Paykel RF605QDUVX1 is a great example of a fridge that is American-style freezer with lots of storage space. It also has a host of innovative features such as the Moist Balancing Crisper drawer, which ensures that your fruits and vegetables last longer, as well as the fast-freeze feature that lowers the temperature of the freezer rapidly.

Other features of this model include the WiFi connection, so you can control the freezer and fridge via your smartphone, and chilled water dispensers that twist and serve ice cubes. It has a good split between freezer and fridge capacity, with 364 litres in the chiller and 173 litres in the freezer. It's rated A+ for energy efficiency which means it shouldn't be expensive to run.

As a general rule it's a good idea to check the annual running costs of any fridge freezer before you purchase. It's easy to think you're buying a bargain, but spending a few dollars on a cheap model could cost you more in the end. Also look for models that have frozen freezers that are frost-free as they will save you the time and effort of defrosting.

3. Beko ASD241

If you're looking to enhance your fridge freezer with top-of-the-line features This Beko model is a fantastic choice. It has micro vents that circulate air around which keeps your food and veggies fresher for longer. It's also frost-free, so you won't need to spend time removing layers of ice. It's also more quiet than other refrigerator freezers we've tried.

It's a massive 364 litres of chiller space, which is a good of 190 litres of freezer space and has plenty of storage space inside the door, with four slim shelves and two drawers. It also comes with Wi-Fi which allows you to connect smart screens for making shopping lists, reviewing recipes, and checking the inventory.

Beko's NeoFrost technology runs two separate cooling systems, which means you can keep perishables in both sections without the risk of transferring smells between them. It also has a non-plumbed water dispenser, so you can enjoy chilled water without needing to refill jugs with water from the kitchen tap.

American fridge freezers are somewhat more expensive than those with side-byside units, but you can get a good bargain with this one from Bosch. It's bigger than the majority of models on this list, however it comes with a top build quality and a highly efficient Arating of A++. Its smart features are also a major draw.

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